Import of ESRI e00 vector files into GRASS GIS

It is really easy to import ESRI's vector e00 files into GRASS GIS (many thank to Michel Wurtz!):

Export the file in ARC/INFO:

0. Start ARC/INFO

1. export the file in e00 format (NONE makes it an ASCII e00):

EXPORT COVER yourcovername yourinterchangefile.e00 NONE

Example: export cover naxos naxos.e00 none

leave ARC/INFO
Import the file into GRASS

Start GRASS 4.2.1 (the required modules are not available in a previous version)

2. Import the files into GRASS: input=yourinterchangefile.e00
Example: input=naxos.e00

The GRASS vector file will be stored as "naxos" (without e00 extension)

3. Create the support file: map=yourinterchangefile option=build
Example:  map=naxos option=build
If you have an binary e00-file, you can convert it with "e00b2a":

e00b2a < binaryfile.e00 > newasciifile.e00

The "<" and ">" are required.

For further information meet the manual page
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Last Modified: 17. May 1999
Markus Neteler