GDAL 1.1.6 - Overview of Changes -------------------------------- o Add > 2GB file support on Linux 2.4. o Implemented USGS DEM reading. o Implemented BSB Format (Nautical Chart Format) read support. o Preliminary implementation of Virtual Datasets (gdal/frmts/vrt). o Support for writing DTED files. o Some raw formats (ie. PAux, HKV) support files larger than 2GB. o Add the AddBand() method on GDALDataset. o PAux: Added color table read support. o Various fixes to OGDI driver. o Stripped out the GDALProjDef related capabilities. Superceeded by OGRSpatialReference, and OGRCoordinateTransformation functionality. o Improved CEOS support, notable for ESA LANDSAT files, D-PAF ERS-1 and Telaviv ERS data. o geotiff: upgraded libtiff support to approximately libtiff 3.5.7. OGR 1.1.6 - Overview of Changes ------------------------------- o Fixed OGDI driver so that gltp urls with drive letters work properly on windows. o Many improvements to OLE DB provider during the process of making it compatible with the MapGuide (SDP) client. These include implementing restrictions for schema rowsets, treating missing information like WKT coordinate systems as NULL fields, and setting ISLONG on geometry fields. Also made thread safe. o DGN: Thread SHAPE elements as polygons. Set style information for text. Added 3D support for most elements. o Fixed bugs in WKT format for some OGR geometry types (ie. multipoint). o Added support for morphing to/from ESRI WKT format for OGRSpatialReference. o NTF: Don't try to cache all the records from multiple files at once. o Added experimental XML SRS support ... not the final schema. Added supporting "minixml" support to CPL. o PostGIS: Upgraded to PostGIS 0.6. Added "soft transaction" semantics. Many create feature calls can now be part of one transaction. Transactions are now a general OGR concept although only implemented for PostGIS. o Added transform() and transformTo() methods for reprojecting geometries and added user options for this in ogr2ogr. o Very preliminary GML read/write support. Needs Xerces C++ XML parser for read support. ============================================================================== GDAL 1.1.5 New Features ----------------------- o AIGrid: - Return nodata value. o OGDI: - Added format user documentation. - Added Sub Dataset support. - Utilize OGDI 3.1 style capabilities metadata. o SAR_CEOS: - Added support for Alaska SAR Toolbox naming convention. - Read map projection record for corner GCPs. o PNG Driver: - read/write support for transparency via colortable and nodata value. o Erdas Imagine (HFA) Driver: - Added support for reading external large image files. - Added support for uncompressed, but reduced precision blocks. o GIF Driver: - Added .wld world file support. - Added transparency read support. - Upgraded to libungif 4.x. o JPEG Driver: - Added .wld world file support. o PAux Driver: - Added limited gcp and projection read support. o GeoTIFF Driver: - Added specialized support for 1 bit files. - Upgraded world file reading (added .wld files), use GDALReadWorldFile(). o JDEM Driver is new (Japanese DEM format). o FujiBAS Driver is new. o ERMapper ECW Driver is new. o GDAL Bridge: upgraded to include new entry points, like GCP access and nodata api. o gdal_translate: added the -not_scrict option. o GDALGetRandomRasterSample(): Return magnitude for random samples. o Added use of CPL_CVSID macro in most source files. Running the RCS ident command on any GDAL executable or shared library should now give a listing of most object file versions from which it was built. o Various improvements so that static builds will work under Cygwin. o Various improvements so that builds can be done on MacOS X. o Overviews: Implement AVERAGE_MAGPHASE option for complex image overviews. o Added support for sub datasets to gdalinfo, core api and OGDI raster driver. o The size of the GDAL cache can now be overridden with the GDAL_CACHEMAX environment variable (measured in MB). o Added Driver implementation tutorial to documentation. o Added apps/gdaltindex.c - application for building tile indexed raster datasets suitable for use with UMN MapServer. GDAL 1.1.5 Significant Bug Fixes -------------------------------- o SAR_CEOS: - Don't try to get GCPs from scanlines with no prefix data. o GeoTIFF: - Fixed handling of RGBA band ordering on big endian systems. - Fixed bugs in overview generation, especially when updating in place. o gdal-config should work properly in all situations now. o JPEG Driver: improved magic number tested to avoid ignoring some jpeg files. o FITS Driver: lots of fixes and improvements. OGR 1.1.5 New Features ---------------------- o Implemented support for attribute query filters (SetAttributeFilter()) on OGRLayer, provided SWQ based implementation, plugged into all drivers and added hooks to ogrinfo. o MapInfo Driver: - Added accelerated spatial query support. - Upgraded to current MITAB source as of GDAL release date. o S-57 Driver: - Added support for applying S-57 updates automatically. o SDTS Driver: - Added ENID and SNID to line features. - Return coordinate system in WKT instead of PROJ.4 format. o Shapefile Driver: - Auto determine shapefile type from first object written. - Added good support for NULL shapes, and NULL attribute fields. - Added support for .prj files (read and write). o PostgreSQL Driver: - Added PostGIS support. - Pass attribute queries through to PostgreSQL. o NTF Driver: - Added support for GTYPE 5 geometries (a type of arc). - Added support for GEOMETRY3D records in indexed (generic) datasets. o TIGER/Line Driver: - Added write support. - Improved read support for TIGER 2000. o OLE DB Provider: - Added support for spatial queries via ICommand parameters. - Added support for attribute queries by parsing out WHERE clause. - In general substantial rework and extentions were made to make it work with ESRI and AutoDesk clients. o Added gdal/data/stateplane.txt - a test file with one line per state plane zone for applications wanting to present options to users. o Install ogrsf_frmts.a on install if building with OGR support enabled. o Reports layer extents in ogrinfo. OGR 1.1.5 Significant Bugs -------------------------- o OGRSpatialReference: - Fix bug with extracting linear units from EPSG derived definitions. - Fixed bug translating LCC from EPSG to WKT (importFromEPSG()). - Improved IsSame() test for GEOGCS now. - Fixed crash if PROJECTION missing from PROJCS definition. o S-57: - Improve recovery from corrupt line geometries. - Read objects as generic if the object class is not recognised. - Handle LIST attributes as a string, instead of as a single int. o NTF: - Fixed circle conversion to polylines to close the circle properly. - Upped MAX_LINK to 5000 to handle much more complex geometries. o DGN: - Don't include elements with the complex bit set in extents computations. o OGRGeometry: - Fixed WKT format (import and export) for various container types. - WKT import fixed for coordinates, and Z coordinates.