Question: I'm running ...[xxx-system]... with Xserver and keep 
having problems launching a display monitor when executing d.mon 
(from x0 to x7). Here  is the error message: 
d.mon start=x0
   Graphics driver [x0] is already running
   ERROR - eof from graphics monitor.
   Problem selecting x0. Will try once more
   ERROR - eof from graphics monitor.

Answer: Obviously the monitor/system crashed before.
The "Monitor-lock" file is still there and must be removed


Start GRASS. Change directory to cd $GISBASE/locks There you find a directory names like your machine. Go there: cd "mymachine" # e.g.: cd bermuda List the files within this directory and remove them: rm -f mon.* Go back home: cd ~ Now you can start a new GRASS monitor.

Markus Neteler Wed May 10 2000

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