v.delaunay3d performs 3D Delaunay triangulation on input 3D vector point map. Resultant facets (ie. triangles) of tetrahedral network (TEN) are written as faces to the output vector map. If -l flag is given, the module writes edges of the network as lines instead of faces. By -p flag the user can perform plain 3D triangulation instead of Delaunay triangulation. In the plain triangulation the facets depends on the insertion order of the vertices.


3D triangulation is performed by CGAL library.

Centroids are treated as points when reading data from the input vector map. Note that input vector map must be 3D, the output is always 3D.


# generate random 3D points
v.random out=rp n=100 zmax=100 -z
# perform 3D triangulation
v.delaunay3d input=rp output=rp_ten
Number of vertices: 100
Number of edges: 626
Number of triangles: 1019
Number of tetrahedrons: 492



Martin Landa, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic

Last changed: $Date$