This directory contains files for vcpkg integration /triplets - Defines our custom vcpkg triplet (x64-windows-fdo) /export - vcpkg export is extracted here vcpkg install list ================== Assuming you checked out FDO at D:\fdo-trunk vcpkg install --overlay-triplets=D:\fdo-trunk\vcpkg\triplets --overlay-ports=D:\fdo-trunk\vcpkg\ports --triplet x64-windows-fdo gdal xalan-c xerces-c xerces-c[xmlch_wchar] curl curl[ssl] libpq libmariadb cppunit vcpkg export --raw --output=export --overlay-triplets=D:\fdo-trunk\vcpkg\triplets --overlay-ports=D:\fdo-trunk\vcpkg\ports --triplet x64-windows-fdo gdal xalan-c xerces-c xerces-c[xmlch_wchar] curl curl[ssl] libpq libmariadb cppunit Usage ===== Assuming you checked out FDO at D:\fdo-trunk Run: cd D:\fdo-trunk\ call setenvironment.bat x86_amd64 cd [your-build-directory] cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64" -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET=x64-windows-fdo -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=D:\fdo-trunk\vcpkg\export\scripts\buildsystems\vcpkg.cmake -DWITH_SDF=1 -DWITH_SHP=1 -DWITH_SQLITE=1 -DWITH_GDAL=1 -DWITH_OGR=1 -DWITH_WFS=1 -DWITH_WMS=1 -DWITH_GENERICRDBMS=1 -DUSE_MARIADB=1 D:\fdo-trunk cmake --build . [--config Release|Debug] Custom Overlay Ports ==================== We keep some overlay ports that deviate from the normal version of the port found in the official vcpkg repo: * libmariadb: * Modified to generate a "D" suffix for debug builds to better facilitate searching via cmake find_library() on windows TODO ==== * [x] Get FDO core building * [x] Apply pre-compiled header settings * [x] Preserve all preprocessor symbols * [x] Ensure version stamping is done * [x] Makes sure deps are being "installed" as well (xalan, xerces, etc) * [x] Enable .pdb generation in release mode * [x] Ensure .rc files are compiled for non-message targets that have them * [ ] Generate exported targets ( * Get FDO providers building * [x] SDF * [x] SHP * [x] SQLite * [x] Port across vcxproj settings around optimization * [x] GDAL * [x] OGR * [ ] Check if dll-interface warnings are also present when building provider vcxproj * [x] MySQL * [x] ODBC * [x] PostgreSQL * [x] SQLServerSpatial * [x] GenericRdbms unit test suites * [x] WFS * [x] WMS * [x] KingOracle