i.oif calculates the Optimum Index Factor for LANDSAT TM bands 1,2,3,4,5 and 7.

The Optimum Index Factor is calculated to determine the band combination which shows the maximum information when combined into a composite image. The bands comprising the highest scoring combination from i.oif are used as the three color channels required for d.rgb or r.composite.

The analysis is saved to a file in the current directory called "i.oif.result".


Landsat TM: Colour Composites in BGR order as important Landsat TM band combinations (example: 234 in BGR order means: B=2, G=3, R=4):

By default the module will calculate standard deviations for all bands in parallel. To run serially use the -s flag. If the WORKERS environment variable is set, the number of concurrent processes will be limited to that number of jobs.


North Carolina sample dataset:
g.region rast=lsat7_2002_10 -p
i.oif image1=lsat7_2002_10 image2=lsat7_2002_20 image3=lsat7_2002_30 \
      image4=lsat7_2002_40 image5=lsat7_2002_50 image7=lsat7_2002_70


Jensen, 1996. Introductory digital image processing. Prentice Hall, p.98. ISBN 0-13-205840-5


d.rgb, r.composite, r.covar, r.univar


Markus Neteler, ITC-Irst, Trento, Italy
Updated to GRASS 5.7 by Michael Barton, Arizona State University

Last changed: $Date$