$mtime + $nMaxLifeTime) { $bReturn = (deleteDirectory($szSessionDir)) ? $bReturn : false; } closedir($hDir); return $bReturn; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function deleteDirectory($szFile) { if (PHP_OS != "WINNT" && PHP_OS != "WIN32") chmod($szFile,0777); if (is_dir($szFile)) { $handle = opendir($szFile); while($szFileName = readdir($handle)) { if ($szFileName != "." && $szFileName != "..") { deleteDirectory($szFile."/".$szFileName); } } closedir($handle); rmdir($szFile); } else { unlink($szFile); } } function installSessionDirectoryHandler($szGCCallBack="") { $GLOBALS['gszGarbageColectionCallBackFunction'] = $szGCCallBack; // Set handler functions session_set_save_handler("_open", "_close", "_read", "_write", "_destroy", "_gc"); } function initializeSession( $szSessName="sid", $szSessSavePath="", $szSessionID="" ) { if ($GLOBALS["bDebug"]) { debug_msg("initializeSession( $szSessName, $szSessSavePath, $szSessionID )"); } //if session was run already don't execute again if (isset($GLOBALS['session_started'])) { return true; } if ($szSessName == "") { echo "FATAL ERROR: Sessionname not specified"; exit; } else ini_set("session.name", $szSessName); if ($szSessSavePath != "") { ini_set("session.save_path", $szSessSavePath); } clearstatcache(); // Check if save path is writable if (!(file_exists(ini_get("session.save_path")) && is_writable(ini_get("session.save_path")))) { echo "FATAL ERROR: Session save path (".ini_get("session.save_path").") doesn't exist or is not writable"; exit; } //turn off cookies for propagating session ids ini_set( "session.use_cookies", "0" ); // turn off tranparent SID (becuase of buffer problem) ini_set( "session.use_trans_sid", "0" ); // intialize tmp id $szTmpID = ""; // check both get and post variables if ( isset($GLOBALS['_GET'][ini_get('session.name')]) ) $szTmpID = $GLOBALS['_GET'][ini_get('session.name')]; elseif (isset($GLOBALS['_POST'][ini_get('session.name')])) $szTmpID = $GLOBALS['_POST'][ini_get('session.name')]; // create new if necessary if ( strlen( $szTmpID ) <= 0 ) { if ($GLOBALS["bDebug"]) { debug_msg("creating a new session because .$szTmpID. has zero characters "); } // create new and set IP flag if ( strlen( $szSessionID ) > 0 ) { $szTmpID = $szSessionID; } else { $szTmpID = uniqid(""); } $bNewSession = true; if ($GLOBALS["bDebug"]) { debug_msg("creating a new session with id "); } } else $bNewSession = false; // initialize flag variable $bSessionOK = true; // set the session ID session_id( $szTmpID ); // Check if session is expired if (!$bNewSession) { $szSavePath = getSessionSavePath(); $szSessionFile = $szSavePath."/session_file"; if (file_exists($szSessionFile)) if ($atime=@filemtime($szSessionFile)) if (time() > $atime + ini_get("session.gc_maxlifetime")) { $szTmpID = uniqid(""); // reset the session ID session_id( $szTmpID ); $bNewSession = true; $bSessionOK = false; } } //start the session session_start(); register_shutdown_function( "session_write_close" ); // set IP if a new session if ( $bNewSession ) $_SESSION["gszRemoteAdd"] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; /* ============================================================================ * Check IP to see if it is the same * ========================================================================= */ // check if the IP has been set and validate if ( isset( $_SESSION["gszRemoteAdd"] ) && strlen(trim($_SESSION["gszRemoteAdd"])) > 0 ) { // check if IP matches current client if ( trim( $_SESSION["gszRemoteAdd"] ) != trim( $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] ) ) { // possible security breach void session /* if the session address is the loopback interface then it is * likely that the application was configured to use an external * address but someone is trying to test locally using localhost */ if ($_SESSION['gszRemoteAdd'] != '') { $bSessionOK = false; } } } else { // possible security breach void session $bSessionOK = false; } // return success or failure and set global so we // know session has been inited. if ($bSessionOK) { $GLOBALS['session_started'] = true; } return $bSessionOK; // end intializeSession() function } function getSessionSavePath() { $szReturn = ini_get("session.save_path")."/sess_".session_id()."/"; $szReturn = str_replace( "\\", "/", $szReturn ); return $szReturn; } function debug_msg( $szMsg ) { list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ",microtime()); $ts = sprintf( "%s.%4d", date( "H:s", $sec), round( 10000 * $usec )); $fh = fopen($GLOBALS['szDebugDir']."session.log", "a+"); fwrite($fh, "$ts : ".$GLOBALS['szDebugPage']." : $szMsg\n"); fclose($fh); } ?>