# (C) 2003-2006, Geotools Project Managment Committee (PMC) SOURCE_CANT_BE_NULL_$1=The source for node {0} cannot be null. TOO_MANY_SOURCES_$1=The maximum number of sources for this node {0} has been overcome. INVALID_NUMBER_OF_SOURCES_$1=Invalid number of sources={0}. CYCLE_DETECTED=Cycle detected in this graph of operations. UNSUPPORTED_OPERATION_$1=Operation {0} is not supported. SINK_ALREADY_SET=Sink was already provided for this chain. MUST_SHARE_GRIDGEOMETRY_$1=All the source for the {0} operation must share the same grid geometry. BAD_BAND_NUMBER_$1=Band number {0} is not valid. NULL_ARGUMENT_$1=Argument "{0}" should not be null. ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_$1=Illegal value for argument "{0}". ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_$2=Illegal argument: "{0}={1}". ILLEGAL_STATE=Illegal state. OPERATION_NOT_FOUND_$1=No such "{0}" operation for this processor. RANGE_OVERLAP_$4=Ranges [{0}..{1}] and [{2}..{3}] overlap. MISMATCHED_DIMENSION_$2=Mismatched object dimension: {0}D and {1}D. BAD_RANGE_$2=Range [{0} .. {1}] is not valid. TRANSFORM_EVALUATION_$1=The transform can't be evaluated at the specified point {0}