%{ #define _ISOC99_SOURCE /* isfinite() */ #include #include #include #if 0 #include "list.h" #endif #include "mapcalc.h" #include "yylex.h" #include "number.h" #include "vector.h" #include "map.h" #include "any.h" /* should print message */ #define ERR if (parseerror) { yyerror ("\tfunction error\n"); YYERROR; } #define NOTZERO(a) if (!isfinite(a) || a == 0.0) { printf ("\tdivision by zero\n"); YYERROR; } #define NOTFRAC(a,b) if (a < 0.0 && b != (int)b) { printf ("\toperation doesn't yield real number\n"); YYERROR; } %} %union { double dbl; SYMBOL *ptr; } %token NUM %token STRING %token NUMVAR PNTVAR MAPVAR ANYVAR %token NUMFUNC PNTFUNC MAPFUNC ANYFUNC %type numexp %type pntexp mapexp anyexp %type point pntlst _pntlst %type arg arglst %right '=' %left '-' '+' %left '*' '/' '%' %right '^' %left NEG %% input: /* empty */ | input stmt ; stmt: ';' | numexp ';' { shownum ($1); } | pntexp ';' { showvec ($1); } | MAPVAR ';' { showmap ($1); } | NUMVAR '=' numexp ';' { setnum ($1, $3); } | PNTVAR '=' pntexp ';' { setpnt ($1, $3); } | MAPVAR '=' mapexp ';' { setmap ($1, $3); } | ANYVAR '=' anyexp ';' { setany ($1, $3); } | STRING '=' numexp ';' { mknumvar ($1, $3); } | STRING '=' pntexp ';' { mkpntvar ($1, $3); } | STRING '=' mapexp ';' { mkmapvar ($1, $3); } | STRING '=' anyexp ';' { mkanyvar ($1, $3); } | error ';' { parseerror = 0; } ; numexp: NUM { $$ = $1; } | NUMVAR { $$ = $1->v.d; delsym ($1); } | NUMFUNC '(' arglst ')' { $$ = numfunc ($1, $3); ERR; } | numexp '+' numexp { $$ = $1 + $3; } | numexp '-' numexp { $$ = $1 - $3; } | numexp '*' numexp { $$ = $1 * $3; } | numexp '/' numexp { NOTZERO ($3); $$ = $1 / $3; } | '-' numexp %prec NEG { $$ = -$2; } | numexp '^' numexp { NOTFRAC ($1, $3); $$ = pow ($1, $3); } | numexp '%' numexp { NOTZERO ($3); $$ = fmod ($1, $3); } | pntexp '%' pntexp { $$ = numop ('%', $1, $3); ERR; } | '(' numexp ')' { $$ = $2; } ; pntexp: PNTVAR { $$ = $1; } | point { $$ = $1; } | pntlst { $$ = $1; } | PNTFUNC '(' arglst ')' { $$ = pntfunc ($1, $3); ERR; } | pntexp '+' pntexp { $$ = pntop ('+', $1, $3); ERR; } | pntexp '-' pntexp { $$ = pntop ('-', $1, $3); ERR; } | pntexp '*' numexp { $$ = pntop ('*', $1, mknum($3)); ERR;} | numexp '*' pntexp { $$ = pntop ('*', $3, mknum($1)); ERR;} | pntexp '/' numexp { $$ = pntop ('/', $1, mknum($3)); ERR;} | '-' pntexp %prec NEG { $$ = pntop ('_', $2, NULL); ERR; } | pntexp '^' pntexp { $$ = pntop ('^', $1, $3); ERR; } | '(' pntexp ')' { $$ = $2; } ; point: '(' numexp ',' numexp ')' { $$ = mkpnt ($2, $4, nanval); ERR; } | '(' numexp ',' numexp ',' numexp ')' { $$ = mkpnt ($2, $4, $6); ERR; } ; pntlst: '(' _pntlst ')' { $$ = $2; } ; _pntlst: pntexp ',' pntexp { $$ = $1; } | _pntlst ',' pntexp { $$ = pntapp ($1, $3); } ; mapexp: MAPVAR { $$ = $1; } | MAPFUNC '(' arglst ')' { $$ = mapfunc ($1, $3); ERR; } | mapexp '+' mapexp { $$ = mapop ('+', $1, $3); ERR; } | mapexp '-' mapexp { $$ = mapop ('-', $1, $3); ERR; } | mapexp '*' mapexp { $$ = mapop ('*', $1, $3); ERR; } | mapexp '/' mapexp { $$ = mapop ('/', $1, $3); ERR; } | '-' mapexp %prec NEG { $$ = mapop ('_', $2, NULL); ERR; } | mapexp '^' mapexp { $$ = mapop ('^', $1, $3); ERR; } | mapexp '%' mapexp { $$ = mapop ('%', $1, $3); ERR; } | '(' mapexp ')' { $$ = $2; } ; anyexp: ANYVAR { $$ = $1; } | ANYFUNC '(' arglst ')' { $$ = anyfunc ($1, $3); ERR; } ; arglst: /* empty */ { $$ = NULL; } | arg { $$ = $1; } | arglst ',' arg { $$ = argapp ($1, $3); } ; /* * The member itype continues the same. After using the argument list, * the function must either free the argument if it's not in symtab, * or reset type to what is in itype. */ arg: STRING { $$ = $1; $$->type = st_arg; } | numexp { $$ = mknum ($1); } | pntexp { $$ = $1; $$->type = st_arg; } | mapexp { $$ = $1; $$->type = st_arg; } | anyexp { $$ = $1; $$->type = st_arg; } ;