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These binaries are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
Mac OS X shall be guaranteed to be provided only to OpenOSX GRASS customers.

This directory contains GRASS GIS 5.0.0 binary code for the Mac OS X 10.2.x
platform. These binaries have ONLY been tested with Mac OS 10.2.1
(current version at the time of writing).

[NEW FAQ below!]

These binaries have been ported, compiled and contributed by Jeshua Lacock, the 
Owner of OpenOSX. The fastest and easiest way to install a complete installation
of GRASS on Mac OS X is accomplished with OpenOSX's GRASS 5.0.2 Product, which
will eliminate ALL the instructions and downloads outlined on this page. All of
the libraries (Xfree, Tcl/TK, Mesa, gdal, etc) have been compiled with gcc 3.1.

Note that in theory, these binaries should only work on Mac OS 10.2.1 or
later systems. All required and optional libraries must be built on/or
for Mac OS 10.2.1 or (perhaps) later.

Requirements for graphical user interface (GUI): a) X-Windows: There are many different ways to install X-Windows. We strongly recommend Apple's X11 which is Quartz-based, offering hardware-accelerated 2D and 3D graphics. Apple's X11 application is based on XFree 4.2.1 and is available at: Another option is the package from OS X GNU, also listed on Apple's Mac OS X downloads page. OroborOSX is a modified X-Window manager that has been modified for native Mac OS X like features. It requires an installation of X-Free. The site also lists more detailed infomation about running X-Windows on mac OS X. OroborOSX is not required if you decide to use Apple's X11. b) tcltkgrass GUI: The above files should be moved/copied or downloaded to / (root) and installed from there: % cd / % bunzip2 fileName.tar.bz2 % tar -xvf fileName.tar Whenever possible, install the most recent version the complete tcl/tk library from (It is available as convenient Mac OS X install package) Not that these binaries have been compiled with Tcl/Tk 8.4.2 and has not been tested with previous versions. The patches provided here were developed by OpenOSX to enable native 8.4 Tcl/Tk Aqua support, native online help configured via the Mac OS X "Internet System Preference", along with bug fixes and additional native Mac OS X GUI enhancements. If you want to use the native Mac OS X Tcl/Tk interface with the fixes and enhancments developed by OpenOSX, then you will also need to download and apply the files 'OpenOSX-gui.tcl.diff', 'OpenOSX-gis_set.tcl.diff', 'OpenOSX-tcltkgrass.diff', ''. Application of these patches also require downloading and installing to /usr/local the following OpenOSX developed applcations and scripts: 'appToFront','launchURL', 'lsWrap' and 'wishToFront'. All of these files (with source code) are available in the 'OpenOSX-Additions-Grass-5.0.2.tar.bz2' file.
GRASS 5 Installation: 1. Get the GRASS binary distribution (currently 26MB): grass5.0.2_powerpc-apple-darwin6.5_bin.tar.bz2 (all files) 2. Also download the installation script: Then type the following for installation (use current package name!): % sh grass5.0.2_powerpc-apple-darwin6.5_bin.tar.bz2 This will create the necessary directories and files for you to run GRASS. The default install path is /usr/local/grass5/ To install in a different directory, specify it in the command line: % sh grass5.0.2_powerpc-apple-darwin6.5_bin.tar.bz2 /opt/grass5 You will likely need to add X11R6/bin and perhaps /usr/local/bin to your search path and set your DISPLAY variable if you are using the Terminal application and or Apple's X11 application. Note: Depending on your system, you may need to set the GRASS_WISH and GRASS_TCLSH environment variables. ------- How to apply the OpenOSX patches: OpenOSX-gui.tcl.diff: cp OpenOSX-gui.tcl.diff /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main/ cd /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main patch -p1 < OpenOSX-gui.tcl.diff OpenOSX-gis_set.tcl.diff: cp OpenOSX-gis_set.tcl.diff /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main/ cd /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main patch -p1 < OpenOSX-gis_set.tcl.diff OpenOSX-tcltkgrass.diff: cp OpenOSX-tcltkgrass.diff /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main/ cd /usr/local/grass5/tcltkgrass/main patch -p1 < OpenOSX-tcltkgrass.diff OpenOSX-tcltkgrass.diff: cp /usr/local/grass5/etc/ cd /usr/local/grass5/etc patch -p1 < ------- After installation please enter: % source /etc/csh.cshrc /etc/csh.login (Mac won't find the start script otherwise). Then start GRASS with: % grass5 Or if you want to start GRASS with the GUI: % grass5 -tcltk The user interface is started within GRASS: % tcltkgrass & Note: If you are starting from the beginning, you have to define your project area within GRASS before accessing the "tcltkgrass" user interface. For some funcionalities of GRASS (e.g. the PNG or GDAL driver) you need to install additional UNIX-libraries. (All of the optional and required libraries are installed by the OpenOSX GRASS Package, or can either be compiled or installed from packages (when available) with fink.). The most recent stable version must be used, and all libraries must be built with gcc 3.1. The list of optional libraries and their home pages are:

Note that for packages that need to be compiled, you need the most recent developer tools,
that are provided on the apple website (free registration as developer required)

IMPORTANT: if grass can't find wish (from tcl/tk), you should make a link to wish8.4,
or whatever version you have installed, in /usr/local/bin/:

        % ln -s /usr/local/bin/wish8.4 /usr/local/bin/wish

FAQs: Question: I've uncompressed and unpacked OpenOSX's 'additions' and see that they contain under 'Patches' the files 'OpenOSX-gis_set.tcl.diff', '... -gui.tcl.diff', '...', and '... -tcltkgrass.diff'. Anyone wish to clarify what these do/what advantage they provide? Also 'Binaries' contains 'appToFront' and 'launchURL'. Answer: If you wish to use the binaries, it is advised to install them to "/usr/local/bin". Mac OS X allows the use of special/reserved characters in file names such as the exclamation mark ("!") and the space character (" "). This was causing gis_set.tcl and other Tcl scripts to choke using the native Aqua Tcl/Tk interface when encountering a file with illegal unix characters. It turns out the most elegant solution I could come up with was to create a wrapper for the "ls" command to escape the exclamation marks and to wrap the filename in quotes to compensate for spaces and other special characters. The wrapper is a shell script using awk and sed, and then I simply changed occurrences of "ls -a" with "lsWrap -a" and so on. I can supply patches if anyone is interested. Here's the wrapper: lsWrap: #!/bin/sh /bin/ls -1 $* | awk '{print "\"" $0 "\"" }' | sed s/\!/\\\\!/g The OpenOSX additions also enable native Mac OS X online help. In "gui.tcl", I changed: set html(netscape) "netscape" .. set html(pre) "file:" .. set cmd [list exec $html(netscape) -remote openURL\($url,new-window,$html(raise)\)] (and all instances of $html(netscape) -remote openURL) To: set html(netscape) "/usr/local/bin/launchURL" .. set html(pre) "file://" .. set cmd [list exec $html(netscape) $url] launchURL is a very simple Mac OS X (carbon) program that I wrote that will open the passed URL to the system's preferred browser (which the user may set in their "Internet System Preference"). The preference of opening a new window or to use the current window is also a OS X preference. I can supply the source code (with a Makefile) and or binaries if anyone is interested. I also wrote a simple program to bring Wish to the foreground. Often when the GUI was launched it was not visible as it was often hidden behind a XTerm or other window(s), so the program I wrote just brings it to the front (both for connivence and to avoid potential confusion). I then added a couple lines to execute the program in a couple key locations (in gis_set.tcl and in tcltkgrass). [Jeshua Lacock, ] Question: I recently installed GRASS 5 pre3 precompiled binaries on Mac OSX, and am getting an error when I start NVIZ: tsdptr 4729744 datakey 4729744 start search mainPtr 0 called create main window assigning interp 4700480 tsd is 4729744 datakey 4729744 Application initialization failed: Can't find a usable tk.tcl in the following directories: /System/Library/Tcl/tk8.3 /usr/local/grass5/etc/lib/tk8.3 /usr/local/grass5/ lib/tk8.3 /usr/local/grass5/etc/library /usr/local/grass5/library /usr/local/gra ss5/tk8.3/library /usr/local/tk8.3/library There is, however, an installation of tk8.3 at /usr/X11R6/lib. Where in Mac OSX can I tell the system to look for tk8.3? I don't see it in any of the GRASS startup scripts; I think it's somewhere in OSX. Answer: Actually, I think that the problem is that the MacOS X version of Tk locates the files using a "hack" which only works for the supplied "wish" executable. Basically, the directories which are searched are relative to the location of the executable (apart from /System/Library). If you examine the list of directories: /System/Library/Tcl/tk8.3 /usr/local/grass5/etc/lib/tk8.3 /usr/local/grass5/lib/tk8.3 /usr/local/grass5/etc/library /usr/local/grass5/library /usr/local/grass5/tk8.3/library /usr/local/tk8.3/library and note that the executable pathname is: /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/NVWISH2.2 it appears that the search path is effectively: /System/Library/Tcl/tk8.3 /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/../lib/tk8.3 /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/../../lib/tk8.3 /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/../library /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/../../library /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/../../tk8.3/library /usr/local/grass5/etc/nviz2.2/../../../tk8.3/library AFAICT, the above behaviour is hard-coded into the tk shared library. This will work for wish, assuming that both wish and the tk8.3 directory are installed into the bin and lib subirectories of a common parent directory. It won't work for other programs which use the tk library, though. The simplest workaround would be to try making a symlink within $GISBASE/lib, e.g. % ln -s /usr/X11R6/lib/tk8.3 /usr/local/grass5/lib/tk8.3 Question: A Mac OS X (pb and 1.0) user tries to fire up GRASS, the following error occurs: Error opening terminal: vt100 Answer: % grass5 -tcltk The solution (kudos to strobe) is to cd to the directory where your spearfish directory is (i.e. if its found in /opt/spearfish, cd /opt) and enter the following: % grass5 spearfish/PERMANENT Question: I downloaded GRASS for Mac OS X as many other people ;-). I realized however that for running the interface I need to logout and enter as >console (and subsequently start the X-Windows manager) . Do you know of any solution that let me stay inside the normal Mac OS X environment? Answer: Try OroborOSX. It makes Xfree86 run side by side within the quartz engine. More information can be found at that site. OrborOSX and XFree are installed by OpenOSX's GRASS Package.
Paint driver notes: 1) If you have local paint devices, you will need move the appropriate files from $GISBASE/etc/paint/driver.uninst to the in the same directory. In addition, you must create a symbolic link (using the 'ln -s' command) from /dev/[paint driver name] to /dev/ttya or /dev/ttyb (or whichenver system device your print device is plugged in too). For example, if you have a xerox4020 connected to /dev/ttya, use % cd $GISBASE/etc/paint/driver.uninst % mv xerox4020 ../ % ln -s /dev/ttya /dev/xerox4020 % chmod 0666 /dev/xerox4020 You will have to be root to create the symbolic link in /dev. 2) If you have a paint device which exists on a remote host whose GISBASE is difference from the local GISBASE you will need to update the value of GISBASE in etc/paint/driver.rsh. 3) If you plan to use v.digspline and have any digitizers copy the file etc/digcap.sampl to etc/digcap and edit it accordingly. USING THE BINARY VERSION ------------------------ The binary version does not come with any data or documentation (except for on-line man pages). You will need to acquire whatever documents you like from the GRASS Research Group FTP server. Sample data is also available from the FTP site, or you may use data from previous versions of GRASS if you have it available. *********************************************** If you experience any problems, you may email us at: Jeshua Lacock, OpenOSX Bug report form: go here!. Get this file. Updated $Date$