project(fdo) # CMake base requires and policy tweaks cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.6.2 FATAL_ERROR ) # CMP0005: keep escaping behaviour for definitions added via add_definitions() cmake_policy( SET CMP0005 OLD ) # Look first in internal modules set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake/modules ) # Make CPack available to easy generate binary packages include(CPack) # Set FDO version macros set ( FDO_VERSION_MAJOR 3 ) set ( FDO_VERSION_MINOR 5 ) set ( FDO_VERSION_RELEASE 0 ) set ( FDO_VERSION "${FDO_VERSION_MAJOR}.${FDO_VERSION_MINOR}.${FDO_VERSION_RELEASE}" ) set ( FDO_DISTRIBUTION_TEXT "Self compiled sources" CACHE STRING "Indicate compilation origin" ) # FDO Build Directories set( FDO ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Fdo ) set( FDOTHIRDPARTY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Thirdparty ) set( FDOUTILITIES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/Utilities ) if( UNIX ) add_definitions( -DFULLPROTO -fPIC -DPIC ) endif( UNIX ) if (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES Linux) add_definitions( -DLINUX -DLINUX_IA32 -pthread ) endif (CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME MATCHES Linux) find_package( FDOThirdparty REQUIRED ) find_package( FDOInternal REQUIRED ) # Check Python find_package( PythonLibs REQUIRED ) add_subdirectory( Thirdparty ) add_subdirectory( Fdo ) add_subdirectory( Utilities ) # Providers compiled internally are optional and is not added if # Providers directory not exists # Correct syntax is: -DWITH_PROVIDERS=";;.." ( comma required ) # Ex. -DWITH_PROVIDERS="PostGIS;GDAL" macro_optional_add_subdirectory( Providers ) install(FILES providers.xml DESTINATION ${LIB_INSTALL_DIR} ) configure_file( cmake/modules/FindFDO.cmake.tmpl ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/modules/FindFDO.cmake @ONLY ) # Install the global template, not the internal one used for whole source build install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/cmake/modules/FindFDO.cmake DESTINATION ${CMAKE_ROOT}/Modules )