# This layer provides an example of a WFS data source. The WFS data source for this layer is # from the MetroGIS http://www.datafinder.org/services/ MAP NAME 'HydroWFS' SIZE 800 650 STATUS ON EXTENT 189783.560000 4816309.330000 761653.524114 5472346.500000 UNITS METERS TRANSPARENT TRUE WEB INCLUDE "../temp_directory.map" END LAYER NAME hydrowfs TYPE LINE STATUS DEFAULT CONNECTIONTYPE wfs CONNECTION "http://gis.metc.state.mn.us:80/wfsconnector/com.esri.wfs.Esrimap/MN_MetroGIS_DataFinder_WFS_Water_Resources?" MINSCALE 2000 # only display down to this scale METADATA "wfs_typename" "watersheds_2_a" "wfs_version" "1.0.0" "wfs_request_method" "GET" "wfs_connectiontimeout" "60" "wfs_maxfeatures" "100" END CLASS NAME "Watersheds" STYLE COLOR 255 153 51 WIDTH 3 END END END END