# Location to install .exe, .dll and python stuff BINDIR = D:\bin PY_INST_DIR = D:\bin\pymod LIBDIR = D:\bin\lib INCDIR = D:\bin\include # Set this to the installed directory containing python. If you don't # have python just let it point to a directory that does not exist (as now). PYDIR = D:\Software\Python22 # Uncomment the first for an optimized build or the second for a debug build. OPTFLAGS= /nologo /Ox #OPTFLAGS= /nologo /Zi /Fd$(GDAL_ROOT)\gdal.pdb # Version number embedded in DLL name. VERSION = 11 # Uncomment the following to link OGR utilities against main GDAL DLL # instead of statically linking against OGR libraries. DLLBUILD=1 # Enable all OGR formats, or only raster formats? Comment out to disable # vector formats. INCLUDE_OGR_FRMTS = YES # Location of Visual C++ directory (only required for following SETARGV stuff) VCDIR = D:\Software\VStudio\VC98 # Enable the following if VCDIR set properly, and you want the utility # programs to be able to expand wildcards. #SETARGV = $(VCDIR)\lib\setargv.obj # Comment out the following to disable JPEG support. JPEG_SUPPORTED = 1 # Uncomment the following and update to enable ECW support. #ECWDIR = D:\Software\ECW_SDK #ECWLIB = $(ECWDIR)\lib\NCSEcw.lib $(ECWDIR)\lib\NCSEcwC.lib \ # $(ECWDIR)\lib\NCSUtil.lib # Uncomment the following and update to enable OGDI support. #OGDIDIR = D:\warmerda\iii\devdir #OGDIVER = 31 #OGDILIB = $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib \ # $(OGDIDIR)\lib\$(TARGET)\zlib_ogdi$(OGDIVER).lib # Uncomment for Xerces based GML support. #XERCES_DIR = d:\warmerda\iii\drivers\gml\xerces-c1_7_0-win32 #XERCES_INCLUDE = -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include -I$(XERCES_DIR)/include/xercesc #XERCES_LIB = $(XERCES_DIR)/lib/xerces-c_1.lib # Uncomment for JPEG2000 support #JASPER_DIR = S:\projects_libs\jasper-1.500.4 #JASPER_INCLUDE = -I$(JASPER_DIR)\src\libjasper\include\jasper #JASPER_LIB = $(JASPER_DIR)src\msvc\Win32_Release\libjasper.lib # Uncommment if you have Frank's modified Kakadu build. #KAKDIR = D:\warmerda\jp2\kakadu # Uncomment the following and update to enable NCSA HDF Release 4 support. #HDF4_DIR = D:\warmerda\HDF41r5 #HDF4_LIB = /LIBPATH:$(HDF4_DIR)\lib # Uncomment the following and update to enable FME support. #FME_DIR = d:\Software\fme ########### END OF STUFF THAT NORMALLY NEEDS TO BE UPDATED ################## # Location of MS Data Access SDK (not really needed anymore I think) #MSDASDK = D:\Software\MDAC_2.6 GDAL_DLL = gdal$(VERSION).dll INC = -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\port -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\ogr -I$(GDAL_ROOT)\core #LINKER_FLAGS = /NODEFAULTLIB:LIBC CFLAGS = $(OPTFLAGS) $(INC) $(EXTRAFLAGS) MAKE = nmake /nologo CC = cl CPLLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/port/cpl.lib GDALLIB = $(GDAL_ROOT)/gdal.lib .c.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.c .cpp.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) /c $*.cpp