The purpose of the v.rast.bufferstats module is to provide local environmental context to a series of input geometries. It computes statistics from multiple input raster maps within multiple buffers around selected geometries in the input vector map.

Available statistics are either

  1. statistics provided by r.univar or
  2. if the t-flag is checked - area of, number of and/or the most frequent (mode) raster categories within the buffers using r.stats.

If output option is specified, results are written to file or stdout in stead of attribute table of the input map. File output is produced with the following column order:
cat | prefix | buffer| statistic/measure | value
separated by the user defined separator (default is |).


The module temporarily modifies the computational region. The region is set to the extent of the respecive buffers, while the alignement of the current region is kept.


g.region -p raster=elevation,geology_30m
v.clip --o -r input=bridges output=bridges_wake

# Tabulate area of land cover map
g.region -p raster=elevation,geology_30m align=geology_30m
v.rast.bufferstats -t input=bridges_wake raster=geology_30m buffers=100,250,500 column_prefix=geology

# Compute terrain statistics
g.region -p raster=elevation,geology_30m align=elevation
r.slope.aspect elevation=elevation slope=slope aspect=aspect
v.rast.bufferstats input= raster=altitude,slope,aspect buffers=100,250,500 column_prefix=altitude,slope,aspect methods=minimum,maximum,average,stddev percentile=5,95


In order to avoid topological issues with overlapping buffers, the module loops over the input geometries. However, this comes at costs with regards to performance. For a larger number of geometries in the vector map, it can be therefore more appropriate to compute neighborhood statistics with r.neighbors and to extract (v.what.rast, r.what) or aggregate (v.rast.stats) from those maps with neighborhood statistics.

The module is affected by the following underlying library issues: Lines are wrongly reported for points maps: To circumvent the issue, specify the type of geometry to process in the module call using the type option. Currently, the module uses GRASS native buffering which should be replaced by buffering using GEOS:


r.univar r.stats v.rast.stats


Stefan Blumentrath, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, Oslo, Norway

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