GeoPrisma ========= Copyright (c) 2009, Boreal - Information Strategies Geoprisma is a client-server library that builds on the FOSS4G stack. On the client side, GeoPrisma encapsulates the OpenLayers, MapFish and GeoExt stack. On the server side, it is composed a PHP proxy that polices access to arbitrary geospatial services (OGC and others) and uses XSLT to generate dynamic UI rendering of mapping applications as a function of user access privileges on 'resources' accessible through geospatial 'services'. Please see LICENSE.txt in this distribution for more details or ----------------- Getting GeoPrisma ----------------- GeoPrisma can be found at You can get GeoPrisma in ZIP or 7z formats at -------------------- Installing GeoPrisma -------------------- Unzip the GeoPrisma bundle in a web enabled directory (e.g. htdocs). To view the samples in the bundle all that is needed is the following : * PHP 5.2+ (tested on PHP5.2.8) with the following extensions : * xsl * curl * gettext * mbstring To run your own examples, you will need your own installation of MapServer ( and FeatureServer ( as those are currently the supported implementations of WMS and of a feature service, respectively. Other particular settings in php.ini include : * magic_quotes_gpc = Off * no default_charset (if the specified charset in php.ini is not the same as your service's, unicode characters will come out garbled)