g.list searches for data files matching a pattern given by wildcards or POSIX Extended Regular Expressions.


The output of g.list may be useful for other programs' parameter input (e.g. time series for r.series) when used with separator=comma.


List all raster maps as continuous, sorted list:
g.list type=rast
List all vector maps as continuous, sorted list with MAPSET info (i.e. fully-qualified map names):
g.list type=vector -m
List all raster and vector maps ordered by mapset:
g.list type=raster -p
List all raster and vector maps as continuous, sorted list:
g.list type=rast,vect
List all available GRASS data base files:
g.list type=all

Mapset search path

If mapset is not specified, then g.list searches for data files in the mapsets that are included in the search path (defined by g.mapsets). See g.mapsets -p.
g.list rast -p

raster map(s) available in mapset <user1>:
raster map(s) available in mapset <PERMANENT>:
Option mapset=. (one dot) lists only data files from the current mapset:
g.list rast mapset=.
Similarly, mapset=* (one asterisk) prints data files from all available mapsets also including those that are not listed in the current search path (see g.mapsets -l).
g.list rast mapset=* -p

raster map(s) available in mapset <landsat>:
raster map(s) available in mapset <user1>:
raster map(s) available in mapset <PERMANENT>:


List all vector maps starting with letter "r":
g.list type=vector pattern="r*"
List all vector maps starting with letter "r" or "a":
g.list type=vector pattern="[ra]*"
List all raster maps starting with "soil_" or "landuse_":
g.list type=raster pattern="{soil,landuse}_*"
List certain raster maps with one variable character/number:
g.list type=raster pattern="N45E00?.meters"
Use of exclude parameter:
# without exclude:
  g.list rast pat="r*" mapset=PERMANENT

# exclude only complete word(s):
  g.list rast pat="r*" exclude=roads mapset=PERMANENT

# exclude with wildcard:
  g.list rast pat="r*" exclude="*roads*" mapset=PERMANENT

Regular expressions

List all soil maps starting with "soils" in their name:
g.list -r type=raster pattern='^soils'
List "tmp" if "tmp" raster map exists:
g.list -r type=raster pattern='^tmp$'
List "tmp0" ..."tmp9" if corresponding vector map exists (each map name linewise):
g.list -r type=vector pattern='^tmp[0-9]$'
List "tmp0"..."tmp9" if corresponding vector map exists (each map name comma separated):
g.list -r type=vector separator=comma pattern='^tmp[0-9]$'

Extended regular expressions

List all precipitation maps for the years 1997-2012, comma separated:
g.list -e type=raster separator=comma pattern="precip_total.(199[7-9]|200[0-9]|201[0-2]).sum"

Maps whose region overlaps with a saved region

List all raster maps starting with "tmp_" whose region overlaps with the region of "test" raster map:
g.region raster=test save=test_region
g.list type=raster pattern='tmp_*' region=test_region
List "tmp0"..."tmp9" vector maps whose region overlaps with the current region:
g.list -r type=vector pattern='^tmp[0-9]$' region=.
List all raster and vector maps whose region overlaps with the default region of the PERMANENT mapset in the current location (DEFAULT_WIND):
g.list type=rast,vect region=*
Note that, without region=*, g.list type=rast,vect simply lists all available raster and vector maps from the current search path regardless of their region.


r.series, t.list, t.rast.list, t.vect.list

Regular expressions (aka regex) - from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Huidae Cho
based on general/manage/cmd/list.c by Michael Shapiro

Last changed: $Date$