name).".map"; //modify various paths if necessary $pathToMap = dirname($_REQUEST['mapfile']); $cwd = getcwd(); chdir($pathToMap); $shapePath = $oMap->shapepath; $oMap->set('shapepath', realpath($shapePath)); $symbolSet = $oMap->symbolsetfilename; if ($symbolSet != '') { $oMap->setSymbolSet(realpath($symbolSet)); } $fontSet = $oMap->fontsetfilename; if ($fontSet != '') { $oMap->setFontSet(realpath($fontSet)); } /* need to modify all image symbols reference in the map file eg STYLE SYMBOL "../etc/markers/target-7.gif" : this is relative to the map file */ for ($i=0; $i<$oMap->numlayers; $i++) { $oLayer = $oMap->GetLayer($i); for ($j=0; $j<$oLayer->numclasses; $j++) { $oClass = $oLayer->GetClass($j); /* if keyimage is defined, change the path*/ if ($oClass->keyimage && strlen($oClass->keyimage) > 0) { $oClass->set("keyimage", realpath($oClass->keyimage)); } for ($k=0; $k<$oClass->numstyles; $k++) { $oStyle = $oClass->getStyle($k); if ($oStyle->symbolname != "") { if (file_exists(realpath($oStyle->symbolname))) { $oStyle->set("symbolname", realpath($oStyle->symbolname)); } } } } } $oMap->save($mapId); chdir($cwd); } else { $mapId = $_REQUEST['mapfile']; } } elseif (isset($_SESSION['maps']) && isset($_SESSION['maps'][$mapName])) { $oMap = ms_newMapObj($_SESSION['maps'][$mapName]); $mapId = getSessionSavePath().($oMap->name).".map"; } $mapObj = NULL; if ($oMap) { header('Content-type: text/x-json'); header('X-JSON: true'); $mapObj->sessionId = $sessionID; $mapObj->mapId = $mapId; $mapObj->metadata = NULL; if (isset($_REQUEST['map_metadata'])) { $mapMetadataKeys = explode(',',$_REQUEST['map_metadata']); foreach($mapMetadataKeys as $key) { $mapObj->metadata->$key = $oMap->getMetadata($key); } } $mapObj->metersPerUnit = GetMetersPerUnit($oMap->units); $mapObj->dpi = $oMap->resolution; $mapObj->imagetype = $oMap->imagetype; $mapObj->mapName = $oMap->name; if (!isset($_SESSION['maps'])) { $_SESSION['maps'] = array(); } if (!isset($_SESSION['maps'][$mapObj->mapName])) { $_SESSION['maps'][$mapObj->mapName] = $mapId; } $mapObj->extent = array( $oMap->extent->minx, $oMap->extent->miny, $oMap->extent->maxx, $oMap->extent->maxy ); $minScale = $oMap->web->minscale == -1 ? MIN_SCALE : $oMap->web->minscale; $maxScale = $oMap->web->maxscale == -1 ? MAX_SCALE : $oMap->web->maxscale; $title = $oMap->getmetadata('legend_title'); $mapObj->mapTitle = $title == -1 ? $mapObj->mapName : $title; //layers $mapObj->layers = array(); for ($i=0;$i<$oMap->numlayers;$i++) { $layer=$oMap->GetLayer($i); $layerObj = NULL; $layerObj->metadata = NULL; if (isset($_REQUEST['layer_metadata'])) { $layerMetadataKeys = explode(',',$_REQUEST['layer_metadata']); foreach($layerMetadataKeys as $key) { $layerObj->metadata->$key = $layer->getMetadata($key); } } $layerObj->propertyMappings = ''; $layerObj->uniqueId = $i; $layerObj->layerName = $layer->name; switch($layer->type) { case MS_LAYER_POINT: case MS_LAYER_ANNOTATION: $type = 0; break; case MS_LAYER_LINE: $type = 1; break; case MS_LAYER_POLYGON: $type = 2; break; case MS_LAYER_RASTER: $type = 4; break; default: $type = 0; } $layerObj->layerTypes = array($type); $displayInLegend = strtolower($layer->getMetaData('displayInLegend')); $layerObj->displayInLegend = $displayInLegend == 'false' ? false : true; $expandInLegend = strtolower($layer->getMetaData('expandInLegend')); $layerObj->expandInLegend = $expandInLegend == 'false' ? false : true; $layerObj->resourceId = $layer->name; $layerObj->parentGroup = $layer->group; $legendLabel = $layer->getMetaData('legendLabel'); if ($legendLabel == '') { $legendLabel = $layer->name; } $layerObj->legendLabel = $legendLabel; $selectable = strtolower($layer->getMetaData('selectable')); $layerObj->selectable = $selectable == 'true' ? true : false; $layerObj->visible = ($layer->status == MS_ON || $layer->status == MS_DEFAULT); $layerObj->actuallyVisible = true; $editable = strtolower($layer->getMetaData('editable')); $layerObj->editable = $editable == 'true' ? true : false; /* process the classes. The legend expects things * organized by scale range so we have to first * find all the scale breaks, then create ranges * for each scale break pair, then slot the classes * into the scale ranges that they apply to. */ $aScaleRanges = array(); //create a default scale range for the layer as a whole $layerMin = $layer->minscale == -1 ? $minScale : $layer->minscale; $layerMax = $layer->maxscale == -1 ? $maxScale : $layer->maxscale; //find all the unique scale breaks in this layer $aScaleBreaks = array($layerMin, $layerMax); for ($j=0; $j<$layer->numclasses; $j++) { $oClass = $layer->getClass($j); $classMin = $oClass->minscale == -1 ? $layerMin : max($oClass->minscale, $layerMin); $classMax = $oClass->maxscale == -1 ? $layerMax : min($oClass->maxscale, $layerMax); if (!in_array($classMin, $aScaleBreaks)) { array_push($aScaleBreaks, $classMin); } if (!in_array($classMax, $aScaleBreaks)) { array_push($aScaleBreaks, $classMax); } } //sort them sort($aScaleBreaks); //create scale ranges for each pair of breaks for ($j=0; $jminScale = $aScaleBreaks[$j]; $scaleRange->maxScale = $aScaleBreaks[$j+1]; $scaleRange->styles = array(); array_push($aScaleRanges, $scaleRange); } //create classes and slot them into the scale breaks for ($j=0; $j<$layer->numclasses; $j++) { $oClass = $layer->getClass($j); $classObj = NULL; $classObj->legendLabel = $oClass->name; $classObj->filter = $oClass->getExpression(); $classMin = $oClass->minscale == -1 ? $layerMin : max($oClass->minscale, $layerMin); $classMax = $oClass->maxscale == -1 ? $layerMax : min($oClass->maxscale, $layerMax); $classObj->minScale = $classMin; $classObj->maxScale = $classMax; $classObj->index = $j; for ($k=0; $kmaxScale && $classMax > $aScaleRanges[$k]->minScale) { array_push($aScaleRanges[$k]->styles, $classObj); } } } $layerObj->scaleRanges = $aScaleRanges; array_push($mapObj->layers, $layerObj); } $mapObj->groups = array(); $aGroups = $oMap->getAllGroupNames(); foreach($aGroups as $groupName) { $aLayerIndexes = $oMap->getLayersIndexByGroup($groupName); if (count($aLayerIndexes) > 0) { array_push($mapObj->groups, getGroupObject($oMap->getLayer($aLayerIndexes[0]))); } } echo var2json($mapObj); } function getGroupObject($layer) { $group = NULL; $group->groupName = $layer->group; $ll = $layer->getMetaData('groupLegendLabel'); $group->legendLabel = $ll != '' ? $ll : $group->groupName; $group->uniqueId = $group->groupName; $b = $layer->getMetaData('groupDisplayInLegend'); $group->displayInLegend = ($b == 'false') ? false : true; $b = $layer->getMetaData('groupExpandInLegend'); $group->expandInLegend = ($b == 'false') ? false : true; $group->layerGroupType = ''; /* parent is always not set for mapserver since we can't have nested groups */ $group->parentUniqueId = ''; $group->parent = ''; $b = $layer->getMetaData('groupVisible'); $group->visible = ($b == 'false') ? false : true; $group->actuallyVisible = $layer->isVisible(); return $group; } function GetMetersPerUnit($unit) { if ($unit == MS_INCHES) return 0.0254; else if ($unit == MS_FEET) return 0.3048; else if ($unit == MS_MILES) return 1609.344; else if ($unit == MS_METERS) return 1; else if ($unit == MS_KILOMETERS) return 1000; else if ($unit == MS_DD) return 111118.7516; else if ($unit == MS_PIXELS) return 1; } ?>