U.S. Census of Agriculture County-Level Boundaries: CoGenAll_GCS12 contains U.S. Census of Agriculture county-level boundaries for the continental U.S., Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. U.S. Census of Agriculture State-Level Boundaries: StGenAll_GCS12 contains U.S. state-level boundaries for the continental U.S., Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. U.S. Census of Agriculture State-Level and County-Level Boundaries: StCoGenAll_GCS12 contains U.S. state-level and county-level boundaries for the continental U.S., Alaska, Puerto Rico and Hawaii. Purpose: County-level and state-level boundary files are provided to be used with the statistical data in the 2012 Census of Agriculture, Volume 1. The boundary files can be employed in a Geographic Information System (GIS) with the 2012 Agricultural Census Statistical data by using the Agricultural Census county codes to associate the county-level spatial entities with the county-level statistical data and the Agricultural Census state codes to associate the state-level spatial entities with the state-level statistical data. The statistical data can be obtained from the NASS census website (http://www.agcensus.usda.gov/). GIS software must be provided by the user in order to use the county-level and state-level boundary files. Source: The files were created from boundaries provided by the U.S. Census Bureau with a vintage year of 2012. County and state areas are for land area (excludes water) and were provided by the U.S. Census Bureau with a vintage year of 2012. Modifications were made to the County and State boundary files to show geographic areas for which the 2012 Agricultural Census Statistics are reported at the county- and state-levels. Format: The boundary files are provided in an ESRI shapefile format. The shapefile format can be used with ESRI software(ArcView/ArcGIS) or if available, a translator can be used to import into other GIS software. On Unix it may be necessary to use lower case for shapefile names. Coordinate System: The datum is NAD 83 and the files are unprojected (GCS - Geographic Coordinate System - latitude and longitude decimal degrees). U.S. Census of Agriculture County-Level Boundaries - Continental U.S.: CoUS_GCS12.dbf CoUS_GCS12.prj CoUS_GCS12.sbn CoUS_GCS12.sbx CoUS_GCS12.shp CoUS_GCS12.shx Alaska: CoAK_GCS12.dbf CoAK_GCS12.prj CoAK_GCS12.sbn CoAK_GCS12.sbx CoAK_GCS12.shp CoAK_GCS12.shx Hawaii: CoHI_GCS12.dbf CoHI_GCS12.prj CoHI_GCS12.sbn CoHI_GCS12.sbx CoHI_GCS12.shp CoHI_GCS12.shx Puerto Rico: CoPR_GCS12.dbf CoPR_GCS12.prj CoPR_GCS12.sbn CoPR_GCS12.sbx CoPR_GCS12.shp CoPR_GCS12.shx U.S. Census of Agriculture State-Level Boundaries - Continental U.S.: StUS_GCS12.dbf StUS_GCS12.prj StUS_GCS12.sbn StUS_GCS12.sbx StUS_GCS12.shp StUS_GCS12.shx Alaska: StAK_GCS12.dbf StAK_GCS12.prj StAK_GCS12.sbn StAK_GCS12.sbx StAK_GCS12.shp StAK_GCS12.shx Hawaii: StHI_GCS12.dbf StHI_GCS12.prj StHI_GCS12.sbn StHI_GCS12.sbx StHI_GCS12.shp StHI_GCS12.shx Puerto Rico: StPR_GCS12.dbf StPR_GCS12.prj StPR_GCS12.sbn StPR_GCS12.sbx StPR_GCS12.shp StPR_GCS12.shx Text metadata files for the boundary files are also provided - U.S. Census of Agriculture County-Level Boundary metadata: ag_co_metadata_12.txt, ag_co_metadata_faq_12.html U.S. Census of Agriculture State-Level Boundary metadata: ag_st_metadata_12.txt, ag_st_metadata_faq_12.html