hd.db.connect providing connection manager for GRASS Hadoop Framework

The module provides storing of connection profiles in default GRASS GIS database backend which is SQLite by default. The usage of the database manager is derived from current GRASS db.* modules. Thus, based on set up primary connection which is use for all involved modules.


Defining connection

Parameter driver and conn_id are mandatory for each connection profile. Parameter driver defines the protocol for communication with database and conn_id is a free unique string of connection profile. Other parameters as host, port, login, passwd, schema, authmechanism depends on a configuration of database server. After a new connection is added, the module automatically set the new one as active. In case of controlling several Hadoop clusters it is suitable to define its connection profiles and switching between by flag -a with parameter conn_id and driver.

Local hosts

For accessing HDFS from GRASS Hadoop Framework the driver must know all external IP addresses of master and workers of cluster. After the client accesses HDFS daemon (port 50700) then it receives message with local host and port of workers instead of IP address. If the client is running from different machine than master, these IP addresses and local host names must be defined. In Linux systems the configuration of local hosts are declared in file /etc/hosts.


Defining connection of Hive database (hiserver2 driver):
hd.db.connect driver=hiveserver2 conn_id=hive_spatial  host=cluster-4-m.c.hadoop port=10000 login=matt schema=default

Defining connection of Hadoop Namenode(WebHDFS REST API) : driver=webhdfs conn_id=hdfs_spatial login=matt host=cluster-4-m.c.hadoop port=50070

SEE ALSO,, hd.hdfs.out.vector,, hd.hive.execute, hd.hive.csv.table,,, hd.hive.json.table

See also related wiki page.


Matej Krejci, OSGeoREL at the Czech Technical University in Prague, developed during master thesis project 2016 (mentor: Martin Landa)