MSG -- Meteosat Second Generation

This driver implemets reading support for Meteosat Second Generation files. These are files with names like H-000-MSG1__-MSG1________-HRV______-000007___-200405311115-C_, commonly distributed into a folder structure with dates (e.g. 2004\05\31 for the file mentioned).

The MSG files are wavelet-compressed. A decompression library licensed from Eumetsat is needed ("Wavelet Transform Software" - Under some restrictions, this library is free to download.

Part of the source of the file xrithdr_extr.c from XRIT2PIC is used to parse MSG headers. This source is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.

Build Instructions

Download the Eumetsat library for wavelet decompression. This is a file named Extract the content in a subdirectory with the same name. If you are building with Visual Studio 6.0, extract the .vc makefiles for the PublicDecompWT from the file

Specification of Source Dataset

It is possible to select individual files for opening. In this case, the driver will gather the files that correspond to the other strips of the same image, and correctly compose the image.
Example with gdal_translate.exe:
gdal_translate C:\hrit_a\2004\05\31\H-000-MSG1__-MSG1________-HRV______-000008___-200405311115-C_ c:\output\myimage.tif

It is also possible to use the following syntax for opening the MSG files:
Examples with gdal_translate.exe:

Example call to fetch an MSG image of 200501181200 with bands 1, 2 and 3 in IMG format:
gdal_translate -of HFA MSG(\\pc2133-24002\RawData\,200501181200,(1,2,3),N,N,1,1) d:\output\outfile.img

In JPG format, and converting the 10 bits image to 8 bits by dividing all values by 4:
gdal_translate -of JPEG MSG(\\pc2133-24002\RawData\,200501181200,(1,2,3),N,B,1,1) d:\output\outfile.jpg

The same, but reordering the bands in the JPEG image to resemble RGB:
gdal_translate -of JPEG MSG(\\pc2133-24002\RawData\,200501181200,(3,2,1),N,B,1,1) d:\output\outfile.jpg

Geotiff output, only band 2, original 10 bits values:
gdal_translate -of GTiff MSG(\\pc2133-24002\RawData\,200501181200,2,N,N,1,1) d:\output\outfile.tif

Band 12:
gdal_translate -of GTiff MSG(\\pc2133-24002\RawData\,200501181200,12,N,N,1,1) d:\output\outfile.tif

The same band 12 with radiometric calibration in mW/m2/sr/(cm-1)-1:
gdal_translate -of GTiff MSG(\\pc2133-24002\RawData\,200501181200,12,N,R,1,1) d:\output\outfile.tif

Retrieve data from c:\hrit-data\2005\01\18 instead of \\pc2133-24002\RawData\... :
gdal_translate -of GTiff MSG(c:\hrit-data\2005\01\18,200501181200,12,Y,R,1,1) d:\output\outfile.tif

Another option to do the same (note the difference in the Y and the N for the “use_root_folder” parameter:
gdal_translate -of GTiff MSG(c:\hrit-data\,200501181200,12,N,R,1,1) d:\output\outfile.tif

Without radiometric calibration, but for 10 consecutive cycles (thus from 1200 to 1415):
gdal_translate -of GTiff MSG(c:\hrit-data\,200501181200,12,N,N,10,1) d:\output\outfile.tif

10 cycles, but every hour (thus from 1200 to 2100):
gdal_translate -of GTiff MSG(c:\hrit-data\,200501181200,12,N,N,10,4) d:\output\outfile.tif

10 cycles, every hour, and bands 3, 2 and 1:
gdal_translate -of GTiff MSG(c:\hrit-data\,200501181200,(3,2,1),N,N,10,4) d:\output\outfile.tif

Georeference and Projection

The images are using the Geostationary Satellite View projection. Most GIS packages don't recognize this projection (we only know of ILWIS that does have this projection), but gdalwarp.exe can be used to re-project the images.

See Also: