Feature Data Objects (FDO) CMake Experimental Build =================================================== This ReadMe contains instructions of how to use CMake to compile FDO without using the automake/shell scripts. Initial support is only Linux, Unix and Windows and the goal is use all possible system external libraries. For Windows external library support is provided by vcpkg (https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg) as is a requirement for the CMake build on Windows. Current Status: - Compiles Whole FDO Core and Utilities, and the following providers: - SDF - SHP - OGR - SQLite - GDAL - GenericRdbms (ODBC, MySQL, PostgreSQL) - SQL Server (Windows only) - WFS - WMS - KingOracle - When compiling on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and newer, all thirdparty libraries needed by FDO can be acquired through apt-get. None of the in-tree thirdparty components need to be built. TODO - Create a global instalable FindFDO.cmake to enable providers compile independent of full FDO source - Compile providers ( independent ) ---------------------------------- Unix / Linux Instructions ---------------------------------- I. Requirements Base: CMake (2.8 or higher) A version of gcc with C++11 support (4.8 or higher) For CentOS 6, you can install devtoolset for modern gcc (https://www.softwarecollections.org/en/scls/rhscl/devtoolset-7/) For system libraries, development packages for: openssl curl gdal cppunit xerces-c xalan-c postgresql mysql unixODBC For Ubuntu, this is the list of libraries you need installed: libssl-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libmysqlclient-dev unixODBC-dev python-dev libpq-dev libcppunit-dev libxalan-c-dev libxerces-c-dev libgdal-dev II. Usage Cmake build can be done ( and recomended to do ) outside of the source directory, so a simple run would be - mkdir - cd - cmake -DWITH_SDF=TRUE -DWITH_SHP=TRUE -DWITH_SQLITE=TRUE - cmake --build . [or: make] - sudo cmake --build . --target install [or: sudo make install] The example enables the SDF, SHP and SQlite provider builds. You can pass any definition to compiler through this method. III. Using internal provided Thirdparty libraries Since fdo main source has a Thirdparty internal dependencies source provided, if you desire compile and use internal dependencies, add the follow definitions in the cmake command line call: -DINTERNAL_=TRUE Where DEPENDENCY can be one of this ( case sensitive ): - OPENSSL - openssl library - GDAL - gdal library - CPPUNIT - Old cppunit version - CURL - curl library If you desire buils all third party dependencies, use: -DALL_THIRDPARTY=TRUE NOTE: It is *not* recommended to use the internal third party libraries, unless you are using an older compiler which requires them or you are attempting a distro-agnostic generic build IV. Debug mode To build FDO and its providers in debug mode. Pass in the following switch in addition to other CMake switches: -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug This will set up necessary debug-only compiler flags. The value for this setting is case-sensitive If your compiler is gcc 4.8 or higher you can also compile with Address Sanitizer (ASAN) support by passing in: -DSANITIZE_ADDRESS=ON If compiling in debug mode, it is also recommended to compile with ASAN support if your compiler supports it as this can detect a certain class of errors and bugs without needing to use an external tool like valgrind V. Compiling Providers Providers can be called directly from cmake commandline, no need to compile separated anymore if you are doing in source build If you desire compile some provider(s), add the follow definitions in the cmake command line call: -DWITH_ Where is the name of provider you want to compile, be case sensitive, all upper case or all lower case. All OpenSource providers are available already. Usage example: -DWITH_GDAL=TRUE or -DWITH_Gdal=TRUE or -DWITH_gdal=TRUE With some providers: -DWITH_GDAL=TRUE -DWITH_WMS=TRUE If you desire to build all available providers, use this definition ( case sensitive ) -DALL_PROVIDERS=TRUE There's no automatic provider compilation unless explicit defined. The compilation order is same as providers defined in command line. When building the King Oracle provider, CMake will try to guess your client version and installation from ORACLE_HOME environment variable (implying a proper Oracle client installation). If you are building against an extracted archive of the Oracle Instant Client, such information wouldn't exist and you will need to tell cmake the version of your Oracle client and where its headers/libs are located For example, suppose you have extracted your 11g Oracle Instant Client location to /home/fdobuild/oracle/instantclient_11_2/sdk then you would need to pass the following information to CMake: -DORACLE_PATH_INCLUDES=/home/fdobuild/oracle/instantclient_11_2/sdk/include -DORACLE_PATH_LIB=/home/fdobuild/oracle/instantclient_11_2/sdk/lib -DORACLE_OCI_VERSION=110 NOTE: The following providers do not have CMake configurations and cannot be built: ArcSDE KingInformix KingKML KingMsSqlSpatial GenericRdbms/SQLServerSpatial (does not build on Linux) VI. Using the wrapper scripts For convenience, the following wrapper scripts are provided to automate the setup and invocation of the CMake build cmake_bootstrap.sh cmake_build.sh The cmake_bootstrap.sh script will build thirdparty components in an external source tree and output an env_vars.sh script to the root of this external source tree. The cmake_build.sh script will then use the vars from this env_vars.sh (along with any switches) to then set up the main CMake build and start it. The env_vars.sh script generated by cmake_bootstrap.sh will inform the main CMake build as to whether to use an internal or system-installed thirdparty component and the appropriate configuration/bitness so that the main FDO build lines up with the same configuration/bitness used to build the thirdparty components. For example, this will build all thirdparty components and the main CMake build will use all internal thirdparty components instead of looking for system-installed counterparts: ./cmake_bootstrap.sh --working-dir ~/fdo_thirdparty_build --all-internal ./cmake_build.sh --thirdparty-working-dir ~/fdo_thirdparty_build \ --cmake-build-dir ~/fdo_build \ --with-all-providers \ --with-oracle-include ~/oracle/instantclient_11_2/sdk/include \ --with-oracle-lib ~/oracle/instantclient_11_2/sdk/lib \ --with-oci-version 110 From here you can install as follows: cd ~/fdo_build sudo make install Or create a tarball package: cd ~/fdo_build make package You can pass the --help switch to both scripts to find out all available parameters that are supported. VII. Optional extras ccache will be used if found If you have ccache installed it will be used for caching compilations Using ninja instead of make ninja is a lightweight alternative to make that can build FDO up to 2x faster than make You can use ninja over standard make by passing USE_NINJA=1 for the main FDO build or passing --ninja to ./cmake_build.sh Using gold linker instead of ld gold is an alternative linker to ld that may link faster in some cases You may also choose to use the gold linker over ld for linking by passing USE_LD_GOLD=ON for the main FDO build or passing --use-ld-gold to ./cmake_build.sh VIII. Running unit tests The CMake build builds unit test runner executables for every provider that provides unit tests. The CMake build will generate all message catalogs to a local [MY_BUILDDIR]/nls/linux/en_US directory. Before running any of the unit tests below, you should set the NLSPATH environment variable to the above path so that tests that check for certain FDO/Provider error messages do not fail. FDO: cd [MY_BUILDDIR]/Fdo/UnitTest ./UnitTest WMS: cd [MY_BUILDDIR]/Providers/WMS/Src/UnitTest ./UnitTest SDF: cd [MY_BUILDDIR]/Providers/SDF/Src/UnitTest ./UnitTest SHP: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/fdo-x.y.z/lib[64] cd [MY_BUILDDIR]/Providers/SHP/Src/UnitTest rm providers.xml [../../TestData/clean &&] ./UnitTest Where x.y.z matches the installed version of FDO Please note, on subsequent test runs, you should run [MY_BUILDDIR]/Providers/SHP/TestData/clean first before running ./UnitTest to clean out intermediate data files produced from the previous test run. Failure to do this will generate false positive test failures Also make sure that Japanese locales are installed as they are required by certain unit tests. An example of how to set this up on Ubuntu is as follows: sudo locale-gen ja_JP.EUC-JP sudo update-locale Also note: Due to a working directory bug in the provider and/or the test executable, the SHP unit test executable cannot be run directly from where the executable is built. You need to install FDO after building, export this path out to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and delete the local providers.xml before running the test executable GDAL: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/fdo-x.y.z/lib[64] cd [MY_BUILDDIR]/Providers/GDAL/Src/UnitTest rm providers.xml ./UnitTest Where x.y.z matches the installed version of FDO Note: Due to a working directory bug in the provider and/or the test executable, the GDAL unit test executable cannot be run directly from where the executable is built. You need to install FDO after building, export this path out to LD_LIBRARY_PATH and delete the local providers.xml before running the test executable MySql: cd [MY_BUILDDIR]/Providers/GenericRdbms/Src/UnitTest If you wish to run the MySql unit tests without specifying an initialization file, update the default initialization file "MySqlInit.txt" file with valid values for username, password and service for the service against which the unit tests should be executed and run ./UnitTestMySql with no additional parameters. NOTE: Do not drop MySqlInit.txt in subversion if you choose to modify it If you wish to run the unit test and specify your own initialization file, create your the file with valid values for username, password and service and run the unit test by specifying the initialization file on the command line when executing the unit tests. e.g. ./UnitTestMySql initfiletest=MySqlInitEx.txt NOTE: The initialization file must contain values for service, username and password. e.g.: service=mysqlserver;username=root;password=xxxx; Odbc: cd [MY_BUILDDIR]/Providers/GenericRdbms/Src/UnitTest you must have the DSN created before you will run the unit tests. DSN name can be specified using DSNOracle, DSNMySql, DSNSqlServer. If you wish to run the ODBC unit tests without specifying an initialization file, update the default initialization file "OdbcInit.txt" file with valid values for username, password and service for the services against which the unit tests should be executed and run ./UnitTestOdbc with no additional parameters. NOTE: Do not drop OdbcInit.txt in subversion if you choose to modify it. If you wish to run the unit test and specify your own initialization file, create your the file with valid values for username, password and the service names. Run the unit test by specifying the initialization file on the command line when executing the unit tests. e.g. ./UnitTestOdbc initfiletest=OdbcInitEx.txt NOTE: The initialization file must contain values for service, username and password. The initialization file must contain service, username and password for each server type. e.g.: serviceOracle=oraserver;usernameOracle=xxxx;passwordOracle=xxxx;DSNOracle=ORACLE; serviceMySql=mysqlserver;usernameMySql=root;passwordMySql=xxxx;DSNMySql=MySQL; NOTE: You can also run the unit tests separately for each ODBC subtype: MySql: ./UnitTestOdbc OdbcMySqlTests Oracle: ./UnitTestOdbc OdbcOracleTests King Oracle: cd [MY_BUILDDIR]/Providers/KingOracle/src/KgOraUnitTest ./UnitTest Before running ./UnitTest make sure that you first add the Oracle client library path to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable. The test suite requires a running Oracle 11g XE instance on localhost listening on port 1521. If you have docker installed, you can spin up an 11g XE docker container with the provided docker-env-11g.sh script. If your oracle instance resides elsewhere you may set the following environment variables to tell the unit test runner where your oracle instance is: KG_DEFAULT_ORA_CONNECTION - The FDO connection string to your custom oracle instance (eg. Username=fdounittest;Password=fdounittest;Service=//localhost:1521/xe;OracleSchema=fdounittest) KG_ORA_USERNAME - The oracle username (eg. fdounittest) KG_ORA_PASSWORD - The password for your oracle username (eg. fdounittest) KG_ORA_SERVICE - The oracle service (eg. //localhost:1521/xe) The unit test runner will run and set up connections via both connection string and user/pass/service triplets, so if you do set one of these environment variables above, you should set it for all of them too ---------------------------------- Windows Instructions ---------------------------------- I. Requirements Base: Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 or higher CMake 3.14+ (not tested on older versions) For ease of setup, for VS 2017 or higher you should install Visual Studio with CMake support and install the 2015 MSVC compiler workloads. VS 2017 onwards has excellent CMake support and integration. For system libraries, vcpkg (https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg) is required. You must produce an export package for the x64-windows-fdo triplet and move/extract the contents to vcpkg/export Refer to vcpkg/README.txt for instructions on producing this export package II. Usage Cmake build can be done ( and recomended to do ) outside of the source directory, so a simple run would be - mkdir - cd - cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows-fdo -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=\vcpkg\export\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DWITH_SDF=TRUE -DWITH_SHP=TRUE -DWITH_SQLITE=TRUE [... other options] From here, you have the following choices a. Command-line build - cmake --build . [--config Release|Debug] Optionally generate SDK archive package - cmake --build . [--config Release|Debug] --target package b. Visual Studio IDE build Open the generated FDO.sln in and build/debug in your desired configuration III. Differences from Linux Build - Only tested against MSVC compiler and VS/Ninja project generators. clang/mingw not supported as Windows compiler options. - Building of internal thirdparty libraries is not supported (associated CMake flags for this do nothing). Acquision of external libraries is done solely through vcpkg - AddressSanitizer is not supported - ccache is not supported - 32-bit builds are not supported - For the MySQL provider, you may choose to build the provider with MariaDB instead of MySQL. Pass -DUSE_MARIADB=1 to build/link against the MariaDB client libraries IV. Running Unit Tests The windows CMake build produces files in a file layout that is different from the canonical VS/MSBuild build, and thus requires unit tests to be be run slightly differently. - FDO Core From \Fdo\UnitTest run: - Debug: Debug\UnitTest.exe - Release: Release\UnitTest.exe - SDF Provider From \Providers\SDF\Src\UnitTest run: - Debug: Debug\UnitTest.exe - Release: Release\UnitTest.exe - SHP Provider From \Providers\SHP\Src\UnitTest run: - Debug: Debug\UnitTest.exe - Release: Release\UnitTest.exe - SQLite Provider From \Providers\SQLite\Src\UnitTest run: - Debug: Debug\UnitTest.exe - Release: Release\UnitTest.exe - OGR Provider From \Providers\OGR\Src\UnitTest run: - Debug: Debug\UnitTest.exe - Release: Release\UnitTest.exe - GDAL Provider From \Providers\GDAL\Src\UnitTest run: - Debug: Debug\UnitTest.exe - Release: Release\UnitTest.exe Please send any help questions, bug reports, enhancements, etc to the fdo-users mailing list