/* * GeoTools - The Open Source Java GIS Toolkit * http://geotools.org * * (C) 2003-2008, Open Source Geospatial Foundation (OSGeo) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * version 2.1 of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. */ package org.geotools.data; import java.io.IOException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureCollection; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureIterator; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureSource; import org.geotools.data.simple.SimpleFeatureStore; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.feature.IllegalAttributeException; import org.geotools.geometry.jts.ReferencedEnvelope; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.opengis.feature.type.AttributeDescriptor; import org.opengis.filter.Filter; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory; import org.opengis.filter.Id; import org.opengis.geometry.BoundingBox; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiLineString; /** * An abstract super class for testing datastore implementations. All datastore implementations should * has a test case that extends this class. * * @author Jesse Eichar, Refractions Research * * * @source $URL$ */ public abstract class AbstractDataStoreTest extends DataTestCase { /** The logger for the filter module. */ private static final Logger LOGGER = org.geotools.util.logging.Logging.getLogger("org.geotools.hsql"); DataStore data; public AbstractDataStoreTest(String arg0) { super(arg0); } /** * Creates a new instance of the datastore. The datastore must not have a * roads or rivers type. * * * @throws Exception */ public abstract DataStore createDataStore() throws Exception; /** * This method must remove the roads and rivers types from the datastore. * It must also close all connections to the datastore if it has * connections and get rid of any temporary files. * * @param data DOCUMENT ME! * * * @throws Exception */ public abstract DataStore tearDownDataStore(DataStore data) throws Exception; /* * @see TestCase#setUp() */ protected void setUp() throws Exception { //We won't call the super.setUp() since this datastore doesn't work well with //lowercase names, we'll override it instead (the exact same code though, just //in lowercase...this was done so that other datastore may discover this //shortcoming if it's applicable) // dataSetUp(); try { data = createDataStore(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, "exception while making schema", e); } data.createSchema(roadType); data.createSchema(riverType); SimpleFeatureStore roads; roads = ((SimpleFeatureStore) data.getFeatureSource(roadType .getTypeName())); roads.addFeatures(DataUtilities.collection(roadFeatures)); SimpleFeatureStore rivers = ((SimpleFeatureStore) data .getFeatureSource(riverType.getTypeName())); rivers.addFeatures(DataUtilities.collection(riverFeatures)); // Now that we have seeded the contents we need to // set up our arrays in the same order // roadFeatures = grabArray( roads.getFeatures(), roadFeatures.length ); riverFeatures = grabArray( rivers.getFeatures(), riverFeatures.length ); } SimpleFeature[] grabArray( SimpleFeatureCollection features, int size ){ try { SimpleFeature array[] = new SimpleFeature[ size ]; array = (SimpleFeature[]) features.toArray( array ); assertNotNull( array ); return array; } finally { features.purge(); } } protected void tearDown() throws Exception { tearDownDataStore(data); data = null; super.tearDown(); } public void testFeatureEvents() throws Exception { SimpleFeatureStore store1 = (SimpleFeatureStore) data .getFeatureSource(roadFeatures[0].getFeatureType().getTypeName()); SimpleFeatureStore store2 = (SimpleFeatureStore) data .getFeatureSource(roadFeatures[0].getFeatureType().getTypeName()); store1.setTransaction(new DefaultTransaction()); class Listener implements FeatureListener { String name; List events = new ArrayList(); public Listener(String name) { this.name = name; } public void changed(FeatureEvent featureEvent) { this.events.add(featureEvent); } FeatureEvent getEvent(int i) { return (FeatureEvent) events.get(i); } } Listener listener1 = new Listener("one"); Listener listener2 = new Listener("two"); store1.addFeatureListener(listener1); store2.addFeatureListener(listener2); FilterFactory ff = CommonFactoryFinder.getFilterFactory(null); //test that only the listener listening with the current transaction gets the event. final SimpleFeature feature = roadFeatures[0]; Id fidFilter = ff.id(Collections.singleton(ff.featureId(feature.getID()))); store1.removeFeatures(fidFilter); assertEquals(1, listener1.events.size()); assertEquals(0, listener2.events.size()); FeatureEvent event = listener1.getEvent(0); assertEquals(feature.getBounds(), event.getBounds()); assertEquals(FeatureEvent.FEATURES_REMOVED, event.getEventType()); //test that commit only sends events to listener2. listener1.events.clear(); listener2.events.clear(); store1.getTransaction().commit(); assertEquals(0, listener1.events.size()); assertEquals(2, listener2.events.size()); event = listener2.getEvent(0); assertEquals(feature.getBounds(), event.getBounds()); assertEquals(FeatureEvent.FEATURES_REMOVED, event.getEventType()); //test add same as modify listener1.events.clear(); listener2.events.clear(); store1.addFeatures( DataUtilities.collection( feature )); assertEquals(1, listener1.events.size()); event = listener1.getEvent(0); assertEquals(feature.getBounds(), event.getBounds()); assertEquals(FeatureEvent.FEATURES_ADDED, event.getEventType()); assertEquals(0, listener2.events.size()); //test that rollback only sends events to listener1. listener1.events.clear(); listener2.events.clear(); store1.getTransaction().rollback(); assertEquals(1, listener1.events.size()); event = listener1.getEvent(0); assertNull(event.getBounds()); assertEquals(FeatureEvent.FEATURES_CHANGED, event.getEventType()); assertEquals(0, listener2.events.size()); //// this is how Auto_commit is supposed to work // listener1.events.clear(); // listener2.events.clear(); // store2.addFeatures(new FeatureReader( ){ // // public FeatureType getFeatureType() { // return feature.getFeatureType(); // } // boolean hasNext=true; // public Feature next() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException, NoSuchElementException { // hasNext=false; // return feature; // } // // public boolean hasNext() throws IOException { // return hasNext; // } // // public void close() throws IOException { // //do nothing. // } // // }); // // assertEquals( 1, listener1.events.size() ); // event=listener1.getEvent(0); // assertEquals(feature.getBounds(),event.getBounds() ); // assertEquals(FeatureEvent.FEATURES_ADDED, event.getEventType() ); // assertEquals( 0, listener2.events.size() ); } public void testFixture() throws Exception { SimpleFeatureType type = DataUtilities.createType("namespace.typename", "name:String,id:0,geom:MultiLineString"); assertEquals("namespace", "namespace", type.getName().getNamespaceURI()); assertEquals("typename", "typename", type.getTypeName()); assertEquals("attributes", 3, type.getAttributeCount()); AttributeDescriptor[] a = type.getAttributeDescriptors().toArray( new AttributeDescriptor[type.getAttributeCount()]); assertEquals("a1", "name", a[0].getLocalName()); assertEquals("a1", String.class, a[0].getType().getBinding()); assertEquals("a2", "id", a[1].getLocalName()); assertEquals("a2", Integer.class, a[1].getType().getBinding()); assertEquals("a3", "geom", a[2].getLocalName()); assertEquals("a3", MultiLineString.class, a[2].getType().getBinding()); } public void testGetFeatureTypes() { String[] names; try { names = data.getTypeNames(); assertEquals(2, names.length); assertTrue(contains(names, "ROAD")); assertTrue(contains(names, "RIVER")); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); fail("Fail with an IOException trying to getTypeNames()"); } } boolean contains(Object[] array, Object expected) { if ((array == null) || (array.length == 0)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (array[i].equals(expected)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Checks that a given SimpleFeatureCollection contains the specified feature * * @param fc the feature collection we're going to search * @param f the feature we're looking for * * @return true if the feature is in the feature collection, false * otherwise */ boolean containsFeatureCollection(SimpleFeatureCollection fc, SimpleFeature f) { if ((fc == null) || fc.isEmpty()) { return false; } return containsFeature(fc.toArray(), f); } /** * Checks that a given Feature array contains the specified feature * * @param array must be an array of features * @param expected the expected feature we're looking for * * @return true if the feature is found, false otherwise */ boolean containsFeature(Object[] array, Object expected) { if ((array == null) || (array.length == 0)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (isFeatureEqual((SimpleFeature) array[i], (SimpleFeature) expected)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * This function is stolen from DefaultFeature equals method. We want to * check for equality except for featureId which we expect to be * different. * * @param feature1 the Feature to test against. * @param feature2 the Feature to test for equality. * * @return true if the object is equal, false * otherwise. */ public boolean isFeatureEqual(SimpleFeature feature1, SimpleFeature feature2) { if (feature2 == null) { return false; } if (feature2 == feature1) { return true; } if (!feature2.getFeatureType().equals(feature1.getFeatureType())) { return false; } // if (!featureId.equals(feat.getID())) { // return false; // } for (int i = 0, ii = feature1.getAttributeCount(); i < ii; i++) { Object otherAtt = feature2.getAttribute(i); if (feature1.getAttribute(i) == null) { if (otherAtt != null) { return false; } } else { if (!feature1.getAttribute(i).equals(otherAtt)) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * Like contain but based on match rather than equals * * @param array DOCUMENT ME! * @param expected DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ boolean containsLax(SimpleFeature[] array, SimpleFeature expected) { if ((array == null) || (array.length == 0)) { return false; } SimpleFeatureType type = expected.getFeatureType(); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (match(array[i], expected)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Compare based on attributes not getID allows comparison of Diff contents * * @param expected DOCUMENT ME! * @param actual DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! */ boolean match(SimpleFeature expected, SimpleFeature actual) { SimpleFeatureType type = expected.getFeatureType(); for (int i = 0; i < type.getAttributeCount(); i++) { Object av = actual.getAttribute(i); Object ev = expected.getAttribute(i); if ((av == null) && (ev != null)) { return false; } else if ((ev == null) && (av != null)) { return false; } else if (!av.equals(ev)) { return false; } } return true; } public void testGetSchema() throws IOException { assertEquals(roadType, data.getSchema("ROAD")); assertEquals(riverType, data.getSchema("RIVER")); } void assertCovers(String msg, SimpleFeatureCollection c1, SimpleFeatureCollection c2) { if (c1 == c2) { return; } assertNotNull(msg, c1); assertNotNull(msg, c2); assertEquals(msg + " size", c1.size(), c2.size()); SimpleFeature f; for (SimpleFeatureIterator i = c1.features(); i.hasNext();) { f = i.next(); assertTrue(msg + " " + f.getID(), containsFeatureCollection(c2, f)); //c2.contains(f)); } } public void testGetFeatureReader() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { Query query = new DefaultQuery(roadType.getTypeName()); FeatureReader reader = data.getFeatureReader(query, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertCovered(roadFeatures, reader); assertEquals(false, reader.hasNext()); } public void testGetFeatureReaderMutability() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { Query query = new DefaultQuery(roadType.getTypeName()); FeatureReader reader = data.getFeatureReader(query, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); SimpleFeature feature; while (reader.hasNext()) { feature = (SimpleFeature) reader.next(); feature.setAttribute("NAME", null); } reader.close(); reader = data.getFeatureReader(query, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); while (reader.hasNext()) { feature = (SimpleFeature) reader.next(); assertNotNull(feature.getAttribute("NAME")); } reader.close(); try { reader.next(); fail( "next should fail with an IOException or NoSuchElementException"); } catch (IOException expected) { } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } } public void testGetFeatureReaderConcurancy() throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { Query query = new DefaultQuery(roadType.getTypeName()); FeatureReader reader1 = data.getFeatureReader(query, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); FeatureReader reader2 = data.getFeatureReader(query, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); query = new DefaultQuery(riverType.getTypeName()); FeatureReader reader3 = data.getFeatureReader(query, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); while (reader1.hasNext() || reader2.hasNext() || reader3.hasNext()) { assertTrue(containsFeature(roadFeatures, reader1.next())); assertTrue(containsFeature(roadFeatures, reader2.next())); if (reader3.hasNext()) { assertTrue(containsFeature(riverFeatures, reader3.next())); } } try { reader1.next(); fail( "next should fail with an IOException or NoSuchElementException"); } catch (IOException expected) { } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } try { reader2.next(); fail( "next should fail with an IOException or NoSuchElementException"); } catch (IOException expected) { } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } try { reader3.next(); fail( "next should fail with an IOException or NoSuchElementException"); } catch (IOException expected) { } catch (NoSuchElementException expected) { } reader1.close(); reader2.close(); reader3.close(); } public void testGetFeatureReaderFilterAutoCommit() throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { SimpleFeatureType type = data.getSchema("ROAD"); FeatureReader reader; reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertFalse(reader instanceof FilteringFeatureReader); assertEquals(type, reader.getFeatureType()); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length, count(reader)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD", Filter.EXCLUDE), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); //TODO: This assert sucks since it EXPECTS an emptyFeatureWriter...well, we got A writer... //and it was empty; that's good enough dammit! Even more, the very next assert fails since //an emptyFeatureReader looks to not contain the featureType anyways! //asserting that the count is 0 just below accomplishes the same thing! //assertTrue(reader instanceof EmptyFeatureReader); assertEquals(type, reader.getFeatureType()); assertEquals(0, count(reader)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD", rd1Filter), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); //TODO: Do we care what type it is? In fact, we'll never get FilteringFeatureReader //since the filtering is done on the DB side! // assertTrue(reader instanceof JDBCFeatureReader);//FilteringFeatureReader); assertEquals(type, reader.getFeatureType()); assertEquals(1, count(reader)); } public void testGetFeatureReaderFilterTransaction() throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { Transaction t = new DefaultTransaction(); SimpleFeatureType type = data.getSchema("ROAD"); FeatureReader reader; reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD", Filter.EXCLUDE), t); //TODO: remove this silly check! //assertTrue(reader instanceof EmptyFeatureReader); assertEquals(type, reader.getFeatureType()); assertEquals(0, count(reader)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t); assertTrue(reader instanceof DiffFeatureReader); assertEquals(type, reader.getFeatureType()); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length, count(reader)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD", rd1Filter), t); //assertTrue(reader instanceof DiffFeatureReader);//Currently wrapped by a filtering feature reader assertEquals(type, reader.getFeatureType()); assertEquals(1, count(reader)); SimpleFeatureStore store = (SimpleFeatureStore) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); store.setTransaction(t); store.removeFeatures(rd1Filter); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD", Filter.EXCLUDE), t); assertEquals(0, count(reader)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length - 1, count(reader)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD", rd1Filter), t); assertEquals(0, count(reader)); t.rollback(); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD", Filter.EXCLUDE), t); assertEquals(0, count(reader)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length, count(reader)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD", rd1Filter), t); assertEquals(1, count(reader)); } void assertCovered(SimpleFeature[] features, FeatureReader reader) throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { int count = 0; try { while (reader.hasNext()) { assertTrue(containsFeature(features, reader.next())); count++; } } finally { //This is not a good idea, since later tests try and run a reader.hasNext() !! //reader.close(); } assertEquals(features.length, count); } /** * Ensure that FeatureReader reader contains extactly the contents of * array. * * @param reader DOCUMENT ME! * @param array DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws NoSuchElementException DOCUMENT ME! * @throws IOException DOCUMENT ME! * @throws IllegalAttributeException DOCUMENT ME! */ boolean covers(SimpleFeatureCollection features, SimpleFeature[] array) throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { SimpleFeature feature; int count = 0; Iterator i = features.iterator(); try { while (i.hasNext()) { feature = (SimpleFeature) i.next(); if (!containsFeature(array, feature)) { return false; } count++; } } finally { features.close( i ); } return count == array.length; } /** * Ensure that FeatureReader reader contains extactly the contents of * array. * * @param reader DOCUMENT ME! * @param array DOCUMENT ME! * * @return DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws NoSuchElementException DOCUMENT ME! * @throws IOException DOCUMENT ME! * @throws IllegalAttributeException DOCUMENT ME! */ boolean covers(FeatureReader reader, SimpleFeature[] array) throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { SimpleFeature feature; int count = 0; try { while (reader.hasNext()) { feature = reader.next(); assertNotNull("feature", feature ); if (!containsFeature(array, feature)) { fail("feature "+feature.getID()+" not listed"); return false; } count++; } } finally { reader.close(); } assertEquals( "covers", count, array.length ); return true; } boolean covers(SimpleFeatureIterator reader, SimpleFeature[] array) throws NoSuchElementException, IOException { SimpleFeature feature; int count = 0; try { while (reader.hasNext()) { feature = reader.next(); assertNotNull("feature", feature ); if (!containsFeature(array, feature)) { fail("feature "+feature.getID()+" not listed"); return false; } count++; } } finally { reader.close(); } assertEquals( "covers", count, array.length ); return true; } boolean coversLax(FeatureReader reader, SimpleFeature[] array) throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { SimpleFeature feature; int count = 0; try { while (reader.hasNext()) { feature = reader.next(); if (!containsLax(array, feature)) { return false; } count++; } } finally { reader.close(); } return count == array.length; } boolean coversLax(SimpleFeatureIterator reader, SimpleFeature[] array) throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { SimpleFeature feature; int count = 0; try { while (reader.hasNext()) { feature = reader.next(); if (!containsLax(array, feature)) { return false; } count++; } } finally { reader.close(); } return count == array.length; } void dump(FeatureReader reader) throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { SimpleFeature feature; int count = 0; try { while (reader.hasNext()) { feature = reader.next(); System.out.println(count + " feature:" + feature); count++; } } finally { reader.close(); } } void dump(Object[] array) { for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { System.out.println(i + " feature:" + array[i]); } } /* * Test for FeatureWriter getFeatureWriter(String, Filter, Transaction) */ public void testGetFeatureWriter() throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { FeatureWriter writer = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length, count(writer)); try { writer.hasNext(); fail("Should not be able to use a closed writer"); } catch (IOException expected) { } try { writer.next(); fail("Should not be able to use a closed writer"); } catch (IOException expected) { } } public void testGetFeatureWriterRemove() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { FeatureWriter writer = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); SimpleFeature feature; while (writer.hasNext()) { feature = writer.next(); if (feature.getID().equals(roadFeatures[0].getID())) { writer.remove(); } } writer = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length - 1, count(writer)); } public void testGetFeaturesWriterAdd() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { FeatureWriter writer = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); SimpleFeature feature; while (writer.hasNext()) { feature = (SimpleFeature) writer.next(); } assertFalse(writer.hasNext()); feature = (SimpleFeature) writer.next(); feature.setAttributes(newRoad.getAttributes()); writer.write(); assertFalse(writer.hasNext()); writer = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length + 1, count(writer)); } public void testGetFeaturesWriterModify() throws IOException, IllegalAttributeException { FeatureWriter writer = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); SimpleFeature feature; while (writer.hasNext()) { feature = writer.next(); if (feature.getID().equals(roadFeatures[0].getID())) { feature.setAttribute("NAME", "changed"); writer.write(); } } feature = null; FeatureReader reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD", rd1Filter), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); if (reader.hasNext()) { feature = reader.next(); } // feature = (SimpleFeature) data.features("ROAD").get("road.rd1"); assertEquals("changed", feature.getAttribute("NAME")); } public void testGetFeatureWriterTypeNameTransaction() throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { FeatureWriter writer; writer = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length, count(writer)); writer.close(); } public void testGetFeatureWriterAppendTypeNameTransaction() throws Exception { FeatureWriter writer; writer = data.getFeatureWriterAppend("ROAD", Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertEquals(0, count(writer)); writer.close(); } /* * Test for FeatureWriter getFeatureWriter(String, boolean, Transaction) */ public void testGetFeatureWriterFilter() throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { FeatureWriter writer; writer = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", Filter.EXCLUDE, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertFalse(writer.hasNext()); //TODO: This assert sucks since it EXPECTS an emptyFeatureWriter...well, we got A writer... //and it was empty; that's good enough dammit! // assertTrue(writer instanceof EmptyFeatureWriter); assertEquals(0, count(writer)); writer = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", Filter.INCLUDE, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertFalse(writer instanceof FilteringFeatureWriter); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length, count(writer)); writer = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", rd1Filter, Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); //TODO: Do we care what type it is? In fact, we'll never get FilteringFeatureWriter //since the filtering is done on the DB side! // assertTrue(writer instanceof JDBCFeatureWriter);//FilteringFeatureWriter); assertEquals(1, count(writer)); } /** * Test two transactions one removing feature, and one adding a feature. * * @throws Exception DOCUMENT ME! */ public void testGetFeatureWriterTransaction() throws Exception { Transaction t1 = new DefaultTransaction(); Transaction t2 = new DefaultTransaction(); FeatureWriter writer1 = data.getFeatureWriter("ROAD", rd1Filter, t1); FeatureWriter writer2 = data.getFeatureWriterAppend("ROAD", t2); SimpleFeatureType road = data.getSchema("ROAD"); FeatureReader reader; SimpleFeature feature; SimpleFeature[] ORIGIONAL = roadFeatures; SimpleFeature[] REMOVE = new SimpleFeature[ORIGIONAL.length - 1]; SimpleFeature[] ADD = new SimpleFeature[ORIGIONAL.length + 1]; SimpleFeature[] FINAL = new SimpleFeature[ORIGIONAL.length]; int i; int index; index = 0; for (i = 0; i < ORIGIONAL.length; i++) { feature = ORIGIONAL[i]; if (!feature.getID().equals(roadFeatures[0].getID())) { REMOVE[index++] = feature; } } for (i = 0; i < ORIGIONAL.length; i++) { ADD[i] = ORIGIONAL[i]; } ADD[i] = newRoad; for (i = 0; i < REMOVE.length; i++) { FINAL[i] = REMOVE[i]; } FINAL[i] = newRoad; // start of with ORIGINAL reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(covers(reader, ORIGIONAL)); // writer 1 removes road.rd1 on t1 // ------------------------------- // - tests transaction independence from DataStore while (writer1.hasNext()) { feature = (SimpleFeature) writer1.next(); assertEquals(roadFeatures[0].getID(), feature.getID()); writer1.remove(); } // still have ORIGIONAL and t1 has REMOVE reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(covers(reader, ORIGIONAL)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t1); assertTrue(covers(reader, REMOVE)); // close writer1 // -------------- // ensure that modification is left up to transaction commmit writer1.close(); // We still have ORIGIONAL and t1 has REMOVE reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(covers(reader, ORIGIONAL)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t1); assertTrue(covers(reader, REMOVE)); // writer 2 adds road.rd4 on t2 // ---------------------------- // - tests transaction independence from each other feature = (SimpleFeature) writer2.next(); feature.setAttributes(newRoad.getAttributes()); writer2.write(); // We still have ORIGIONAL and t2 has ADD reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(covers(reader, ORIGIONAL)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t2); assertTrue(coversLax(reader, ADD)); // close writer2 // ------------- // ensure that modification is left up to transaction commmit writer2.close(); // Still have ORIGIONAL and t2 has ADD reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(covers(reader, ORIGIONAL)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t2); assertTrue(coversLax(reader, ADD)); // commit t1 // --------- // -ensure that delayed writing of transactions takes place // t1.commit(); // We now have REMOVE, as does t1 (which has not additional diffs) // t2 will have FINAL reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(covers(reader, REMOVE)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t1); assertTrue(covers(reader, REMOVE)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t2); assertTrue(coversLax(reader, FINAL)); // commit t2 // --------- // -ensure that everyone is FINAL at the end of the day t2.commit(); // We now have Number( remove one and add one) reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), Transaction.AUTO_COMMIT); assertTrue(coversLax(reader, FINAL)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t1); assertTrue(coversLax(reader, FINAL)); reader = data.getFeatureReader(new DefaultQuery("ROAD"), t2); assertTrue(coversLax(reader, FINAL)); } //FIXME: This test will fail for all DB datastores because of the getBounds issue... //should revisit later. // // Feature Source Testing public void atestGetFeatureSourceRoad() throws IOException { SimpleFeatureSource road = data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); assertEquals(roadType, road.getSchema()); assertEquals(data, road.getDataStore()); assertEquals(3, road.getCount(Query.ALL)); //TODO: which way to get the bounds? assertEquals(new Envelope(1, 5, 0, 4), road.getFeatures(Query.ALL).getBounds()); //road.getBounds(Query.ALL)); SimpleFeatureCollection all = road.getFeatures(); assertEquals(3, all.size()); assertEquals(roadBounds, all.getBounds()); SimpleFeatureCollection expected = DataUtilities.collection(roadFeatures); assertCovers("ALL", expected, all); assertEquals(roadBounds, all.getBounds()); SimpleFeatureCollection some = road.getFeatures(rd12Filter); assertEquals(2, some.size()); assertEquals(rd12Bounds, some.getBounds()); assertEquals(some.getSchema(), road.getSchema()); //TODO: what should be done here? change the query to get GEOM or not? //We need to fetch "GEOM" since we'll need to create the bounds based //on the geometry later on (getting the geom from the DB is expensive and //so far unsupported DefaultQuery query = new DefaultQuery("ROAD", rd12Filter, new String[] { "NAME", }); SimpleFeatureCollection half = road.getFeatures(query); assertEquals(2, half.size()); assertEquals(1, half.getSchema().getAttributeCount()); SimpleFeatureIterator reader = half.features(); SimpleFeatureType type = half.getSchema(); reader.close(); SimpleFeatureType actual = half.getSchema(); assertEquals(type.getTypeName(), actual.getTypeName()); assertEquals(type.getName().getNamespaceURI(), actual.getName().getNamespaceURI()); assertEquals(type.getAttributeCount(), actual.getAttributeCount()); for (int i = 0; i < type.getAttributeCount(); i++) { assertEquals(type.getDescriptor(i), actual.getDescriptor(i)); } assertNull(type.getGeometryDescriptor()); assertEquals(type.getGeometryDescriptor(), actual.getGeometryDescriptor()); assertEquals(type, actual); BoundingBox b = half.getBounds(); assertEquals(new ReferencedEnvelope(1, 5, 0, 4,null), b); } public void testGetFeatureSourceRiver() throws NoSuchElementException, IOException, IllegalAttributeException { SimpleFeatureSource river = data.getFeatureSource("RIVER"); assertEquals(riverType, river.getSchema()); assertEquals(data, river.getDataStore()); SimpleFeatureCollection all = river.getFeatures(); assertEquals(2, all.size()); assertEquals(riverBounds, all.getBounds()); assertTrue("RIVERS", covers(all.features(), riverFeatures)); SimpleFeatureCollection expected = DataUtilities.collection(riverFeatures); assertCovers("ALL", expected, all); assertEquals(riverBounds, all.getBounds()); } // // Feature Store Testing // public void testGetFeatureStoreModifyFeatures1() throws IOException { SimpleFeatureStore road = (SimpleFeatureStore) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); AttributeDescriptor name = roadType.getDescriptor("NAME"); road.modifyFeatures(name, "changed", rd1Filter); SimpleFeatureCollection results = road.getFeatures(rd1Filter); assertEquals("changed", results.features().next().getAttribute("NAME")); } public void testGetFeatureStoreModifyFeatures2() throws IOException { SimpleFeatureStore road = (SimpleFeatureStore) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); AttributeDescriptor name = roadType.getDescriptor("NAME"); road.modifyFeatures(new AttributeDescriptor[] { name, }, new Object[] { "changed", }, rd1Filter); SimpleFeatureCollection results = road.getFeatures(rd1Filter); assertEquals("changed", results.features().next().getAttribute("NAME")); } public void testGetFeatureStoreRemoveFeatures() throws IOException { SimpleFeatureStore road = (SimpleFeatureStore) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); road.removeFeatures(rd1Filter); assertEquals(0, road.getFeatures(rd1Filter).size()); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length - 1, road.getFeatures().size()); } public void testGetFeatureStoreAddFeatures() throws IOException { FeatureReader reader = DataUtilities.reader(new SimpleFeature[] { newRoad, }); SimpleFeatureStore road = (SimpleFeatureStore) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); road.addFeatures( DataUtilities.collection(reader)); assertEquals(roadFeatures.length + 1, road.getFeatures().size()); } public void testGetFeatureStoreSetFeatures() throws IOException { FeatureReader reader = DataUtilities.reader(new SimpleFeature[] { newRoad, }); SimpleFeatureStore road = (SimpleFeatureStore) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); road.setFeatures(reader); assertEquals(1, road.getFeatures().size()); } public void testGetFeatureStoreTransactionSupport() throws Exception { Transaction t1 = new DefaultTransaction(); Transaction t2 = new DefaultTransaction(); SimpleFeatureStore road = (SimpleFeatureStore) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); SimpleFeatureStore road1 = (SimpleFeatureStore) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); SimpleFeatureStore road2 = (SimpleFeatureStore) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); road1.setTransaction(t1); road2.setTransaction(t2); SimpleFeature feature; SimpleFeature[] ORIGIONAL = roadFeatures; SimpleFeature[] REMOVE = new SimpleFeature[ORIGIONAL.length - 1]; SimpleFeature[] ADD = new SimpleFeature[ORIGIONAL.length + 1]; SimpleFeature[] FINAL = new SimpleFeature[ORIGIONAL.length]; int i; int index; index = 0; for (i = 0; i < ORIGIONAL.length; i++) { feature = ORIGIONAL[i]; if (!feature.getID().equals(roadFeatures[0].getID())) { REMOVE[index++] = feature; } } for (i = 0; i < ORIGIONAL.length; i++) { ADD[i] = ORIGIONAL[i]; } ADD[i] = newRoad; for (i = 0; i < REMOVE.length; i++) { FINAL[i] = REMOVE[i]; } FINAL[i] = newRoad; // start of with ORIGINAL assertTrue(covers(road.getFeatures().features(), ORIGIONAL)); // road1 removes road.rd1 on t1 // ------------------------------- // - tests transaction independence from DataStore road1.removeFeatures(rd1Filter); // still have ORIGIONAL and t1 has REMOVE assertTrue(covers(road.getFeatures().features(), ORIGIONAL)); assertTrue(covers(road1.getFeatures().features(), REMOVE)); // road2 adds road.rd4 on t2 // ---------------------------- // - tests transaction independence from each other SimpleFeatureCollection collection = DataUtilities.collection(new SimpleFeature[] { newRoad, }); road2.addFeatures(collection); // We still have ORIGIONAL, t1 has REMOVE, and t2 has ADD assertTrue(covers(road.getFeatures().features(), ORIGIONAL)); assertTrue(covers(road1.getFeatures().features(), REMOVE)); assertTrue(coversLax(road2.getFeatures().features(), ADD)); // commit t1 // --------- // -ensure that delayed writing of transactions takes place // t1.commit(); // We now have REMOVE, as does t1 (which has not additional diffs) // t2 will have FINAL assertTrue(covers(road.getFeatures().features(), REMOVE)); assertTrue(covers(road1.getFeatures().features(), REMOVE)); assertTrue(coversLax(road2.getFeatures().features(), FINAL)); // commit t2 // --------- // -ensure that everyone is FINAL at the end of the day t2.commit(); // We now have Number( remove one and add one) assertTrue(coversLax(road.getFeatures().features(), FINAL)); assertTrue(coversLax(road1.getFeatures().features(), FINAL)); assertTrue(coversLax(road2.getFeatures().features(), FINAL)); } boolean isLocked(String typeName, String fid) { InProcessLockingManager lockingManager = (InProcessLockingManager) data .getLockingManager(); return lockingManager.isLocked(typeName, fid); } // // FeatureLocking Testing // /* * Test for void lockFeatures() */ public void testLockFeatures() throws IOException { FeatureLock lock = FeatureLockFactory.generate("test", 3600); FeatureLocking road = (FeatureLocking) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); road.setFeatureLock(lock); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[0].getID())); road.lockFeatures(); assertTrue(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[0].getID())); } public void testUnLockFeatures() throws IOException { FeatureLock lock = FeatureLockFactory.generate("test", 360000); FeatureLocking road = (FeatureLocking) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); road.setFeatureLock(lock); road.lockFeatures(); try { road.unLockFeatures(); fail("unlock should fail due on AUTO_COMMIT"); } catch (IOException expected) { } Transaction t = new DefaultTransaction(); road.setTransaction(t); try { road.unLockFeatures(); fail("unlock should fail due lack of authorization"); } catch (IOException expected) { } t.addAuthorization(lock.getAuthorization()); road.unLockFeatures(); } public void testLockFeatureInteraction() throws IOException { FeatureLock lockA = FeatureLockFactory.generate("LockA", 3600); FeatureLock lockB = FeatureLockFactory.generate("LockB", 3600); Transaction t1 = new DefaultTransaction(); Transaction t2 = new DefaultTransaction(); FeatureLocking road1 = (FeatureLocking) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); FeatureLocking road2 = (FeatureLocking) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); road1.setTransaction(t1); road2.setTransaction(t2); road1.setFeatureLock(lockA); road2.setFeatureLock(lockB); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[0].getID())); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[1].getID())); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[2].getID())); road1.lockFeatures(rd1Filter); assertTrue(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[0].getID())); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[1].getID())); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[2].getID())); road2.lockFeatures(rd2Filter); assertTrue(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[0].getID())); assertTrue(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[1].getID())); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[2].getID())); try { road1.unLockFeatures(rd1Filter); fail("need authorization"); } catch (IOException expected) { } t1.addAuthorization(lockA.getAuthorization()); try { road1.unLockFeatures(rd2Filter); fail("need correct authorization"); } catch (IOException expected) { } road1.unLockFeatures(rd1Filter); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[0].getID())); assertTrue(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[1].getID())); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[2].getID())); t2.addAuthorization(lockB.getAuthorization()); road2.unLockFeatures(rd2Filter); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[0].getID())); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[1].getID())); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[2].getID())); } public void testGetFeatureLockingExpire() throws Exception { FeatureLock lock = FeatureLockFactory.generate("Timed", 1); FeatureLocking road = (FeatureLocking) data.getFeatureSource("ROAD"); road.setFeatureLock(lock); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[0].getID())); road.lockFeatures(rd1Filter); assertTrue(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[0].getID())); Thread.sleep(50); assertFalse(isLocked("ROAD", roadFeatures[0].getID())); } public void testCreateSchema() throws Exception { String typename = "NewType"; SimpleFeatureType t = DataUtilities.createType(typename, "*geom:Geometry"); data.createSchema(t); String[] names = data.getTypeNames(); boolean foundNewType = false; for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) { if (names[i].equalsIgnoreCase(typename)) { foundNewType = true; } } assertTrue(foundNewType); } }