setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); echo "Connected to Trac\n"; //if restriction to certain components is added, put this in the SQL string if ($use_components && is_array($use_components)) { if ($revert_components) { $my_components = " AND component NOT IN ('".implode("', '", $use_components)."') "; } else { $my_components = " AND component IN ('".implode("', '", $use_components)."') "; } } else $my_components = ""; // if restriction to certain milestones if ($use_milestones && is_array($use_milestones)) { $my_milestones = " AND name IN ('".implode("', '", $use_milestones)."') "; $my_milestones_t = " AND milestone IN ('".implode("', '", $use_milestones)."') "; } else $my_milestones = $my_milestone_t = ""; $milestones = array(); if (!$skip_milestones) { // Export all milestones $res = $trac_db->query("SELECT * FROM milestone where completed = 0 $my_milestones ORDER BY CAST(due AS DOUBLE PRECISION)"); $mnum = 1; $existing_milestones = array(); foreach (github_get_milestones() as $m) { $milestones[crc32(urldecode($m['title']))] = (int)$m['number']; } foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) { if (isset($milestones[crc32($row['name'])])) { echo "Milestone {$row['name']} already exists\n"; continue; } //$milestones[$row['name']] = ++$mnum; $epochInSecs = (int) ($row['due']/1000000); echo "due : ".date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $epochInSecs)."\n"; if ($epochInSecs == 0) { $resp = github_add_milestone(array( 'title' => $row['name'], 'state' => $row['completed'] == 0 ? 'open' : 'closed', // 'description' => empty($row['description']) ? '' : translate_markup($row['description']) )); } else { $resp = github_add_milestone(array( 'title' => $row['name'], 'state' => $row['completed'] == 0 ? 'open' : 'closed', // 'description' => empty($row['description']) ? '' : translate_markup($row['description']), 'due_on' => date('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z', $epochInSecs) )); } if (isset($resp['number'])) { // OK $milestones[crc32($row['name'])] = (int) $resp['number']; echo "Milestone {$row['name']} converted to {$resp['number']}\n"; } else { // Error $error = print_r($resp, 1); echo "Failed to convert milestone {$row['name']}: $error\n"; } } } $labels = array(); $labels['T'] = array(); $labels['C'] = array(); $labels['P'] = array(); $labels['R'] = array(); $labels['S'] = array(); $labels['M'] = array(); $labels['OS'] = array(); if (!$skip_labels) { // Export all "labels" $res = $trac_db->query("SELECT DISTINCT 'T' AS label_type, type AS name, 'cccccc' AS color FROM ticket WHERE COALESCE(type, '') <> '' UNION SELECT DISTINCT 'C' AS label_type, component AS name, 'bfd4f2' AS color FROM ticket WHERE COALESCE (component, '') <> '' UNION SELECT DISTINCT 'P' AS label_type, priority AS name, case when lower(priority) = 'urgent' then 'ff0000' when lower(priority) = 'high' then 'ff6666' when lower(priority) = 'medium' then 'ffaaaa' when lower(priority) = 'low' then 'ffdddd' when lower(priority) = 'blocker' then 'ffc7f8' when lower(priority) = 'critical' then 'ffffb8' when lower(priority) = 'major' then 'f6f6f6' when lower(priority) = 'minor' then 'dcffff' /* when lower(priority) = 'trivial' then 'dce7ff' */ else 'aa8888' end color FROM ticket WHERE COALESCE(priority, '') <> '' UNION SELECT DISTINCT 'R' AS label_type, resolution AS name, '55ff55' AS color FROM ticket WHERE COALESCE(resolution, '') <> '' UNION SELECT DISTINCT 'S' AS label_type, severity AS name, 'ff55ff' AS color FROM ticket WHERE COALESCE(severity, '') <> '' UNION SELECT DISTINCT 'OS' AS label_type, value AS name, '880000' AS color FROM ticket_custom WHERE name = 'platform' AND value NOT LIKE 'MS%' AND value <> 'All' and value <> 'Unspecified' UNION SELECT DISTINCT 'OS' AS label_type, 'MS Windows' AS name, '880000' AS color"); // UNION // SELECT DISTINCT 'M' AS label_type, milestone AS name, '880000' AS color // FROM ticket WHERE COALESCE(milestone, '') <> ''"); $existing_labels = array(); foreach (github_get_labels() as $l) { $existing_labels[] = urldecode($l['name']); if ($verbose) { echo "found GitHub label {$l['name']}\n"; } } foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) { $label_name = $row['label_type'] . ': ' . str_replace(",", "", $row['name']); if (array_key_exists($label_name, $remap_labels)) { $label_name = $remap_labels[$label_name]; } if (empty($label_name)) { $labels[$row['label_type']][crc32($row['name'])] = NULL; continue; } if (in_array($label_name, $existing_labels)) { echo "Label {$row['name']} already exists\n"; $labels[$row['label_type']][crc32($row['name'])] = $label_name; continue; } $resp = github_add_label(array( 'name' => $label_name, 'color' => $row['color'] )); if (isset($resp['url'])) { // OK $labels[$row['label_type']][crc32($row['name'])] = $resp['name']; echo "Label {$row['name']} converted to {$resp['name']}\n"; } else { // Error $error = print_r($resp, 1); echo "Failed to convert trac field {$label_name}: $error\n"; } } } // Try get previously fetched tickets $tickets = array(); if (file_exists($save_tickets)) { $tickets = unserialize(file_get_contents($save_tickets)); } if (!$skip_tickets) { // Export tickets $limit = $ticket_limit > 0 ? "OFFSET $ticket_offset LIMIT $ticket_limit" : ''; // First prepare lookup table // $my_tickets = "and id in (1755)"; $sql = "SELECT * FROM ticket WHERE status != 'closed' $my_tickets $my_components $my_milestones_t ORDER BY id $limit"; $res = $trac_db->query($sql); $i = 1; $ticket_remap = array(); foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) { $ticket_remap[$row['id']] = $i; $i = $i + 1; } // Now export $res = $trac_db->query($sql); $i = 0; foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) { $i = $i + 1; if ($i % 25 == 0) sleep(60); if (isset($last_ticket_number) and $ticket_try_preserve_numbers) { if ($last_ticket_number >= $row['id']) { echo "ERROR: Cannot create ticket #{$row['id']} because issue #{$last_ticket_number} was already created."; break; } while ($last_ticket_number < $row['id']-1) { $resp = github_add_issue(array( 'title' => "Placeholder", 'body' => "This is a placeholder created during migration to preserve original issue numbers.", 'milestone' => NULL, 'labels' => array() )); if (isset($resp['number'])) { // OK $last_ticket_number = $resp['number']; echo "Created placeholder issue #{$resp['number']}\n"; $resp = github_update_issue($resp['number'], array( 'state' => 'closed', 'labels' => array('invalid'), )); if (isset($resp['number'])) { echo "Closed issue #{$resp['number']}\n"; } } } } $resp = $trac_db->query("SELECT value FROM ticket_custom WHERE ticket=" . $row['id'] . " AND name = 'platform'"); foreach ($resp->fetchAll() as $rowp) { $platform = $rowp['value']; if (substr( $platform, 0, 2 ) === "MS") { $platform = 'MS Windows'; } break; } if (!$skip_comments) { // restore original values (at ticket creation time), to restore modification history later foreach ( array('priority', 'resolution', 'severity', 'milestone', 'type', 'component', 'description', 'summary') as $f ) { $row[$f] = trac_orig_value($row, $f); } } // if (!empty($row['owner']) and !isset($users_list[$row['owner']])) { // $row['owner'] = NULL; // } $ticketLabels = array(); if (!empty($labels['T'][crc32($row['type'])])) { $ticketLabels[] = $labels['T'][crc32($row['type'])]; } if (!empty($labels['C'][crc32($row['component'])])) { $ticketLabels[] = $labels['C'][crc32($row['component'])]; } if (!empty($labels['P'][crc32($row['priority'])])) { $ticketLabels[] = $labels['P'][crc32($row['priority'])]; } if (!empty($labels['R'][crc32($row['resolution'])])) { $ticketLabels[] = $labels['R'][crc32($row['resolution'])]; } if (!empty($labels['S'][crc32($row['severity'])])) { $ticketLabels[] = $labels['S'][crc32($row['severity'])]; } if (!empty($labels['M'][crc32($row['milestone'])])) { $ticketLabels[] = $labels['M'][crc32($row['milestone'])]; } if (!empty($labels['OS'][crc32($platform)])) { $ticketLabels[] = $labels['OS'][crc32($platform)]; } $body = make_body($row['description'], $ticket_remap, $row['id']); $timestamp = date("j M Y H:i e", $row['time']/1000000); $body = '**Reported by ' . convert_username($row['reporter']) . ' on ' . $timestamp . "**\n" . $body; if (!empty($platform) and $platform != "All" and $platform != "Unspecified") { $body .= "\n### Operating system\n" . $platform . "\n"; } if (!empty($row['version']) and $row['version'] != "unspecified") { $body .= "\n### GRASS GIS version and provenance\n" . $row['version'] . "\n"; } if (empty($row['milestone'])) { $milestone = NULL; } else { $milestone = $milestones[crc32($row['milestone'])]; } // if (!empty($row['owner'])) { // $assignee = isset($users_list[$row['owner']]) ? $users_list[$row['owner']] : $row['owner']; // } else { // $assignee = NULL; // } $infoarray = array( 'title' => $row['summary'], 'body' => body_with_possible_suffix($body, $row['id']), 'milestone' => $milestone, 'labels' => $ticketLabels, ); // if (!empty($assignee)) { // $infoarray['assignee'] = $assignee; // $infoarray['assignees'] = array($assignee); // } $resp = github_add_issue($infoarray); if (isset($resp['number'])) { // OK $tickets[$row['id']] = (int) $resp['number']; $last_ticket_number = $resp['number']; echo "Ticket #{$row['id']} converted to issue #{$resp['number']}\n"; if ($ticket_try_preserve_numbers and $row['id'] != $resp['number']) { echo "ERROR: New ticket number do not match the original one!\n"; break; } if (!$skip_attachments) { $tracid = $row['id']; $gitid = $tickets[$row['id']]; if ( ($tracid >= $attach_tracid_start) and (($tracid < $attach_tracid_end) or ($attach_tracid_end <= 0)) ) { if (!add_attachment_comment($tracid, $gitid)) { break; } } } if (!$skip_comments) { if (!add_changes_for_ticket($row['id'], $ticketLabels, $ticket_remap)) { break; } } else { if ($row['status'] == 'closed') { // Close the issue $resp = github_update_issue($resp['number'], array( 'state' => 'closed' )); if (isset($resp['number'])) { echo "Closed issue #{$resp['number']}\n"; } } } } else { // Error $error = print_r($resp, 1); echo "Failed to convert a ticket #{$row['id']}: $error\n"; break; } } // Serialize to restore in future file_put_contents($save_tickets, serialize($tickets)); } echo "Done whatever possible, sorry if not.\n"; function trac_orig_value($ticket, $field) { global $trac_db; $orig_value = $ticket[$field]; // $res = $trac_db->query("SELECT ticket_change.* FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket = {$ticket['id']} AND field = '$field' ORDER BY CAST(time AS DOUBLE PRECISION) LIMIT 1"); $res = $trac_db->query("SELECT ticket_change.* FROM ticket_change WHERE ticket = {$ticket['id']} AND field = '$field' ORDER BY time LIMIT 1"); foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) { $orig_value = $row['oldvalue']; } return $orig_value; } function add_attachment_comment($tracid, $gitid) { global $trac_db, $attachment_dir, $trac_url; // Don't make the attachment subdirectory unless there actually are attachments $attachdir = "$attachment_dir/TRAC_{$tracid}_GIT_$gitid"; // $res = $trac_db->query("SELECT * FROM attachment WHERE type = 'ticket' AND id = '" . $tracid . "' ORDER BY CAST(time AS DOUBLE PRECISION)"); $res = $trac_db->query("SELECT * FROM attachment WHERE type = 'ticket' AND id = '" . $tracid . "' ORDER BY time"); $dirmade = false; foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) { if (!$dirmade) { if (!file_exists($attachdir)) { if (!mkdir($attachdir)) { echo "Failed to make directory $attachdir\n"; return false; } } $dirmade = true; } // Add a comment for the attachment $attachfile = "$attachdir/" . $row['filename']; $timestamp = date("j M Y H:i e", $row['time']/1000000); $text = '**Attachment from ' . convert_username($row['author']) . ' on ' . $timestamp . "**\n"; $text = $text . $row['description'] . "\n"; // $text = $text . "REPLACE THIS TEXT WITH UPLOADED FILE $attachfile\n"; $text = $text . "" . $tracid . "/" . $row['filename'] . "\n"; $resp = github_add_comment($gitid, translate_markup($text)); if (isset($resp['url'])) { // OK echo "Comment created; need to upload file $attachfile\n"; } else { // Error $error = print_r($resp, 1); echo "Failed to add a comment for $attachfile : $error\n"; return false; } // Get the file from trac and save it under the specified directory $atturl = $trac_url . "/raw-attachment/ticket/$tracid/" . urlencode($row['filename']); $data = file_get_contents($atturl); if ( $data === false ) { echo "Unable to download the contents for attachment file $attachfile\n"; } else if ( file_put_contents($attachfile, $data) === false ) { echo "Unable to write the contents for attachment file $attachfile\n"; } // Wait 1sec to ensure the next event will be after // just added (apparently github can reorder // changes/comments if added too fast) // Change to 10 sec to slow things down to prevent perceived abuse of GitHub sleep(10); } return true; } function add_changes_for_ticket($ticket, $ticketLabels, $ticket_remap) { global $trac_db, $tickets, $labels, $users_list, $milestones, $skip_comments, $verbose; // $res = $trac_db->query("SELECT ticket_change.* FROM ticket_change, ticket WHERE = ticket_change.ticket AND ticket = $ticket ORDER BY ticket, CAST(time AS DOUBLE PRECISION), field <> 'comment'"); $res = $trac_db->query("SELECT ticket_change.* FROM ticket_change, ticket WHERE = ticket_change.ticket AND ticket = $ticket ORDER BY ticket, time, field <> 'comment'"); foreach ($res->fetchAll() as $row) { if ($verbose) print_r($row); if (!isset($tickets[$row['ticket']])) { echo "Skipping comment " . $row['time'] . " on unknown ticket " . $row['ticket'] . "\n"; continue; } $timestamp = date("j M Y H:i e", $row['time']/1000000); if ($row['field'] == 'comment') { if ($row['newvalue'] != '') { $text = '**Comment by ' . convert_username($row['author']) . ' on ' . $timestamp . "**\n" . $row['newvalue']; } else { $text = '**Modified by ' . convert_username($row['author']) . ' on ' . $timestamp . "**"; } $resp = github_add_comment($tickets[$row['ticket']], translate_markup($text, $ticket_remap, $ticket)); } else if (in_array($row['field'], array('component', 'priority', 'type', 'resolution', 'severity') )) { if (in_array($labels[strtoupper($row['field'])[0]][crc32($row['oldvalue'])], $ticketLabels)) { $index = array_search($labels[strtoupper($row['field'])[0]][crc32($row['oldvalue'])], $ticketLabels); $ticketLabels[$index] = $labels[strtoupper($row['field'])[0]][crc32($row['newvalue'])]; } else { $ticketLabels[] = $labels[strtoupper($row['field'])[0]][crc32($row['newvalue'])]; } $resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array( 'labels' => array_values(array_filter($ticketLabels, 'strlen')) )); } else if ($row['field'] == 'status') { $resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array( 'state' => ($row['newvalue'] == 'closed') ? 'closed' : 'open' )); } else if ($row['field'] == 'summary') { $resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array( 'title' => $row['newvalue'] )); // } else if ($row['field'] == 'description') { // TODO? // $body = make_body($row['newvalue']); // $timestamp = date("j M Y H:i e", $row['time']/1000000); // // TODO: // $body = '**Reported by ' . convert_username($row['reporter']) . ' on ' . $timestamp . "**\n" . $body; // $resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array( // 'body' => $body // )); // } else if ($row['field'] == 'owner') { // if (!empty($row['newvalue'])) { // $assignee = isset($users_list[$row['newvalue']]) ? $users_list[$row['newvalue']] : NULL; // } else { // $assignee = NULL; // } // if (!empty($assignee)) { // $resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array( // 'assignee' => $assignee, // 'assignees' => array($assignee) // )); // } else { // echo "WARNING: ignoring change of {$row['field']} to {$row['newvalue']}\n"; // continue; // } } else if ($row['field'] == 'milestone') { if (empty($row['newvalue'])) { $milestone = NULL; } else { $milestone = $milestones[crc32($row['newvalue'])]; } $resp = github_update_issue($tickets[$ticket], array( 'milestone' => $milestone )); } else { echo "WARNING: ignoring change of {$row['field']} to {$row['newvalue']}\n"; continue; } if (isset($resp['url'])) { // OK echo "Added change {$resp['url']}\n"; } else { // Error $error = print_r($resp, 1); echo "Failed to add a comment for " . $row['ticket'] . ": $error\n"; return false; } // Wait 1sec to ensure the next event will be after // just added (apparently github can reorder // changes/comments if added too fast) // Change to 10 sec to slow things down to prevent perceived abuse of GitHub sleep(10); } return true; } function github_req($url, $json, $patch = false, $post = true) { global $username, $password, $request_count, $project, $user_email; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "$username:$password"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, "$url"); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, $post); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "trac2github for $project, $user_email"); /* $headers = array( 'Accept: application/vnd.github.golden-comet-preview+json', ); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); */ if ($patch) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'PATCH'); } else if ($post) { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'POST'); } else { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'GET'); } $ret = curl_exec($ch); $header_size = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $header = substr($ret, 0, $header_size); $body = substr($ret, $header_size); if ($verbose) print_r($header); if (!$ret) { trigger_error(curl_error($ch)); } curl_close($ch); if ($patch || $post) { $request_count++; if($request_count > 20) { // Slow things down to prevent perceived abuse of GitHub sleep(70); $request_count = 0; } } return $body; } function github_add_milestone($data) { global $project, $repo, $verbose; if ($verbose) print_r($data); return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/milestones", json_encode($data)), true); } function github_add_label($data) { global $project, $repo, $verbose; if ($verbose) print_r($data); return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/labels", json_encode($data)), true); } function github_add_issue($data) { global $project, $repo, $verbose; if ($verbose) print_r($data); // return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/import/issues", json_encode($data)), true); return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/issues", json_encode($data)), true); } function github_add_comment($issue, $body) { global $project, $repo, $verbose; if ($verbose) print_r($body); return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/issues/$issue/comments", json_encode(array('body' => $body))), true); } function github_update_issue($issue, $data) { global $project, $repo, $verbose; if ($verbose) print_r($data); return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/issues/$issue", json_encode($data), true), true); } function github_get_milestones() { global $project, $repo, $verbose; if ($verbose) print_r($body); return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/milestones?per_page=100&state=all", false, false, false), true); } function github_get_labels() { global $project, $repo, $verbose; if ($verbose) print_r($body); return json_decode(github_req("/repos/$project/$repo/labels?per_page=100", false, false, false), true); } function make_body($description, $ticket_remap, $tracid) { return empty($description) ? 'None' : translate_markup($description, $ticket_remap, $tracid); } function translate_markup($data, $ticket_remap = null, $tracid = null) { // Replace code blocks with an associated language $data = preg_replace('/\{\{\{(\s*#!(\w+))?/m', '```$2', $data); $data = preg_replace('/\}\}\}/', '```', $data); // Avoid non-ASCII characters, as that will cause trouble with json_encode() $data = preg_replace('/[^(\x00-\x7F)]*/','', $data); // Convert 'Ticket #NNN' to 'Ticket NNN' so GitHub won't think it is issue NNN if (isset($ticket_remap)) { $data = preg_replace_callback( '/#([0-9]+)/', function ($matches) use ($ticket_remap) { if (array_key_exists($matches[1], $ticket_remap)) { return '#' . $ticket_remap[$matches[1]]; } return '' . $matches[1]; }, $data ); } else { $data = preg_replace('/#([0-9]+)/','$1', $data); } // Translate Trac-style links to Markdown // DO NOT DO THIS - the regex is far too generic: "a[1] b[2]" => "a[b[2](1])" // $data = preg_replace('/\[([^ ]+) ([^\]]+)\]/', '[$2]($1)', $data); // Translate Rev to full URL $data = preg_replace('/\br([0-9]{1,5})/', '$1', $data); // Translete to full URL $data = preg_replace('/[0-9]{1,5}\" ([0-9]{1,5})]/', '$1\"]$1', $data); // Sections $data = preg_replace('/==(.*)==/', '## $1', $data); // BR $data = preg_replace('/\[\[BR\]\]/', '', $data); // Fix URL $data = preg_replace('/\[http:\/\/(.*)\]/', 'http://$1', $data); $data = preg_replace('/\[https:\/\/(.*)\]/', 'https://$1', $data); // $data = preg_replace('/G7:(.*)\s*/', '$1.html', $data); $data = preg_replace('/G70:(.*)\s*/', '$1.html', $data); $data = preg_replace('/G72:(.*)\s*/', '$1.html', $data); $data = preg_replace('/G74:(.*)\s*/', '$1.html', $data); $data = preg_replace('/G76:(.*)\s*/', '$1.html', $data); $data = preg_replace('/G78:(.*)\s*/', '$1.html', $data); $data = preg_replace('/G7A:(.*)\s*/', '$1.html', $data); // wiki/image/source $data = preg_replace('/wiki:([a-zA-Z0-9#\/].*)/', '$1', $data); $data = preg_replace('/source:([a-zA-Z0-9#\/].*)/', '$1', $data); $data = preg_replace('/\[\[Image\(([a-zA-Z0-9-_\.]*)\,?.*\)\]\]/', '' . $tracid . '/$1', $data); // Possibly translate other markup as well? return $data; } function body_with_possible_suffix($body, $id) { global $add_migrated_suffix, $trac_url; if (!$add_migrated_suffix) return $body; return "$body\n\nMigrated-From: $trac_url/ticket/$id"; } function convert_username($username) { global $users_list; if (array_key_exists($username, $users_list)) { $username = $users_list[$username]; } else { echo "WARNING: No GitHub username for Trac username '{$username}'\n"; } return $username; } ?>