This is the readme file for GeoMOOSE MS4W package. If you haven't installed this application yet, please read the approriate INSTALL file for installation instructions. This directory contains the following files and subdirectories: INSTALL_README.txt - this file contains instructions for installing the GeoMOOSE framework under MapServer. art - this directory contains the original graphics designed for the GeoMOOSE project. This directory is not web accessible. js_build - this directory contains the script and configuration files needed to "build" or "combine and compress" the individual javascript files into one GeoMOOSE.js library. These scripts were adapted from the OpenLayers project ( These scripts require knowledge of python and are primarily only useful for developers who a modifying the javascript source code. These script have not been tested thourghly, so please use with caution. maps_statedemo - the "maps_statedemo" directory contains the data layers used by the GeoMOOSE State of Minnesota demo application. All datasets and MapServer mapfiles are contained in this directory. This is not a web accessible directory. maps_countydemo - the "maps_countydemo" directory contains the data layers used by the GeoMOOSE County demo application. All datasets and MapServer mapfiles are contained in this directory. This is not a web accessible directory. The data is for demonstration purposes only and was provided by Dakota County, MN GIS Department. htdocs - the htdocs directory is where all web-readable files and subdirectories are located. This is the directory that is referenced in Apache's Alias or Microsoft IIS's virtual directory. docs - Contains license and copyright information. --- Updates: 19 March, 2008 - Brian F. 04 March, 2008 - Brian F. 20 Sept., 2007 - Brian F. 29 March, 2007 - Perry N. 19 March, 2007 - Perry N. 16 March, 2007 - Perry N.