GeoPrisma Revision History ========================== This is a human-readable revision history which will attempt to document required changes for users to migrate from one version of GeoPrisma to the next. Developers are strongly encouraged to document their changes and their impacts on the users here. (Please add the most recent changes to the top of the list.) For a complete change history, please see the Subversion log comments. Current Version (SVN trunk, 1.1-dev, future): --------------------------------------------- Version 1.0.0 (2011-12-01) -------------------------- Since it's the first release, there are were no documentation per change made. Instead, here's an overview of what it features : Supported Browsers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GeoPrisma has been tested and fully supports the following browsers : - Internet Explorer 7 and 8 - Firefox 3.6+ Other browsers were not tested so can't be qualified as fully supported. Supported JavaScript Libraries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following libraries (version) are packaged with GeoPrisma 1.0 : - OpenLayers (2.11) - Proj4js (1.0.1) - MapFish (trunk, revision 3862) - GeoExt (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-AttributeFilterPanel (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-FeatureEditing (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-LayerManager (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-LayerTreeBuilder (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-ShortcutCombo (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-Styler (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-WFSTFeatureEditing (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-ZoomTo (trunk, revision 2865) The following libraries (version) were tested with GeoPrisma 1.0 : - ExtJS (3.3.0, 3.3.1) Softwares ~~~~~~~~~ The following softwares are used with this release of GeoPrisma as its services : - MapServer (5.6.6+, 6.0.0+), for WMS and WFS services - TileCache (2.10+) - FeatureServer (1.12+) - MapFish Print (1.2+) Tile providers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following tile providers are supported by this release of GeoPrisma as "gymo" services : - GoogleMaps (2+), (3+ is untested) - YahooMaps (3.0+) - OpenStreetMaps Stable Widgets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - featurepanel_selector - geoextprintform - geoexttoolbar - geoextux_layertreebuilder - geoextux_redliningpanel - geoextux_shortcutcombo - geoextux_zoomto - getmouseposition - htwindow - initialview - layer - mappanel - mouseposition - querybyrect - queryonclick - queryonclickwizard - resultextgrid - resultvectorlayer - scale - shortcut - toggle - unselectall - vectorlayer - zoomslider Unstable Widgets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - attributefilterpanel - editfeature_confirm - editfeature_copy - editfeature_create - editfeature_delete - editfeature_drag - editfeature_update - editfeature_split - filetreepanel - featurepanel_customform - featurepanel_attributeform - featurepanel_form - geoextux_printpreview - geoextux_wmsbrowser - geoextux_geonamessearchcombo - keepactivesession - measuretool - pdfprint - templatepopup - wfsfilterbuilder - wmslayeradder Deprecated Widgets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - map - mapfishlayertree - mapfishrecenter Removed Widgets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - delegatefeature - legendpanel - merge - popup - quickzoom - split - toolbar