X11 Setup

Last change: 2005/7/18

A few setup notes for Apple's X11

- Add X11 as a startup item to your account preferences. It takes minimal memory and processor when idle, so there's no harm leaving it running. Another option would be to create an AppleScript to start X11 and Terminal together.

- As installed, Apple's X11 starts up an xterm when X11 is started. I prefer the Mac OS X Terminal, so this is annoying. Edit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc. Add a # to the beginning of the line xterm & (or delete it if you like).

- When using the Terminal (instead of an xterm in X11), and you use the old tcsh, add the following to your .cshrc. This will enable apps started in Terminal to open graphic displays in an X11 window. This only works in a single login environment. The bash shell works without this.

setenv DISPLAY :0.0

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