HFA -- Erdas Imagine .img

GDAL supports Erdas Imagine .img format for read access and write. The driver supports reading overviews, palettes, and georeferencing. It supports the erdas band types u8, s8, u16, s16, u32, s32, f32, f64, c64 and c128.

Compressed and missing tiles in Erdas files should be handled properly on read. Files between 2GiB and 4GiB in size should work on Windows NT, and may work on some Unix platforms. Files with external spill files (needed for datasets larger than 2GiB) are also support for reading and writing.

Metadata reading and writing is supported at the dataset level, and for bands, but this is GDAL specific metadata - not metadata in an Imagine recognised form. The metadata is stored in a table called GDAL_MetaData with each column being a metadata item. The title is the key and the row 1 value is the value.

Creation Issues

Erdas Imagine files can be created with any GDAL defined band type, including the complex types. Created files may have any number of bands. Pseudo-Color tables will be written if using the GDALDriver::CreateCopy() methodology. Most projections should be supported though translation of unusual datums (other than WGS84, WGS72, NAD83, and NAD27) may be problematic.

Creation Options:

Erdas Imagine supports external creation of overviews (with gdaladdo for instance). To force them to be created in an .rrd file (rather than inside the original .img) set the global config option HFA_USE_RRD=YES).

Layer names can be set and retrieved with the GDALSetDescription/GDALGetDescription calls on the Raster Band objects.

Configuration Options

Currently only one runtime configuration option is supported by the HFA driver: See Also: