/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2005-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.referencing.factory; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.LogRecord; import javax.measure.unit.Unit; import org.opengis.metadata.extent.Extent; import org.opengis.metadata.citation.Citation; import org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException; import org.opengis.util.InternationalString; import org.opengis.parameter.ParameterDescriptor; import org.opengis.referencing.IdentifiedObject; import org.opengis.referencing.AuthorityFactory; import org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException; import org.opengis.referencing.cs.*; import org.opengis.referencing.crs.*; import org.opengis.referencing.datum.*; import org.opengis.referencing.operation.*; import org.geotools.factory.Hints; import org.geotools.factory.Factory; import org.geotools.factory.AbstractFactory; import org.geotools.factory.OptionalFactory; import org.geotools.factory.FactoryRegistryException; import org.geotools.metadata.iso.citation.Citations; import org.geotools.referencing.CRS; import org.geotools.referencing.ReferencingFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Loggings; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.LoggingKeys; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.ErrorKeys; import org.geotools.resources.i18n.Errors; /** * An authority factory which delegates {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem CRS}, * {@linkplain CoordinateSystem CS} or {@linkplain Datum datum} objects creation to * some other factory implementations. *

* All constructors are protected because this class must be subclassed in order to determine * which of the {@link DatumAuthorityFactory}, {@link CSAuthorityFactory} and * {@link CRSAuthorityFactory} interfaces to implement. * * @since 2.2 * * @source $URL$ * @version $Id$ * @author Martin Desruisseaux (IRD) */ public class AuthorityFactoryAdapter extends AbstractAuthorityFactory implements OptionalFactory { /** * List of hint keys related to authority factories. */ private static final Hints.Key[] TYPES = new Hints.Key[] { Hints.CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY, Hints.CS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY, Hints.DATUM_AUTHORITY_FACTORY, Hints.COORDINATE_OPERATION_AUTHORITY_FACTORY }; /** * The underlying {@linkplain Datum datum} authority factory, * or {@code null} if none. */ final DatumAuthorityFactory datumFactory; /** * The underlying {@linkplain CoordinateSystem coordinate system} authority factory, * or {@code null} if none. */ final CSAuthorityFactory csFactory; /** * The underlying {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system} * authority factory, or {@code null} if none. */ final CRSAuthorityFactory crsFactory; /** * The underlying {@linkplain CoordinateOperation coordinate operation} authority factory, * or {@code null} if none. */ final CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory operationFactory; /** * A set of low-level factories to be used if none were found in {@link #datumFactory}, * {@link #csFactory}, {@link #crsFactory} or {@link #operationFactory}. Will be created * only when first needed. * * @see #getFactoryContainer */ private transient ReferencingFactoryContainer factories; /** * Creates a wrapper around no factory. This constructor should never be used except by * subclasses overriding the getFooAuthorityFactory * methods. * * @param priority The priority for this factory, as a number between * {@link #MINIMUM_PRIORITY MINIMUM_PRIORITY} and * {@link #MAXIMUM_PRIORITY MAXIMUM_PRIORITY} inclusive. */ AuthorityFactoryAdapter(final int priority) { super(priority); datumFactory = null; csFactory = null; crsFactory = null; operationFactory = null; } /** * Creates a wrapper around the specified factory. The {@link #priority priority} field * will be set to the same value than the specified factory. Subclasses should override * the {@link #getPriority() getPriority()} method if they want to set a higher or lower * priority for this instance. * * @param factory The factory to wrap. */ protected AuthorityFactoryAdapter(final AuthorityFactory factory) { this(factory, null); } /** * For {@link FallbackAuthorityFactory} constructor only. */ AuthorityFactoryAdapter(final AuthorityFactory factory, final AuthorityFactory fallback) { this((factory instanceof CRSAuthorityFactory) ? (CRSAuthorityFactory) factory : (fallback instanceof CRSAuthorityFactory) ? (CRSAuthorityFactory) fallback : null, (factory instanceof CSAuthorityFactory) ? (CSAuthorityFactory) factory : (fallback instanceof CSAuthorityFactory) ? (CSAuthorityFactory) fallback : null, (factory instanceof DatumAuthorityFactory) ? (DatumAuthorityFactory) factory : (fallback instanceof DatumAuthorityFactory) ? (DatumAuthorityFactory) fallback : null, (factory instanceof CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory) ? (CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory) factory : (fallback instanceof CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory) ? (CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory) fallback : null); } /** * Creates a wrapper around the specified factories. The {@link #priority priority} field will * be set to the highest priority found in the specified factories. Subclasses should override * the {@link #getPriority() getPriority()} method if they want to set a higher or lower * priority for this instance. * * @param crsFactory The {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system} * authority factory, or {@code null}. * @param csFactory The {@linkplain CoordinateSystem coordinate system} authority factory, * or {@code null}. * @param datumFactory The {@linkplain Datum datum} authority factory, or {@code null}. * @param opFactory The {@linkplain CoordinateOperation coordinate operation} authority * factory, or {@code null}. */ protected AuthorityFactoryAdapter(final CRSAuthorityFactory crsFactory, final CSAuthorityFactory csFactory, final DatumAuthorityFactory datumFactory, final CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory opFactory) { super(Math.max(getPriority(datumFactory), Math.max(getPriority( csFactory), Math.max(getPriority( crsFactory), getPriority( opFactory))))); if (this instanceof CRSAuthorityFactory) { ensureNonNull("crsFactory", crsFactory); } if (this instanceof CSAuthorityFactory) { ensureNonNull("csFactory", csFactory); } if (this instanceof DatumAuthorityFactory) { ensureNonNull("datumFactory", datumFactory); } if (this instanceof CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory) { ensureNonNull("opFactory", opFactory); } store(Hints. DATUM_AUTHORITY_FACTORY, this. datumFactory = datumFactory); store(Hints. CS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY, this. csFactory = csFactory); store(Hints. CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY, this. crsFactory = crsFactory); store(Hints.COORDINATE_OPERATION_AUTHORITY_FACTORY, this.operationFactory = opFactory); } /** * Returns the priority of the specified factory, or {@link #NORMAL_PRIORITY} if unknown. */ private static int getPriority(final AuthorityFactory factory) { return (factory instanceof AbstractFactory) ? ((AbstractFactory) factory).getPriority() : NORMAL_PRIORITY; } /** * Adds the specified factory to the set of hints, if non null. */ private void store(final Hints.Key key, final AuthorityFactory factory) { if (factory != null) { if (hints.put(key, factory) != null) { // Should never happen since 'hints' should be initially empty. throw new AssertionError(key); } } } /** * Creates a wrappers around the default factories for the specified authority. * The factories are fetched using {@link ReferencingFactoryFinder}. * * @param authority The authority to wraps (example: {@code "EPSG"}). If {@code null}, * then all authority factories must be explicitly specified in the * set of hints. * @param userHints An optional set of hints, or {@code null} if none. * @throws FactoryRegistryException if at least one factory can not be obtained. * * @since 2.4 */ protected AuthorityFactoryAdapter(final String authority, final Hints userHints) throws FactoryRegistryException { this(ReferencingFactoryFinder.getCRSAuthorityFactory(authority, trim(userHints, Hints.CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY)), ReferencingFactoryFinder.getCSAuthorityFactory(authority, trim(userHints, Hints.CS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY)), ReferencingFactoryFinder.getDatumAuthorityFactory(authority, trim(userHints, Hints.DATUM_AUTHORITY_FACTORY)), ReferencingFactoryFinder.getCoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory(authority, trim(userHints, Hints.COORDINATE_OPERATION_AUTHORITY_FACTORY))); } /** * Removes every {@code *_AUTHORITY_FACTORY} hints except the specified one. The removal, * if needed, is performed in a copy of the supplied hints in order to keep user's map * unmodified. *

* This removal is performed because {@code *_AUTHORITY_FACTORY} hints are typically supplied * to the above constructor in order to initialize the {@link #crsFactory}, {@link #csFactory}, * etc. fields. But because the same map of hints is used for every call to {@code * ReferencingFactoryFinder.getFooAuthorityFactory(...)}, if we don't perform this removal, then * the {@code CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY} hint is taken in account for fetching other factories like * {@link CSAuthorityFactory}. We may think that it is not a problem since CS authority factory * should not care about {@code CRS_AUTHORITY_FACTORY} hint. But... our EPSG authority factory * implements both {@link CRSAuthorityFactory} and {@link CSAuthorityFactory} interfaces, so * our {@link CSAuthorityFactory} implementation do have CRS-related hints. *

* Conclusion: if we do not remove those hints, it typically leads to failure to find * a CS authority factory using this specific CRS authority factory. We may argue that * this is a Geotools design problem. Maybe... this is not a trivial issue. So we are * better to not document that in public API for now. * * @param userHints The user hints to trim. This map will never be modified. * @param keep The hint to not remove. * @return A copy of {@code userHints} without the authority hints, or {@code userHints} * if no change were required. */ private static Hints trim(final Hints userHints, final Hints.Key keep) { Hints reduced = userHints; if (userHints != null) { for (int i=0; i dependencies() { final List dep = new ArrayList(4); Object factory; try { factory = getAuthorityFactory(null); } catch (FactoryException e) { factory = e; } dep.add(factory); return dep; } /** * If this factory is a wrapper for the specified factory that do not add any additional * {@linkplain #getAuthorityCodes authority codes}, returns {@code true}. This method is * for {@link FallbackAuthorityFactory} internal use only and should not be public. We * expect only a simple check, so we don't invoke the {@code getFooAuthorityFactory(...)} * methods. */ @Override boolean sameAuthorityCodes(final AuthorityFactory factory) { if (!isCodeMethodOverriden()) { /* * Tests wrapped factories only if the 'toBackingFactoryCode(String)' method is not * overwritten, otherwise we can't assume that the authority codes are the same. The * impact on the main subclasses are usually as below: * * URN_AuthorityFactory - excluded * HTTP_AuthorityFactory - excluded * OrderedAxisAuthorityFactory - make the test below * FallbackAuthorityFactory - make the test below * * Note: in the particular case of FallbackAuthorityFactory, we test the * primary factory only, not the fallback. This behavior matches the * FallbackAuthorityFactory.create(boolean,int,Iterator) need, which * will process this case in a special way. */ if (sameAuthorityCodes(crsFactory, factory) && sameAuthorityCodes(csFactory, factory) && sameAuthorityCodes(datumFactory, factory) && sameAuthorityCodes(operationFactory, factory)) { return true; } } return super.sameAuthorityCodes(factory); } /** * Helper methods for {@link #sameAuthorityCodes(AuthorityFactory)} and * {@link FallbackAuthorityFactory#create(boolean,int,Iterator)} implementations. If there is no * backing store, returns {@code true} in order to take in account only the backing stores that * are assigned. This behavior match the need of the above-cited implementations. */ static boolean sameAuthorityCodes(final AuthorityFactory backingStore, final AuthorityFactory factory) { if (backingStore instanceof AbstractAuthorityFactory) { if (((AbstractAuthorityFactory) backingStore).sameAuthorityCodes(factory)) { return true; } } return (factory == backingStore) || (backingStore == null); } /** * Returns {@code true} if this factory is ready for use. This default implementation * checks the availability of CRS, CS, datum and operation authority factories specified * at construction time. * * @return {@code true} if this factory is ready for use. */ @Override public boolean isAvailable() { return isAvailable( crsFactory) && isAvailable( csFactory) && isAvailable( datumFactory) && isAvailable(operationFactory); } /** * Checks the availability of the specified factory. */ private static boolean isAvailable(final AuthorityFactory factory) { return !(factory instanceof OptionalFactory) || ((OptionalFactory) factory).isAvailable(); } /** * Replaces the specified unit, if applicable. * To be overridden with {@code protected} access by {@link TransformedAuthorityFactory}. */ Unit replace(Unit units) throws FactoryException { return units; } /** * Replaces (if needed) the specified axis by a new one. * To be overridden with {@code protected} access by {@link TransformedAuthorityFactory}. */ CoordinateSystemAxis replace(CoordinateSystemAxis axis) throws FactoryException { return axis; } /** * Replaces (if needed) the specified coordinate system by a new one. * To be overridden with {@code protected} access by {@link TransformedAuthorityFactory}. */ CoordinateSystem replace(CoordinateSystem cs) throws FactoryException { return cs; } /** * Replaces (if needed) the specified datum by a new one. * To be overridden with {@code protected} access by {@link TransformedAuthorityFactory}. */ Datum replace(Datum datum) throws FactoryException { return datum; } /** * Replaces (if needed) the specified coordinate reference system. * To be overridden with {@code protected} access by {@link TransformedAuthorityFactory}. */ CoordinateReferenceSystem replace(CoordinateReferenceSystem crs) throws FactoryException { return crs; } /** * Replaces (if needed) the specified coordinate operation. * To be overridden with {@code protected} access by {@link TransformedAuthorityFactory}. */ CoordinateOperation replace(CoordinateOperation operation) throws FactoryException { return operation; } /** * Delegates the work to an appropriate {@code replace} method for the given object. */ private IdentifiedObject replaceObject(final IdentifiedObject object) throws FactoryException { if (object instanceof CoordinateReferenceSystem) { return replace((CoordinateReferenceSystem) object); } if (object instanceof CoordinateSystem) { return replace((CoordinateSystem) object); } if (object instanceof CoordinateSystemAxis) { return replace((CoordinateSystemAxis) object); } if (object instanceof Datum) { return replace((Datum) object); } if (object instanceof CoordinateOperation) { return replace((CoordinateOperation) object); } return object; } /** * Returns one of the underlying factories as an instance of the GeoTools implementation. If * there is none of them, then returns {@code null} or throws an exception if {@code caller} * is not null. */ private AbstractAuthorityFactory getGeotoolsFactory(final String caller, final String code) throws FactoryException { final AuthorityFactory candidate = getAuthorityFactory(code); if (candidate instanceof AbstractAuthorityFactory) { return (AbstractAuthorityFactory) candidate; } if (caller == null) { return null; } throw new FactoryException(Errors.format( ErrorKeys.GEOTOOLS_EXTENSION_REQUIRED_$1, caller)); } /** * Returns a description of the underlying backing store, or {@code null} if unknow. * * @throws FactoryException if a failure occured while fetching the engine description. */ @Override public String getBackingStoreDescription() throws FactoryException { final AbstractAuthorityFactory factory = getGeotoolsFactory(null, null); return (factory != null) ? factory.getBackingStoreDescription() : null; } /** * Returns the vendor responsible for creating this factory implementation. */ @Override public Citation getVendor() { return getAuthorityFactory().getVendor(); } /** * Returns the organization or party responsible for definition and maintenance of the * database. */ public Citation getAuthority() { return getAuthorityFactory().getAuthority(); } /** * Returns the set of authority code for the specified type. * * @todo We should returns the union of authority codes from all underlying factories. */ public Set getAuthorityCodes(final Class type) throws FactoryException { return getAuthorityFactory(null).getAuthorityCodes(type); } /** * Returns a description for the object identified by the specified code. */ public InternationalString getDescriptionText(final String code) throws FactoryException { return getAuthorityFactory(code).getDescriptionText(toBackingFactoryCode(code)); } /** * Returns an arbitrary object from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @see #createCoordinateReferenceSystem * @see #createDatum * @see #createEllipsoid * @see #createUnit */ @Override public IdentifiedObject createObject(final String code) throws FactoryException { return replaceObject(getAuthorityFactory(code).createObject(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Returns an arbitrary {@linkplain Datum datum} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @see #createGeodeticDatum * @see #createVerticalDatum * @see #createTemporalDatum */ @Override public Datum createDatum(final String code) throws FactoryException { return replace(getDatumAuthorityFactory(code).createDatum(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a {@linkplain EngineeringDatum engineering datum} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @see #createEngineeringCRS */ @Override public EngineeringDatum createEngineeringDatum(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (EngineeringDatum) replace(getDatumAuthorityFactory(code). createEngineeringDatum(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a {@linkplain ImageDatum image datum} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @see #createImageCRS */ @Override public ImageDatum createImageDatum(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (ImageDatum) replace(getDatumAuthorityFactory(code). createImageDatum(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a {@linkplain VerticalDatum vertical datum} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @see #createVerticalCRS */ @Override public VerticalDatum createVerticalDatum(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (VerticalDatum) replace(getDatumAuthorityFactory(code). createVerticalDatum(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a {@linkplain TemporalDatum temporal datum} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @see #createTemporalCRS */ @Override public TemporalDatum createTemporalDatum(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (TemporalDatum) replace(getDatumAuthorityFactory(code). createTemporalDatum(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain GeodeticDatum geodetic datum} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @see #createEllipsoid * @see #createPrimeMeridian * @see #createGeographicCRS * @see #createProjectedCRS */ @Override public GeodeticDatum createGeodeticDatum(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (GeodeticDatum) replace(getDatumAuthorityFactory(code). createGeodeticDatum(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Returns an {@linkplain Ellipsoid ellipsoid} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @see #createGeodeticDatum */ @Override public Ellipsoid createEllipsoid(final String code) throws FactoryException { return getDatumAuthorityFactory(code).createEllipsoid(toBackingFactoryCode(code)); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain PrimeMeridian prime meridian} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @see #createGeodeticDatum */ @Override public PrimeMeridian createPrimeMeridian(final String code) throws FactoryException { return getDatumAuthorityFactory(code).createPrimeMeridian(toBackingFactoryCode(code)); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain Extent extent} (usually an area of validity) from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public Extent createExtent(final String code) throws FactoryException { return getGeotoolsFactory("createExtent", code).createExtent(toBackingFactoryCode(code)); } /** * Returns an arbitrary {@linkplain CoordinateSystem coordinate system} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public CoordinateSystem createCoordinateSystem(final String code) throws FactoryException { return replace(getCSAuthorityFactory(code). createCoordinateSystem(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a cartesian coordinate system from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public CartesianCS createCartesianCS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (CartesianCS) replace(getCSAuthorityFactory(code). createCartesianCS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a polar coordinate system from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public PolarCS createPolarCS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (PolarCS) replace(getCSAuthorityFactory(code). createPolarCS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a cylindrical coordinate system from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public CylindricalCS createCylindricalCS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (CylindricalCS) replace(getCSAuthorityFactory(code). createCylindricalCS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a spherical coordinate system from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public SphericalCS createSphericalCS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (SphericalCS) replace(getCSAuthorityFactory(code). createSphericalCS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates an ellipsoidal coordinate system from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public EllipsoidalCS createEllipsoidalCS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (EllipsoidalCS) replace(getCSAuthorityFactory(code). createEllipsoidalCS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a vertical coordinate system from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public VerticalCS createVerticalCS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (VerticalCS) replace(getCSAuthorityFactory(code). createVerticalCS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a temporal coordinate system from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public TimeCS createTimeCS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (TimeCS) replace(getCSAuthorityFactory(code). createTimeCS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain CoordinateSystemAxis coordinate system axis} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public CoordinateSystemAxis createCoordinateSystemAxis(final String code) throws FactoryException { return replace(getCSAuthorityFactory(code). createCoordinateSystemAxis(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Returns an {@linkplain Unit unit} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public Unit createUnit(final String code) throws FactoryException { return replace(getCSAuthorityFactory(code). createUnit(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Returns an arbitrary {@linkplain CoordinateReferenceSystem coordinate reference system} * from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @see #createGeographicCRS * @see #createProjectedCRS * @see #createVerticalCRS * @see #createTemporalCRS * @see #createCompoundCRS */ @Override public CoordinateReferenceSystem createCoordinateReferenceSystem(final String code) throws FactoryException { return replace(getCRSAuthorityFactory(code). createCoordinateReferenceSystem(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a 3D coordinate reference system from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public CompoundCRS createCompoundCRS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (CompoundCRS) replace(getCRSAuthorityFactory(code). createCompoundCRS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a derived coordinate reference system from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public DerivedCRS createDerivedCRS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (DerivedCRS) replace(getCRSAuthorityFactory(code). createDerivedCRS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a {@linkplain EngineeringCRS engineering coordinate reference system} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public EngineeringCRS createEngineeringCRS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (EngineeringCRS) replace(getCRSAuthorityFactory(code). createEngineeringCRS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain GeographicCRS geographic coordinate reference system} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public GeographicCRS createGeographicCRS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (GeographicCRS) replace(getCRSAuthorityFactory(code). createGeographicCRS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain GeocentricCRS geocentric coordinate reference system} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public GeocentricCRS createGeocentricCRS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (GeocentricCRS) replace(getCRSAuthorityFactory(code). createGeocentricCRS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a {@linkplain ImageCRS image coordinate reference system} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public ImageCRS createImageCRS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (ImageCRS) replace(getCRSAuthorityFactory(code). createImageCRS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Returns a {@linkplain ProjectedCRS projected coordinate reference system} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public ProjectedCRS createProjectedCRS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (ProjectedCRS) replace(getCRSAuthorityFactory(code). createProjectedCRS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a {@linkplain TemporalCRS temporal coordinate reference system} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public TemporalCRS createTemporalCRS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (TemporalCRS) replace(getCRSAuthorityFactory(code). createTemporalCRS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a {@linkplain VerticalCRS vertical coordinate reference system} from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public VerticalCRS createVerticalCRS(final String code) throws FactoryException { return (VerticalCRS) replace(getCRSAuthorityFactory(code). createVerticalCRS(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates a parameter descriptor from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public ParameterDescriptor createParameterDescriptor(final String code) throws FactoryException { return getGeotoolsFactory("createParameterDescriptor", code). createParameterDescriptor(toBackingFactoryCode(code)); } /** * Creates an operation method from a code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public OperationMethod createOperationMethod(final String code) throws FactoryException { return getGeotoolsFactory("createOperationMethod", code). createOperationMethod(toBackingFactoryCode(code)); } /** * Creates an operation from a single operation code. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public CoordinateOperation createCoordinateOperation(final String code) throws FactoryException { return replace(getCoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory(code). createCoordinateOperation(toBackingFactoryCode(code))); } /** * Creates an operation from coordinate reference system codes. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. */ @Override public Set createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes( final String sourceCRS, final String targetCRS) throws FactoryException { final CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory factory, check; factory = getCoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory(sourceCRS); check = getCoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory(targetCRS); if (factory != check) { /* * No coordinate operation because of mismatched factories. This is not * illegal - the result is an empty set - but it is worth to notify the * user since this case has some chances to be an user error. */ final LogRecord record = Loggings.format(Level.WARNING, LoggingKeys.MISMATCHED_COORDINATE_OPERATION_FACTORIES_$2, sourceCRS, targetCRS); record.setSourceMethodName("createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes"); record.setSourceClassName(AuthorityFactoryAdapter.class.getName()); record.setLoggerName(LOGGER.getName()); LOGGER.log(record); return Collections.emptySet(); } return factory.createFromCoordinateReferenceSystemCodes( toBackingFactoryCode(sourceCRS), toBackingFactoryCode(targetCRS)); } /** * Returns a finder which can be used for looking up unidentified objects. * The default implementation delegates the lookups to the underlying factory. * * @throws FactoryException if the object creation failed. * * @since 2.4 */ @Override public IdentifiedObjectFinder getIdentifiedObjectFinder(Class type) throws FactoryException { return new Finder(type); } /** * A {@link IdentifiedObjectFinder} which tests * {@linkplain AuthorityFactoryAdapter#replaceObject modified objects} * in addition of original object. */ class Finder extends IdentifiedObjectFinder.Adapter { /** * Creates a finder for the underlying backing store. */ protected Finder(final Class type) throws FactoryException { super(getGeotoolsFactory("getIdentifiedObjectFinder", null).getIdentifiedObjectFinder(type)); } /** * Returns {@code candidate}, or an object derived from {@code candidate}, if it is * {@linkplain CRS#equalsIgnoreMetadata equals ignoring metadata} to the specified * model. Otherwise returns {@code null}. * * @throws FactoryException if an error occured while creating a derived object. */ @Override protected IdentifiedObject deriveEquivalent(final IdentifiedObject candidate, final IdentifiedObject model) throws FactoryException { final IdentifiedObject modified = replaceObject(candidate); if (modified != candidate) { if (CRS.equalsIgnoreMetadata(modified, model)) { return modified; } } return super.deriveEquivalent(candidate, model); } } /** * Creates an exception for a missing factory. We actually returns an instance of * {@link NoSuchAuthorityCodeException} because this kind of exception is treated * especially by {@link FallbackAuthorityFactory}. */ private FactoryException missingFactory(final Class category, final String code) { return new NoSuchAuthorityCodeException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.FACTORY_NOT_FOUND_$1, category), Citations.getIdentifier(getAuthority()), trimAuthority(code)); } /** * For internal use by {@link #getAuthority} and {@link #getVendor} only. Its only purpose * is to catch the {@link FactoryException} for methods that don't allow it. The protected * method should be used instead when this exception is allowed. */ private AuthorityFactory getAuthorityFactory() { try { return getAuthorityFactory(null); } catch (FactoryException cause) { throw new IllegalStateException(Errors.format(ErrorKeys.UNDEFINED_PROPERTY), cause); } } /** * Returns an authority factory of the specified type. This method delegates to: *
  • {@link #getCRSAuthorityFactory} if {@code type} is * {@code CRSAuthorityFactory.class};
  • *
  • {@link #getCSAuthorityFactory} if {@code type} is * {@code CSAuthorityFactory.class};
  • *
  • {@link #getDatumAuthorityFactory} if {@code type} is * {@code DatumAuthorityFactory.class};
  • *
  • {@link #CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory} if {@code type} is * {@code CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory.class};
  • *
* * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the specified {@code type} is invalid. * @throws FactoryException if no suitable factory were found. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") T getAuthorityFactory(final Class type, final String code) throws FactoryException { final AuthorityFactory f; if (CRSAuthorityFactory.class.equals(type)) { f = getCRSAuthorityFactory(code); } else if (CSAuthorityFactory.class.equals(type)) { f = getCSAuthorityFactory(code); } else if (DatumAuthorityFactory.class.equals(type)) { f = getDatumAuthorityFactory(code); } else if (CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory.class.equals(type)) { f = getCoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory(code); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(Errors.format( ErrorKeys.ILLEGAL_ARGUMENT_$2, "type", type)); } return type.cast(f); } /** * Returns a generic object factory to use for the specified code. The default implementation * returns one of the factory specified at construction time. Subclasses can override * this method in order to select a different factory implementation depending on the * code value. *

* Note: The value of the {@code code} argument given to this * method may be {@code null} when a factory is needed for some global task, * like {@link #getAuthorityCodes} method execution. * * @param code The authority code given to this class. Note that the code to be given * to the returned factory {@linkplain #toBackingFactoryCode may be different}. * @return A factory for the specified authority code (never {@code null}). * @throws FactoryException if no suitable factory were found. * * @since 2.4 */ protected AuthorityFactory getAuthorityFactory(final String code) throws FactoryException { if ( crsFactory != null) return crsFactory; if ( csFactory != null) return csFactory; if ( datumFactory != null) return datumFactory; if (operationFactory != null) return operationFactory; throw missingFactory(AuthorityFactory.class, code); } /** * Returns the datum factory to use for the specified code. The default implementation * always returns the factory specified at construction time. Subclasses can override * this method in order to select a different factory implementation depending on the * code value. * * @param code The authority code given to this class. Note that the code to be given * to the returned factory {@linkplain #toBackingFactoryCode may be different}. * @return A factory for the specified authority code (never {@code null}). * @throws FactoryException if no datum factory were specified at construction time. * * @since 2.4 */ protected DatumAuthorityFactory getDatumAuthorityFactory(final String code) throws FactoryException { if (datumFactory == null) { throw missingFactory(DatumAuthorityFactory.class, code); } return datumFactory; } /** * Returns the coordinate system factory to use for the specified code. The default * implementation always returns the factory specified at construction time. Subclasses * can override this method in order to select a different factory implementation * depending on the code value. * * @param code The authority code given to this class. Note that the code to be given * to the returned factory {@linkplain #toBackingFactoryCode may be different}. * @return A factory for the specified authority code (never {@code null}). * @throws FactoryException if no coordinate system factory were specified at construction time. * * @since 2.4 */ protected CSAuthorityFactory getCSAuthorityFactory(final String code) throws FactoryException { if (csFactory == null) { throw missingFactory(CSAuthorityFactory.class, code); } return csFactory; } /** * Returns the coordinate reference system factory to use for the specified code. The default * implementation always returns the factory specified at construction time. Subclasses can * override this method in order to select a different factory implementation depending on * the code value. * * @param code The authority code given to this class. Note that the code to be given * to the returned factory {@linkplain #toBackingFactoryCode may be different}. * @return A factory for the specified authority code (never {@code null}). * @throws FactoryException if no coordinate reference system factory were specified * at construction time. * * @since 2.4 */ protected CRSAuthorityFactory getCRSAuthorityFactory(final String code) throws FactoryException { if (crsFactory == null) { throw missingFactory(CRSAuthorityFactory.class, code); } return crsFactory; } /** * Returns the coordinate operation factory to use for the specified code. The default * implementation always returns the factory specified at construction time. Subclasses can * override this method in order to select a different factory implementation depending on * the code value. * * @param code The authority code given to this class. Note that the code to be given * to the returned factory {@linkplain #toBackingFactoryCode may be different}. * @return A factory for the specified authority code (never {@code null}). * @throws FactoryException if no coordinate operation factory were specified * at construction time. * * @since 2.4 */ protected CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory getCoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory(final String code) throws FactoryException { if (operationFactory == null) { throw missingFactory(CoordinateOperationAuthorityFactory.class, code); } return operationFactory; } /** * Returns a coordinate operation factory for this adapter. This method will try to fetch * this information from the coordinate operation authority factory, or will returns the * default one if no explicit factory were found. */ final CoordinateOperationFactory getCoordinateOperationFactory() throws FactoryException { if (operationFactory instanceof Factory) { final Factory factory = (Factory) operationFactory; final Map hints = factory.getImplementationHints(); final Object candidate = hints.get(Hints.COORDINATE_OPERATION_FACTORY); if (candidate instanceof CoordinateOperationFactory) { return (CoordinateOperationFactory) candidate; } } return ReferencingFactoryFinder.getCoordinateOperationFactory(hints()); } /** * Suggests a low-level factory group. If {@code crs} is {@code true}, then this method will * try to fetch the factory group from the CRS authority factory. Otherwise it will try to * fetch the factory group from the CS authority factory. This is used by subclasses like * {@link TransformedAuthorityFactory} that need low-level access to factories. Do not change * this method into a public one; we would need a better API before to do such thing. */ final ReferencingFactoryContainer getFactoryContainer(final boolean crs) { final AuthorityFactory factory; if (crs) { factory = crsFactory; } else { factory = csFactory; } if (factory instanceof DirectAuthorityFactory) { return ((DirectAuthorityFactory) factory).factories; } // No predefined factory group. Create one. if (factories == null) { factories = ReferencingFactoryContainer.instance(hints()); } return factories; } /** * Returns the code to be given to the wrapped factories. This method is automatically * invoked by all {@code create} methods before to forward the code to the * {@linkplain #getCRSAuthorityFactory CRS}, {@linkplain #getCSAuthorityFactory CS}, * {@linkplain #getDatumAuthorityFactory datum} or {@linkplain #operationFactory operation} * factory. The default implementation returns the {@code code} unchanged. * * @param code The code given to this factory. * @return The code to give to the underlying factories. * @throws FactoryException if the code can't be converted. * * @since 2.4 */ protected String toBackingFactoryCode(final String code) throws FactoryException { return code; } /** * Returns {@code true} if the {@link #toBackingFactoryCode} method is overriden. */ final boolean isCodeMethodOverriden() { final Class[] arguments = new Class[] {String.class}; for (Class type=getClass(); !AuthorityFactoryAdapter.class.equals(type); type=type.getSuperclass()) { try { type.getDeclaredMethod("toBackingFactoryCode", arguments); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // The method is not overriden in this class. // Checks in the super-class. continue; } catch (SecurityException e) { // We are not allowed to get this information. // Conservatively assumes that the method is overriden. } return true; } return false; } @Override public void dispose() throws FactoryException { super.dispose(); disposeAbstractAuthorityFactory(datumFactory); disposeAbstractAuthorityFactory(csFactory); disposeAbstractAuthorityFactory(crsFactory); disposeAbstractAuthorityFactory(operationFactory); } private void disposeAbstractAuthorityFactory(Object factory) throws FactoryException { if(factory instanceof AbstractAuthorityFactory) { ((AbstractAuthorityFactory) factory).dispose(); } } }