The GRASS Development Team and members of the user community have collected numerous screenshots on these pages.

Cartography and journal quality figures are created using the specialist hardcopy authoring tool or directly from the main GIS displays using the PostScript, PNG, or Cairo drivers. Use of the hardcopy display drivers may be automated with the d.out.file module. In addition GRASS data may be exported for use in other popular mapping software such as GMT or Quantum GIS. Collaboration with external software is highly encouraged.


Plot showing bioinvasion risk, made with the ps.output add-on module.
screenshot: Jorge Tizado - University of León

Ecological zones of the Mediterranean
This plot shows global ecological zone data from the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization with color scheme from ColorBrewer and underlying shaded relief from NOAA's GLOBE. The 1:10m scale shoreline is from Natural Earth.
screenshot: Luigi Ponti - CASAS


Comune di Trento - Piano Regolatore Generale
(PRG - master plan), Variante 2004
The map was generated with the tool.
Download the full size image (6MB)
(Courtesy: Comune di Trento)

Geologic map of the Mexico Valley Basin
A collection of Free mapping software was used: Map layers were prepared in GRASS and then exported to GMT. Final touchups done in The GIMP and Inkscape.
screenshot: Jaime Carrera

A hypothetical flood risk map for the Spearfish, SD sample dataset generated on the fly with a script
screenshot: H. Bowman


Multibeam image of Lake Charles, Nova Scotia
screenshot: Bob Covill - Tekmap Consulting

Multibeam image of Lake Micmac, Nova Scotia
screenshot: Bob Covill - Tekmap Consulting