-------------------------------------------------------------- $Id$ -------------------------------------------------------------- How to release GRASS binaries and source code Note: This text contains some rules only applicable to the development coordinator (currently Markus Neteler). -------------------------------------------------------------- General methodolgy: call for release - pre-testing - bug fixes - publish 0. Prepare to create a release o Make a list of bugs that we would like to see fixed for the release (probably the RC list in BUGS) and increase their priority on RT o Every day, request that developers "claim" on RT any of these bugs that they think they can fix o After a few days or a week, any remaining bugs are left for the next release - if nobody claims them they obviously won't be fixed o Create a branch on CVS for creating a release. All code for the stable release will come from the list generated by tools/cvsbranch.sh. Exclude any modules with bugs that were not "claimed". Markus (read: http://www.loria.fr/~molli/cvs/doc/cvs_5.html#SEC49 ) [Note: due to confusions arising from branches, we should avoid that for 5.1] o The only commits to the release branch are *minor* bug fixes (not necessarily only those claimed) - other developments are committed to the MAIN branch. Any *major* bug fixes require consensus from the developers and/or approval from Markus to commit to the release branch. o To submit a bug fix to the release branch: o Check out the release branch from CVS into a NEW directory if this has not been done yet. o Tag the files you will change before you edit them o Make the changes to the source code that will fix the bug o Commit the bug fix to the release branch o Merge the bug fix to the MAIN trunk o All developers who subscribe to the commit list (should list both names and email addresses) should take responsibility for monitoring the code committed to the release branch. o Once all claimed bugs are fixed, tag this branch as pre release 1 and start the pretest phase 1. Add disclaimer to all mails to be sent to the pre-testers: ------------------ GRASS 5 beta DISCLAIMER: WARNING This pre-release of GRASS 5 is in alpha-quality only. The pre-release is intended to find critical bugs which would cause problems in the later official release. All pre-testers may submit bug reports and comments immediately to allow the new official release to be published as soon as possible. Please read the BUGS file to see unresolved bugs. Use the bug report form to report bugs: http://grass.itc.it/grass/bugtracking/bugreport.html Unless the pre-testing phase isn't finished, no official release is possible. ------------------ This displaimer shall lower the expectations and make the users recall that they are using beta software not yet announced to be stable. List of pre-testers: See ./pretesters.txt (find more!) And send them the pretesting_grass.txt file (improvements?) 2. while GRASS_PRE=unstable do a) send (new) source/binary tarball to pre-testers b) receive comments/bug reports c) fix *only* these bugs, no other commits allowed in release branch d) if no (more) complaints GRASS_PRE=stable done 3. Proceed to publishing by publishing the code in the release branch. See the sections below for details 4. Fix any bugs reported by users and release a bug-fix version (eg version 5.0.0 is released, bugs are found and fixed, release version 5.0.1) 5. At some point Markus decides there will be no more releases for this version, the release branch is considered dead, and changes are merged into the main branch. Note that merges could be made throughout this process to the main branch but merging from the main branch to the stable branch is not allowed at any time. 6. One of the keys to this scheme is cooperation among the developers. Basically the developers have to concentrate on fixing bugs, but those who cannot fix bugs can still commit features if they wish. Another key is that the developers should ask Markus if their new code can be committed to the release branch before committing it, if they are not sure if it should or not. -------------------------------------------------------------- Create source and binary distributions: 0. Create the source code tarball: Markus o Check version string: src/CMD/VERSION o Update Version in NEWS.html o Markus: - Check if no M/C CVS conflicts have been there before tagging (not to forget something) - mail to "grass5" to interrupt submitting - Tag the stuff in a fresh directory: - mkdir grass5.0.0preXXX ; cd grass5.0.0preXXX - export CVSROOT=:pserver:grass-guest@intevation.de:/home/grass/grassrepository - cvs login - cvs -z3 co -r releasebranch_XXX grass -> check for missing stuff, should be fine - cvs tag release_XX_YY_2002_grass5_0_0_preZ - Run inside other directory of release branch: make changelog - add 'Changelog' file to src package - mail to "grass5" to re-allow submitting - rename 'grass' directory to 'grass5.0.0XXX' - build source tarball (including the parent directory): grass5.0.0XXX_src.tar.gz o Markus: Update the PDF-docs on server (needs "htmldoc" tool): ftp://ftp.funet.fi/pub/mirrors/ftp.easysw.com/pub/htmldoc/ gmake5 html/ pdf-docs upload result from dist.$ARCH/documents/pdf to GRASS web server (grass5/manuals/) remove files then from dist.$ARCH/documents/pdf. o Store the source tarball in: http://grass.itc.it/grass/grass5/source/ along with associated NEWS, ChangeLog etc. o update web site to new version (HTML in /cvsweb ) index2.html, grass5/index.html, download.html, bugtracking/bugreport.html BINARIES 1. Generally the binaries shall be produced from the published source code tarball above. Get this tarball and unpack it in a NEW directory. 2. Build GRASS: o compile the FFTW library, it is needed for various modules (see ../REQUIREMENTS.html where to find it) o compile everything, incl NVIZ without PG (note, no ";" to be used): CFLAGS=-O2 LDFLAGS="-s" ./configure --without-postgres make # o compile G3D tools # gmake5 src.contrib/GMSL/g3d - CURRENTLY NOT STABLE, not required for # GRASS 5.0.0! o compile PostgreSQL modules: CFLAGS=-O2 LDFLAGS="-s" ./configure --with-postgres=yes make pre-compile gmake5 src.garden/grass.postgresql o compile PNGDriver (requires "libgd1.8.x" from http://www.boutell.com/gd/, usually shipping with Linux distros): gmake5 -i src/display/devices/PNGdriver o Run again to link the additional modules: gmakelinks5 or gmakelinks5 |wc -l Should be > 350 modules now. o To install into /usr/local/bin (or whereever you directed it) run make install-strip This will also strip symbols from the executable binaries to reduce the binaries size. o For r.in.gdal we need "libgdal" which has to be included into the GRASS binary package. Finally store "libgdal.1.1.so" in $GISBASE/lib/ It is highly recommended to get the latest GDAL CVS version: export CVSROOT=:pserver:anonymous@cvs.remotesensing.org:/cvsroot cvs login Password: anonymous cvs checkout gdal configure --without-python ; make; make install cp /usr/local/lib/libgdal.1.1.so /usr/local/grass5/lib # this copies the libgdal into GRASS binaries If above fails, get the precompiled GDAL library: - Get Linux version here: ftp://gdal.velocet.ca/pub/outgoing/libgdal-linux-grass.tar.gz (Note: check "ldd libgdal.1.1.so" dependency, get if required: ftp://gdal.velocet.ca/pub/outgoing/libstdc++-libc6.2-2.so.3) - Other precompiled libgdal versions: http://gdal.velocet.ca/projects/grass/index.html - Get GDAL sources at: http://www.remotesensing.org/gdal/ Before packaging, you should test the GRASS now. NVIZ working? Bad news to "grass5" list (good as well)! 3. Package the new GRASS binaries with make bindist 4. Upload grass5x_y_bin.tar.gz AND grass5install.sh to ftp site in Italy (ftp grass.itc.it - store in incoming directory, anonymous login). Tell Markus about it after uploading. Note that when the binaries are created, the size of the resulting tar.gz file is stored in the grass5install.sh program. This is done in order to check that the download of the binary file was successful. Thus both the tar.gz file and the install program need to be uploaded. -------------------------------------------------------------- Publish the new official GRASS 5 release: 1. Publish it on web site: - grass5x_y_bin.tar.gz - grass5install.sh - grass5x_y_src.tar.gz 2. Tell others about it: - related announcement press release at: Our GRASS web site: /announces/ news:comp.infosystems.gis http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/dailynews/ http://spatialnews.geocomm.com/submitnews.html (Free News Posting Service) http://freshmeat.net/projects/grass/?highlight=GRASS http://www.linuxapps.com/?page=application&database=current&id=40 http://www.remotesensing.org/submit/submit.php3 http://www.newsforge.com/submit.pl http://osx.macnn.com/ http://www.gis-news.de/ http://www.giscafe.com/ http://www.geopoint.de/ (German GIS journal) http://www.freegis.org http://www.directions.org http://www.opensourcegis.org http://www.gisdevelopment.net ... where else?