GeoPrisma Revision History ========================== This is a human-readable revision history which will attempt to document required changes for users to migrate from one version of GeoPrisma to the next. Developers are strongly encouraged to document their changes and their impacts on the users here. (Please add the most recent changes to the top of the list.) For a complete change history, please see the Subversion log comments. Version 1.2.2 (2012-04-12) --------------------------- - Fixed MapFishPrintProxy. Doesn't strip slashes anymore for the spec json sent to the service. (#439) - Fixed OpenLayers.Map.zoomToMaxExtent method, overridden with fixed proposed in Fix must be removed when we use an OpenLayers version with it. (#435) Version 1.2.1 (2012-02-20) --------------------------- - Fixed ApplyFilter to coexist with ResultExtGrid and QueryOnClick. New sample added as well to demonstrate. (#432) - Fixed GeoExtUX_ZoomTo documentation (#419) Version 1.2.0 (2012-01-27) --------------------------- - Fixed PhpGetTextLocal class. (#412) - MapPanel widget new 'printPageTitle' template method and new 'pageTitle' option. Samples.xslt tag replaced by call of 'printPageTitle'. (#386) - Added 'pType' parameter in 'getText' method of Globals.xslt. (#409) - Fixed ApplyFilter widget, now wait until map is ready to set center. (#408) - InitialView widget new allowLayerToggling option. (#404) - ApplyFilter widget new MessagePanel. (#403) - Fixed ApplyFilter widget to use the projection of the map as srsName property for the WFS Protocol. (#402) - ./config directory removed. (#51) - InitialView widget now supports WFS service. (#372) - Site various modifications. (#356) - Fixed services, now set with CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER equals to 1 and using curl_exec to get the content instead of ob_get_contents. (#401) - InitialView widget now support localViews, i.e. user-custom locations. It had backward incompatibility changes that are detailed in the ticket. (#399) - Globals.xslt new template method : getDataStoreInfoFromResource. (#400) - XMLWorkspaceConfig new "mappaneloptions" tag used to override any mappanel widget option inside a workspace. (#398) - MapPanel widget new options : centerString, extentString and zoom. These allow setting the initial center or extent of the map on load. (#387) - XMLWorkspaceConfig new "widgets" tag to list the unbound widgets, i.e not linked to resources, we want to include in the workspace, defaults to all unbound widgets if not set. (#393) - Fixed XMLWorkspaceConfig driver to correctly write the resource options and support resource fields. (#394) - Fixed WFSFilterBuilder IE bug fix on tab change trigger request. (#350) - ApplyFilter new widget using SLD and WFS. (#388) Marked stable (#395). - WFSFilterBuilder now support using resource field title parameter as value for the filter query builder (drop down list on the left) and as column header in the result grid (on the right). (#391) - API new methods : applyFilters, applyFilter and getLayers, all documented. (#388) - MeasureTool new "showLastSegmentMeasure" option added. (#390) - API new widget used as a way to interact with internal GeoPrisma widgets as a single point of entry. Doesn't required to be defined in config. A singleton object named "GeoPrisma" is created and serves as the API object, so all widgets using GeoPrisma or Geoprisma as namespaces prefix were changed to use org.GeoPrisma instead. (#389) - MeasureTool widget marked 'stable'. (#373) - TemplatePopup widget fixes making it usable with a single WMS service defined as serviceName option. WFS not yet supported. (#379) - GeoExtUX_ZoomTo widget now includes EPSG:4326 and EPSG:900913 by default if no projection option is set. (#129) - GeoExtToolbar navigation control no longer zoom on mouse wheel scroll. (#380) - WFSFilterBuilder layer list now sorted ASC. (#378) - GoogleMaps API v2 no longer supported. Replaced by v3. Map and Layer widgets now creating OpenLayers.Layer.Google objects for v3 only. (#176) - New TMS service and proxy : Layer widget support, proxy caching. PGSQLMapContextConfig driver now don't add WMS layer to a resource having a TMS datastore set (#371) - Fix WPS TYPE_ID now set to 11. (#377) - WPS service support in PGSQLMapContextConfig driver. (#376) - ExtJS 3.3.1 replaced by 3.4.0 in ./lib/client. (#369) - MeasureTool new 'immediate' option, value defaults to true. (#374) - MeasureTool widget completely remade : source code, options supported, you only need to define one. (#292) - MS4W added to supported software list in this file. (#365) - New HTWindow widget option "collapsible" (#368) - Fixed button enabling/disabling for EditFeature_Copy, EditFeature_Drag and EditFeature_Split widgets. (#367) - Fixed WFSFilterBuilder widget to disable the result grid while querying. Also features a new "triggerDelay" option. (#357) - EditFeature_Create, EditFeature_Copy and EditFeature_Update can now open new Ext.Window with content returned by selectorMethod resource option, if set. (#364) - Fixed WFSFilterBuilder widget to use selectorTemplateHeight and selectorTemplateWidth resource options for window opened in result grid (#363) Version 1.0.0 (2011-12-01) -------------------------- Since it's the first release, there are were no documentation per change made. Instead, here's an overview of what it features : Supported Browsers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GeoPrisma has been tested and fully supports the following browsers : - Internet Explorer 7 and 8 - Firefox 3.6+ Other browsers were not tested so can't be qualified as fully supported. Supported JavaScript Libraries ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following libraries (version) are packaged with GeoPrisma 1.0 : - OpenLayers (2.11) - Proj4js (1.0.1) - MapFish (trunk, revision 3862) - GeoExt (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-AttributeFilterPanel (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-FeatureEditing (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-LayerManager (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-LayerTreeBuilder (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-ShortcutCombo (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-Styler (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-WFSTFeatureEditing (trunk, revision 2865) - GeoExt-ux-ZoomTo (trunk, revision 2865) The following libraries (version) were tested with GeoPrisma 1.0 : - ExtJS (3.3.0, 3.3.1) Softwares ~~~~~~~~~ The following softwares are used with this release of GeoPrisma as its services : - MapServer (5.6.6+, 6.0.0+), for WMS and WFS services - TileCache (2.10+) - FeatureServer (1.12+) - MapFish Print (1.2+) - MS4W (3.0.2, 3.0.3) Tile providers ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following tile providers are supported by this release of GeoPrisma as "gymo" services : - GoogleMaps (2+), (3+ is untested) - YahooMaps (3.0+) - OpenStreetMaps Stable Widgets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - featurepanel_selector - geoextprintform - geoexttoolbar - geoextux_layertreebuilder - geoextux_redliningpanel - geoextux_shortcutcombo - geoextux_zoomto - getmouseposition - htwindow - initialview - layer - mappanel - mouseposition - querybyrect - queryonclick - queryonclickwizard - resultextgrid - resultvectorlayer - scale - shortcut - toggle - unselectall - vectorlayer - zoomslider Unstable Widgets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - attributefilterpanel - editfeature_confirm - editfeature_copy - editfeature_create - editfeature_delete - editfeature_drag - editfeature_update - editfeature_split - filetreepanel - featurepanel_customform - featurepanel_attributeform - featurepanel_form - geoextux_printpreview - geoextux_wmsbrowser - geoextux_geonamessearchcombo - keepactivesession - measuretool - pdfprint - templatepopup - wfsfilterbuilder - wmslayeradder Deprecated Widgets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - map - mapfishlayertree - mapfishrecenter Removed Widgets ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - delegatefeature - legendpanel - merge - popup - quickzoom - split - toolbar