Building Fusion Fusion uses Apache Ant for building and deploying the source code to a web server for developers working from the SVN repository. End users deploying a packaged distribution zip file need not worry about building fusion. A target is included for building a single file, compressed version of the JavaScript and CSS files for optimizing performance of your fusion application. Ant is a Java application and therefore Java must be installed on the developers machine. Download and install the latest release of Ant ( To use Ant, navigate to the directory containing the build.xml file (usually the root directory of the project) and execute one of the ant targets, e.g.: > ant compress For some tasks, external executable files are used and must be available for execution on the PATH environment variable. Targets available include: prepare - creates a "build" subdirectory with all files required to be put on the web server deploy - places a copy of the build directory in the web server HTDOCS directory clean - removes the temporary build directory clean-all - executes the clean target and also removes the deployed application from the web server dist - creates a packaged ZIP file for distribution docs - automatically generates class documentation from the source code concat - concatenates all core Fusion files into a singleFile singleFile - creates a single file version of the fusion library. If the appDef property points to an ApplicationDefinition.xml file, it will be converted to JSON and included in the resulting package. compress - creates a compressed single file version of the fusion library. If the appDef property points to an ApplicationDefinition.xml file, it will be converted to JSON and included in the resulting package. compressCSS - creates a compressed single file version of CSS files listed in the cssFiles property. concatWithAppDef and concatNoAppDef are internal targets not intended for end users. Properties that can be set (and their defaults) include: These properties can be assigned a value when ant is invoked by using the -D command line option, e.g.: C:\pathTo\fusion>ant compressCSS -DcssFiles="jx\lib\jx_combined.css,jx\css\jxskin-border.css" C:\pathTo\fusion>ant compress -DappDef=templates\mapguide\standard\ApplicationDefinition.xml File paths are relative to the current directory (where the build.xml file is). Don't include file suffixes with the sfName and cssOutput properties, the suffix will be added automatically. $Id$