Usage: img2tif [-i img_filename] [-o tif_basename] [-c] [-rgb [red green blue]] [-v n...] [-?] [-quiet] Arguments: -i -o Output files will be named base_name1.tif ... base_nameN.tif, where N = no. of bands. -rgb produce an RGB image file from the indicated red, green and blue bands. -c [packbits compress flag (def=uncompressed)] -v [overview sampling increment(s) (0=single, 98=full set minus 2x, 99=full set, def=98) Examples: -v 2 4 8 -v 0 -v 99] -quiet Don't produce a translation report. -? Print explanation of command line arguments Other notes: o If the -rgb switch isn't given then a greyscale, or pseudocolored TIFF file will be generated for each band in the source file. o If the source file has no image bands an error message will be produced and execution stopped. o The translation report (on by default) would indicate the source projection, total number of bands and their types, and any other meta information I judge to be potentially useful. o As discussed, I will extract the image pyramids and write them to the GeoTIFF file if they are available. If the -v flag is given existing pyramids will be ignored, and new ones generated on the fly. o The output file would always be tiled, with the same tiling arrangement as the source Imagine file. o The .img Descriptor_Table.Statistics.minimum, and maximum fields will be used to set the MinSampleValue, and MaxSampleValue fields in the TIFF file if they are available.