Reads GML files and translates them into Java objects.

Note that the final OGC simple geometry types used by these classes are the ones developed by Vivid Solutions as part of the Java Topology Suite.  However, this not the only type of Java object that may be generated by using this suite of filters.  For example, you could implement a GMLGeometryHandler to create custom geometry types or to store OGC simple types in your own custom format.  The illustration shows how this works.

GMLDocumentFilter reads in an arbitrary XML file, extracts all GML-namespace associate elements, and translates them into primitive geometry calls, handled by the GMLGeometryHandler.  Essentially, GMLDocumentFilter handles all coordinate parsing so that handlers further down the chain never see any character data within GML objects.

GMLGeometryFilter implements a GMLGeometryHandler and uses the SubHandlers to create finished JTS-based geometries.  This is the only object that GMLGeometryFilter passes on down the chain from the GML namespace.  All other XML is passed through without modification.