;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;GRASS GIS Installer for Windows ;Written by Marco Pasetti ;Updated for OSGeo4W by Colin Nielsen, Helmut Kudrnovsky, and Martin Landa ;Last Update: $Id$ ;Mail to: grass-dev@lists.osgeo.org ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Define the source path of the demolocation files !define DEMOLOCATION_PATH "c:\OSGeo4W\usr\src\grass64_release\demolocation" ;Define the source of the patched msys.bat !define MSYS_BATCH "C:\OSGeo4W\usr\src\grass64_release\mswindows\osgeo4w\msys.bat" ;Select if you are building a "Development Version" (Devel) or a "Release Version" (Release) of the GRASS Installer !define INSTALLER_TYPE "Devel" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;set compression configuration SetCompressor /SOLID lzma SetCompressorDictSize 64 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Version variables !define SVN_REVISION "@GRASS_VERSION_SVN@" !define BINARY_REVISION "1" !define VERSION_NUMBER "@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@.@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@.@GRASS_VERSION_RELEASE@" !define GRASS_BASE "GRASS GIS @GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@.@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@.@GRASS_VERSION_RELEASE@" !if ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == "Release" !define GRASS_COMMAND "grass@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@" !else !define GRASS_COMMAND "grass@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@svn" !endif ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Don't modify the following lines ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;NSIS Includes !include "MUI2.nsh" !include "LogicLib.nsh" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Set the installer variables, depending on the selected version to build !define PACKAGE_FOLDER ".\GRASS-@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@-Package" !if ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == "Release" !define INSTALLER_NAME "WinGRASS-${VERSION_NUMBER}-${BINARY_REVISION}-Setup.exe" !define DISPLAYED_NAME "GRASS GIS ${VERSION_NUMBER}-${BINARY_REVISION}" !define CHECK_INSTALL_NAME "GRASS GIS @GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@" !else !define INSTALLER_NAME "WinGRASS-${VERSION_NUMBER}-r${SVN_REVISION}-${BINARY_REVISION}-Setup.exe" !define DISPLAYED_NAME "GRASS GIS ${VERSION_NUMBER}-r${SVN_REVISION}-${BINARY_REVISION}" !define CHECK_INSTALL_NAME "GRASS GIS @GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@ SVN" !endif ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Publisher variables !define PUBLISHER "GRASS Development Team" !define WEB_SITE "http://grass.osgeo.org" !define WIKI_PAGE "http://grass.osgeo.org/wiki" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;General Definitions ;Name of the application shown during install Name "${DISPLAYED_NAME}" ;Name of the output file (installer executable) OutFile "${INSTALLER_NAME}" ;Define installation folder InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\${GRASS_BASE}" ;Request application privileges for Windows Vista RequestExecutionLevel admin ;Tell the installer to hide Install and Uninstall details as default ShowInstDetails hide ShowUnInstDetails hide ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;StrReplace Function ;Replaces all ocurrences of a given needle within a haystack with another string ;Written by dandaman32 Var STR_REPLACE_VAR_0 Var STR_REPLACE_VAR_1 Var STR_REPLACE_VAR_2 Var STR_REPLACE_VAR_3 Var STR_REPLACE_VAR_4 Var STR_REPLACE_VAR_5 Var STR_REPLACE_VAR_6 Var STR_REPLACE_VAR_7 Var STR_REPLACE_VAR_8 Function StrReplace Exch $STR_REPLACE_VAR_2 Exch 1 Exch $STR_REPLACE_VAR_1 Exch 2 Exch $STR_REPLACE_VAR_0 StrCpy $STR_REPLACE_VAR_3 -1 StrLen $STR_REPLACE_VAR_4 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_1 StrLen $STR_REPLACE_VAR_6 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_0 loop: IntOp $STR_REPLACE_VAR_3 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_3 + 1 StrCpy $STR_REPLACE_VAR_5 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_0 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_4 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_3 StrCmp $STR_REPLACE_VAR_5 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_1 found StrCmp $STR_REPLACE_VAR_3 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_6 done Goto loop found: StrCpy $STR_REPLACE_VAR_5 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_0 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_3 IntOp $STR_REPLACE_VAR_8 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_3 + $STR_REPLACE_VAR_4 StrCpy $STR_REPLACE_VAR_7 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_0 "" $STR_REPLACE_VAR_8 StrCpy $STR_REPLACE_VAR_0 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_5$STR_REPLACE_VAR_2$STR_REPLACE_VAR_7 StrLen $STR_REPLACE_VAR_6 $STR_REPLACE_VAR_0 Goto loop done: Pop $STR_REPLACE_VAR_1 ; Prevent "invalid opcode" errors and keep the Pop $STR_REPLACE_VAR_1 ; stack as it was before the function was called Exch $STR_REPLACE_VAR_0 FunctionEnd !macro _strReplaceConstructor OUT NEEDLE NEEDLE2 HAYSTACK Push "${HAYSTACK}" Push "${NEEDLE}" Push "${NEEDLE2}" Call StrReplace Pop "${OUT}" !macroend !define StrReplace '!insertmacro "_strReplaceConstructor"' ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;.onInit Function (called when the installer is nearly finished initializing) ;Check if GRASS is already installed on the system and, if yes, what version and binary release; ;depending on that, select the install procedure: ;1. first installation = if GRASS is not already installed ;install GRASS asking for the install PATH ;2. upgrade installation = if an older release of GRASS is already installed ;call the uninstaller of the currently installed GRASS release ;if the uninstall procedure succeeded, call the current installer without asking for the install PATH ;GRASS will be installed in the same PATH of the previous installation ;3. downgrade installation = if a newer release of GRASS is already installed ;call the uninstaller of the currently installed GRASS release ;if the uninstall procedure succeeded, call the current installer without asking for the install PATH ;GRASS will be installed in the same PATH of the previous installation ;4. repair installation = if the same release of GRASS is already installed ;call the uninstaller of the currently installed GRASS release ;if the uninstall procedure succeeded, call the current installer asking for the install PATH ;the currently installed release of GRASS is defined by the variable $INSTALLED_VERSION = $INSTALLED_SVN_REVISION + $INSTALLED_BINARY_REVISION Function .onInit Var /GLOBAL ASK_FOR_PATH StrCpy $ASK_FOR_PATH "YES" Var /GLOBAL UNINSTALL_STRING Var /GLOBAL INSTALL_PATH Var /GLOBAL INSTALLED_VERSION_NUMBER Var /GLOBAL INSTALLED_SVN_REVISION Var /GLOBAL INSTALLED_BINARY_REVISION Var /GLOBAL INSTALLED_VERSION Var /GLOBAL DISPLAYED_INSTALLED_VERSION Var /GLOBAL MESSAGE_0_ Var /GLOBAL MESSAGE_1_ Var /GLOBAL MESSAGE_2_ Var /GLOBAL MESSAGE_3_ Var /GLOBAL R_HKLM_INSTALL_PATH Var /GLOBAL R_HKCU_INSTALL_PATH ReadRegStr $UNINSTALL_STRING HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}" "UninstallString" ReadRegStr $INSTALL_PATH HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "InstallPath" ReadRegStr $INSTALLED_VERSION_NUMBER HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "VersionNumber" ReadRegStr $INSTALLED_SVN_REVISION HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "SvnRevision" ReadRegStr $R_HKLM_INSTALL_PATH HKLM "Software\R-core\R" "InstallPath" ReadRegStr $R_HKCU_INSTALL_PATH HKCU "Software\R-core\R" "InstallPath" ${If} $INSTALLED_SVN_REVISION == "" ReadRegStr $INSTALLED_SVN_REVISION HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "Revision" ${EndIf} ReadRegStr $INSTALLED_BINARY_REVISION HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "BinaryRevision" StrCpy $MESSAGE_0_ "${CHECK_INSTALL_NAME} is already installed on your system.$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_0_ "$MESSAGE_0_$\r$\n" !if ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == "Release" ${If} $INSTALLED_BINARY_REVISION == "" StrCpy $DISPLAYED_INSTALLED_VERSION "$INSTALLED_VERSION_NUMBER" ${Else} StrCpy $DISPLAYED_INSTALLED_VERSION "$INSTALLED_VERSION_NUMBER-$INSTALLED_BINARY_REVISION" ${EndIf} !else StrCpy $DISPLAYED_INSTALLED_VERSION "$INSTALLED_VERSION_NUMBER-$INSTALLED_SVN_REVISION-$INSTALLED_BINARY_REVISION" !endif StrCpy $MESSAGE_0_ "$MESSAGE_0_The installed release is $DISPLAYED_INSTALLED_VERSION$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_1_ "$MESSAGE_0_$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_1_ "$MESSAGE_1_You are going to install a newer release of ${CHECK_INSTALL_NAME}$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_1_ "$MESSAGE_1_$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_1_ "$MESSAGE_1_Press OK to uninstall GRASS $DISPLAYED_INSTALLED_VERSION" StrCpy $MESSAGE_1_ "$MESSAGE_1_ and install ${DISPLAYED_NAME} or Cancel to quit." StrCpy $MESSAGE_2_ "$MESSAGE_0_$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_2_ "$MESSAGE_2_You are going to install an older release of ${CHECK_INSTALL_NAME}$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_2_ "$MESSAGE_2_$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_2_ "$MESSAGE_2_Press OK to uninstall GRASS $DISPLAYED_INSTALLED_VERSION" StrCpy $MESSAGE_2_ "$MESSAGE_2_ and install ${DISPLAYED_NAME} or Cancel to quit." StrCpy $MESSAGE_3_ "$MESSAGE_0_$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_3_ "$MESSAGE_3_This is the latest release available.$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_3_ "$MESSAGE_3_$\r$\n" StrCpy $MESSAGE_3_ "$MESSAGE_3_Press OK to reinstall ${DISPLAYED_NAME} or Cancel to quit." IntOp $INSTALLED_SVN_REVISION $INSTALLED_SVN_REVISION * 1 IntOp $INSTALLED_BINARY_REVISION $INSTALLED_BINARY_REVISION * 1 IntOp $INSTALLED_VERSION $INSTALLED_SVN_REVISION + $INSTALLED_BINARY_REVISION !define /math VERSION ${SVN_REVISION} + ${BINARY_REVISION} ${If} $INSTALLED_VERSION_NUMBER == "" ${Else} ${If} $INSTALLED_VERSION < ${VERSION} MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "$MESSAGE_1_" IDOK upgrade IDCANCEL quit_upgrade upgrade: StrCpy $ASK_FOR_PATH "NO" ExecWait '"$UNINSTALL_STRING" _?=$INSTALL_PATH' $0 Goto continue_upgrade quit_upgrade: Abort continue_upgrade: ${ElseIf} $INSTALLED_VERSION > ${VERSION} MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "$MESSAGE_2_" IDOK downgrade IDCANCEL quit_downgrade downgrade: StrCpy $ASK_FOR_PATH "NO" ExecWait '"$UNINSTALL_STRING" _?=$INSTALL_PATH' $0 Goto continue_downgrade quit_downgrade: Abort continue_downgrade: ${ElseIf} $INSTALLED_VERSION = ${VERSION} MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "$MESSAGE_3_" IDOK reinstall IDCANCEL quit_reinstall reinstall: ExecWait '"$UNINSTALL_STRING" _?=$INSTALL_PATH' $0 Goto continue_reinstall quit_reinstall: Abort continue_reinstall: ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ${If} $INSTALLED_VERSION_NUMBER == "" ${Else} ${If} $0 = 0 ${Else} Abort ${EndIf} ${EndIf} FunctionEnd ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;CheckUpdate Function ;Check if to show the MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY during the installation (to ask for the install PATH) Function CheckUpdate ${If} $ASK_FOR_PATH == "NO" Abort ${EndIf} FunctionEnd ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;CheckInstDir Function ;this is commented out, because the installation path should be in $PROGRAMFILES ;Check if GRASS is going to be installed in a directory containing spaces ;if yes, show a warning message ;Function CheckInstDir ; Var /GLOBAL INSTDIR_TEST ; Var /GLOBAL INSTDIR_LENGHT ; Var /GLOBAL INSTDIR_TEST_LENGHT ; Var /GLOBAL MESSAGE_CHKINST_ ; ; StrCpy $MESSAGE_CHKINST_ "WARNING: you are about to install GRASS into a directory that has spaces$\r$\n" ; StrCpy $MESSAGE_CHKINST_ "$MESSAGE_CHKINST_in either its name or the path of directories leading up to it.$\r$\n" ; StrCpy $MESSAGE_CHKINST_ "$MESSAGE_CHKINST_Some functionalities of GRASS might be hampered by this. We would highly$\r$\n" ; StrCpy $MESSAGE_CHKINST_ "$MESSAGE_CHKINST_appreciate if you tried and reported any problems, so that we can fix them.$\r$\n" ; StrCpy $MESSAGE_CHKINST_ "$MESSAGE_CHKINST_However, if you want to avoid any such issues, we recommend that you$\r$\n" ; StrCpy $MESSAGE_CHKINST_ "$MESSAGE_CHKINST_choose a simple installation path without spaces, such as: C:\${GRASS_BASE}.$\r$\n" ; ; ${StrReplace} "$INSTDIR_TEST" " " "" "$INSTDIR" ; ; StrLen $INSTDIR_LENGHT "$INSTDIR" ; StrLen $INSTDIR_TEST_LENGHT "$INSTDIR_TEST" ; ; ${If} $INSTDIR_TEST_LENGHT < $INSTDIR_LENGHT ; MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "$MESSAGE_CHKINST_" ; ${EndIf} ; ;FunctionEnd ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;ReplaceLineString Function ;Replace String in an existing file ; code taken from http://nsis.sourceforge.net/Replace_line_that_starts_with_specified_string Function ReplaceLineStr Exch $R0 ; string to replace that whole line with Exch Exch $R1 ; string that line should start with Exch Exch 2 Exch $R2 ; file Push $R3 ; file handle Push $R4 ; temp file Push $R5 ; temp file handle Push $R6 ; global Push $R7 ; input string length Push $R8 ; line string length Push $R9 ; global StrLen $R7 $R1 GetTempFileName $R4 FileOpen $R5 $R4 w FileOpen $R3 $R2 r ReadLoop: ClearErrors FileRead $R3 $R6 IfErrors Done StrLen $R8 $R6 StrCpy $R9 $R6 $R7 -$R8 StrCmp $R9 $R1 0 +3 FileWrite $R5 "$R0$\r$\n" Goto ReadLoop FileWrite $R5 $R6 Goto ReadLoop Done: FileClose $R3 FileClose $R5 SetDetailsPrint none Delete $R2 Rename $R4 $R2 SetDetailsPrint both Pop $R9 Pop $R8 Pop $R7 Pop $R6 Pop $R5 Pop $R4 Pop $R3 Pop $R2 Pop $R1 Pop $R0 FunctionEnd ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Interface Settings !define MUI_ABORTWARNING !define MUI_ICON ".\Installer-Files\Install_GRASS.ico" !define MUI_UNICON ".\Installer-Files\Uninstall_GRASS.ico" !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_BITMAP_NOSTETCH ".\Installer-Files\InstallHeaderImage.bmp" !define MUI_HEADERIMAGE_UNBITMAP_NOSTRETCH ".\Installer-Files\UnInstallHeaderImage.bmp" !define MUI_WELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP ".\Installer-Files\WelcomeFinishPage.bmp" !define MUI_UNWELCOMEFINISHPAGE_BITMAP ".\Installer-Files\UnWelcomeFinishPage.bmp" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Installer Pages !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_WELCOME ;These indented statements modify settings for MUI_PAGE_LICENSE ; (with thanks to Ubuntu) !define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_TEXT_BOTTOM "GRASS is software libre. You are encouraged and legally \ entitled to copy, reinstall, modify, and redistribute this program \ for yourself and your friends under the terms of the GPL. Happy \ mapping!" !define MUI_LICENSEPAGE_BUTTON "Next >" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_LICENSE "${PACKAGE_FOLDER}\GPL.TXT" !define MUI_PAGE_CUSTOMFUNCTION_PRE CheckUpdate !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_DIRECTORY ;Page custom CheckInstDir !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_COMPONENTS !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_INSTFILES ;These indented statements modify settings for MUI_PAGE_FINISH !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_NOAUTOCLOSE !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_NOTCHECKED !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_TEXT "Launch GRASS GIS" !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_RUN_FUNCTION "LaunchGrass" !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_NOTCHECKED !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_TEXT "View the reference manual" !define MUI_FINISHPAGE_SHOWREADME_FUNCTION "ViewReadme" !insertmacro MUI_PAGE_FINISH !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_WELCOME !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_CONFIRM !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_INSTFILES !insertmacro MUI_UNPAGE_FINISH ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Language files !insertmacro MUI_LANGUAGE "English" ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;launch Grass Gis by exit the installation wizard Function LaunchGrass ExecShell "" "$DESKTOP\${GRASS_BASE}.lnk" FunctionEnd ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;launch reference manual by exit the installation wizard Function ViewReadme ExecShell "open" "$INSTDIR\docs\html\index.html" FunctionEnd ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Installer Sections ;Declares the variables for optional Sample Data Sections Var /GLOBAL HTTP_PATH Var /GLOBAL ARCHIVE_NAME Var /GLOBAL EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME Var /GLOBAL ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER Var /GLOBAL CUSTOM_UNTAR_FOLDER Var /GLOBAL ARCHIVE_SIZE_KB Var /GLOBAL ARCHIVE_SIZE_MB Var /GLOBAL DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ Section "GRASS" SecGRASS SectionIn RO ;Set the INSTALL_DIR variable Var /GLOBAL INSTALL_DIR ${If} $ASK_FOR_PATH == "NO" StrCpy $INSTALL_DIR "$INSTALL_PATH" ${Else} StrCpy $INSTALL_DIR "$INSTDIR" ${EndIf} ;Set to try to overwrite existing files SetOverwrite try ;Set the GIS_DATABASE directory SetShellVarContext current Var /GLOBAL GIS_DATABASE StrCpy $GIS_DATABASE "$DOCUMENTS\grassdata" ;Create the GIS_DATABASE directory CreateDirectory "$GIS_DATABASE" ;add Installer files SetOutPath "$INSTALL_DIR" File .\Installer-Files\GRASS-WebSite.url File .\Installer-Files\WinGRASS-README.url ;add GRASS files SetOutPath "$INSTALL_DIR" File /r ${PACKAGE_FOLDER}\*.* ;create run_gmkfontcap.bat ClearErrors FileOpen $0 $INSTALL_DIR\etc\run_gmkfontcap.bat w IfErrors done_create_run_gmkfontcap.bat FileWrite $0 '@echo off$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #########################################################################$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem # Run g.mkfontcap outside a grass session during installation$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #########################################################################$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'echo Setup of WinGRASS-${VERSION_NUMBER}$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'echo Generating the font configuration file by scanning various directories for fonts.$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'echo Please wait. Console window will close automatically ....$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem set gisbase$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'set GISBASE=$INSTALL_DIR$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem set path to freetype dll$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'set FREETYPEBASE=$INSTALL_DIR\extralib;$INSTALL_DIR\msys\bin;$INSTALL_DIR\lib$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem set dependecies path$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'set PATH=%FREETYPEBASE%;%PATH%$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem run g.mkfontcap outside a grass session$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '"%GISBASE%\bin\g.mkfontcap.exe" -o$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'exit$\r$\n' FileClose $0 done_create_run_gmkfontcap.bat: ;create run_gmkfontcap.bat.manifest ClearErrors FileOpen $0 $INSTALL_DIR\etc\run_gmkfontcap.bat.manifest w IfErrors done_create_run_gmkfontcap.bat.manifest FileWrite $0 ' $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' GRASS help script:run_gmkfontcap$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileClose $0 done_create_run_gmkfontcap.bat.manifest: ;Run g.mkfontcap outside a grass session during installation to catch all fonts ExecWait '"$INSTALL_DIR\etc\run_gmkfontcap.bat"' ;Install demolocation into the GIS_DATABASE directory SetOutPath "$GIS_DATABASE\demolocation" File /r ${DEMOLOCATION_PATH}\*.* RMDir /r "$GIS_DATABASE\demolocation\.svn" RMDir /r "$GIS_DATABASE\demolocation\PERMANENT\.svn" RMDir /r "$GIS_DATABASE\demolocation\PERMANENT\vector\.svn" RMDir /r "$GIS_DATABASE\demolocation\PERMANENT\vector\mysites\.svn" RMDir /r "$GIS_DATABASE\demolocation\PERMANENT\vector\point\.svn" RMDir /r "$GIS_DATABASE\demolocation\PERMANENT\dbf\.svn" ;add msys.bat into the INSTALL_DIR\msys directory SetOutPath "$INSTALL_DIR\msys" File /r ${MSYS_BATCH} ;Create the Uninstaller WriteUninstaller "$INSTALL_DIR\Uninstall-GRASS.exe" ;Registry Key Entries ;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Install entries ;Set the Name, Version and Revision of GRASS + PublisherInfo + InstallPath WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "Name" "${GRASS_BASE}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "VersionNumber" "${VERSION_NUMBER}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "SvnRevision" "${SVN_REVISION}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "BinaryRevision" "${BINARY_REVISION}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "Publisher" "${PUBLISHER}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "WebSite" "${WEB_SITE}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" "InstallPath" "$INSTALL_DIR" ;HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Uninstall entries WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}" "DisplayName" "GRASS @GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@.@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}" "UninstallString" "$INSTALL_DIR\Uninstall-GRASS.exe" !if ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == "Release" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}"\ "DisplayVersion" "${VERSION_NUMBER}-${BINARY_REVISION}" !else WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}"\ "DisplayVersion" "${VERSION_NUMBER}-r${SVN_REVISION}-${BINARY_REVISION}" !endif WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}" "DisplayIcon" "$INSTALL_DIR\etc\gui\icons\grass.ico" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}" "EstimatedSize" 1 WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}" "HelpLink" "${WIKI_PAGE}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}" "URLInfoAbout" "${WEB_SITE}" WriteRegStr HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}" "Publisher" "${PUBLISHER}" ;Create the Desktop Shortcut SetShellVarContext current CreateShortCut "$DESKTOP\${GRASS_BASE}.lnk" "$INSTALL_DIR\${GRASS_COMMAND}.bat" "-wx"\ "$INSTALL_DIR\etc\gui\icons\grass.ico" "" SW_SHOWMINIMIZED "" "Launch GRASS ${VERSION_NUMBER} with wxGUI" ;Create the Windows Start Menu Shortcuts SetShellVarContext all CreateDirectory "$SMPROGRAMS\${GRASS_BASE}" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${GRASS_BASE}\${GRASS_BASE} GUI.lnk" "$INSTALL_DIR\${GRASS_COMMAND}.bat" "-wx"\ "$INSTALL_DIR\etc\gui\icons\grass.ico" "" SW_SHOWMINIMIZED "" "Launch GRASS ${VERSION_NUMBER} with wxGUI" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${GRASS_BASE}\${GRASS_BASE} GUI with MSYS.lnk" "$INSTALL_DIR\msys\msys.bat" "/grass/${GRASS_COMMAND}.sh -wx"\ "$INSTALL_DIR\etc\gui\icons\grass_msys.ico" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL "" "Launch GRASS ${VERSION_NUMBER} with wxGUI and MSYS UNIX console" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${GRASS_BASE}\${GRASS_BASE} Command Line.lnk" "$INSTALL_DIR\${GRASS_COMMAND}.bat" "-text"\ "$INSTALL_DIR\etc\gui\icons\grass_cmd.ico" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL "" "Launch GRASS ${VERSION_NUMBER} in text mode" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${GRASS_BASE}\${GRASS_BASE} Old TclTk GUI.lnk" "$INSTALL_DIR\${GRASS_COMMAND}.bat" "-tcltk"\ "$INSTALL_DIR\etc\gui\icons\grass_tcltk.ico" "" SW_SHOWMINIMIZED "" "Launch GRASS ${VERSION_NUMBER} with the old TclTk GUI" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${GRASS_BASE}\MSYS UNIX Console.lnk" "$INSTALL_DIR\msys\msys.bat" ""\ "$INSTALL_DIR\etc\gui\icons\msys.ico" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL "" "Open a MSYS UNIX console" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${GRASS_BASE}\GRASS Web Site.lnk" "$INSTALL_DIR\GRASS-WebSite.url" ""\ "$INSTALL_DIR\etc\gui\icons\grass_web.ico" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL "" "Visit the GRASS website" ; FIXME: ship the WinGrass release notes .html file instead of URL ; http://trac.osgeo.org/grass/browser/grass-web/trunk/grass@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@/binary/mswindows/native/README.html?format=raw ; probably ship with devel versions too? ie Release Notes, not the Release Announcement press release. !if ${INSTALLER_TYPE} == "Release" CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${GRASS_BASE}\${GRASS_BASE} Release Notes.lnk" "$INSTALL_DIR\WinGRASS-README.url" ""\ "$INSTALL_DIR\etc\gui\icons\wingrass.ico" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL "" "Visit the WinGRASS Project Web Page" !endif CreateShortCut "$SMPROGRAMS\${GRASS_BASE}\Uninstall ${GRASS_BASE}.lnk" "$INSTALL_DIR\Uninstall-GRASS.exe" ""\ "$INSTALL_DIR\Uninstall-GRASS.exe" "" SW_SHOWNORMAL "" "Uninstall GRASS ${VERSION_NUMBER}" ;Create the grass_command.bat ClearErrors FileOpen $0 $INSTALL_DIR\${GRASS_COMMAND}.bat w IfErrors done_create_grass_command.bat FileWrite $0 '@echo off$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #########################################################################$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem # File dynamically created by NSIS installer script;$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #########################################################################$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem # GRASS Initialization$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'rem #########################################################################$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'set GISBASE=$INSTALL_DIR$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' ${If} $R_HKLM_INSTALL_PATH != "" FileWrite $0 'set PATH=$R_HKLM_INSTALL_PATH\bin;%PATH%$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' ${EndIf} ${If} $R_HKCU_INSTALL_PATH != "" FileWrite $0 'set PATH=$R_HKCU_INSTALL_PATH\bin;%PATH%$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' ${EndIf} FileWrite $0 'call "%GISBASE%\etc\env.bat"$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'cd "%USERPROFILE%"' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '"%GISBASE%\etc\Init.bat" %*' FileClose $0 done_create_grass_command.bat: ;Set the UNIX_LIKE GRASS Path Var /GLOBAL UNIX_LIKE_DRIVE Var /GLOBAL UNIX_LIKE_GRASS_PATH StrCpy $UNIX_LIKE_DRIVE "$INSTALL_DIR" 3 StrCpy $UNIX_LIKE_GRASS_PATH "$INSTALL_DIR" "" 3 ;replace "\" with "/" in $UNIX_LIKE_DRIVE ${StrReplace} "$UNIX_LIKE_DRIVE" "\" "/" "$UNIX_LIKE_DRIVE" ;replace ":" with "" in $UNIX_LIKE_DRIVE ${StrReplace} "$UNIX_LIKE_DRIVE" ":" "" "$UNIX_LIKE_DRIVE" ;replace "\" with "/" in $UNIX_LIKE_GRASS_PATH ${StrReplace} "$UNIX_LIKE_GRASS_PATH" "\" "/" "$UNIX_LIKE_GRASS_PATH" ;Set the USERNAME variable Var /GLOBAL USERNAME Var /GLOBAL PROFILE_DRIVE Var /GLOBAL PROFILE_ROOT ;It first searches for the Key Regestry value "Logon User Name" in HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" ReadRegStr $USERNAME HKCU "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer" "Logon User Name" ;If the Key Registry value is empty, it uses a work around, retrieving the Username string from the System User Profile variable ($PROFILE) ;It first read the $PROFILE variable, to scan the OS version: ;If equal to "drive:\Users\UserName", the OS is Vista, and the $USERNAME variable set to $PROFILE - "drive:\Users\" ;If not, the OS is XP or previous, and the $USERNAME variable set to $PROFILE - "drive:\Documents and Settings\" ${If} $USERNAME == "" StrCpy $PROFILE_DRIVE "$PROFILE" 2 StrCpy $PROFILE_ROOT "$PROFILE" 5 -3 ${If} $USERNAME = "Users" ${StrReplace} "$USERNAME" "$PROFILE_DRIVE\Users\" "" "$PROFILE" ${Else} ${StrReplace} "$USERNAME" "$PROFILE_DRIVE\Documents and Settings\" "" "$PROFILE" ${EndIf} ${EndIf} ;create the grass_command.sh ClearErrors FileOpen $0 $INSTALL_DIR\${GRASS_COMMAND}.sh w IfErrors done_create_grass_command FileWrite $0 '#! /bin/sh$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#########################################################################$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# File dynamically created by NSIS installer script;$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Written by Marco Pasetti;$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#########################################################################$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# MODULE: GRASS Initialization$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# AUTHOR(S): Justin Hickey - Thailand - jhickey@hpcc.nectec.or.th$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# PURPOSE: The source file for this shell script is in$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# lib/init/grass.src and is the grass startup script. It$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# requires a source file because the definition of GISBASE$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# is not known until compile time and is substituted from the$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Makefile. Any command line options are passed to Init.sh.$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# COPYRIGHT: (C) 2000-2013 by the GRASS Development Team$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# This program is free software under the GNU General Public$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# License (>=v2). Read the file COPYING that comes with GRASS$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# for details.$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#########################################################################$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Modified by Marco Pasetti$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# added the export PATH instruction to let GRASS work from$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# the MSYS environment in the dynamic NSIS installation$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '#########################################################################$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'trap "echo ' FileWrite $0 "'User break!' ; " FileWrite $0 'exit" 2 3 9 15$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Set the GISBASE variable$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'GISBASE="/$UNIX_LIKE_DRIVE$UNIX_LIKE_GRASS_PATH"$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'export GISBASE$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Set the PATH variable$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'PATH="$$GISBASE/extrabin:$$GISBASE/extralib:$$PATH"$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'PATH="$$GISBASE/tcl-tk/bin:$$GISBASE/sqlite/bin:$$PATH"$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'export PATH$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'GRASS_PAGER=more$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'export GRASS_PAGER$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Set the PYTHONPATH variable$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'PYTHONPATH="$$GISBASE/etc/python:$$GISBASE/Python27:$$PYTHONPATH"$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'export PYTHONPATH$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'PYTHONHOME="$INSTALL_DIR\Python27"$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'export PYTHONHOME$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'if [ -z "$$GRASS_PYTHON" ] ; then$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' GRASS_PYTHON=python$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 ' export GRASS_PYTHON$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'fi$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Set the default web browser$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'GRASS_HTML_BROWSER=explorer$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'export GRASS_HTML_BROWSER$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Set the GRASS_PROJSHARE variable$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'GRASS_PROJSHARE="$INSTALL_DIR\proj"$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'export GRASS_PROJSHARE$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Set the GDAL_DATA variable$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'GDAL_DATA="$INSTALL_DIR\share\gdal"$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'export GDAL_DATA$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Set the PROJ_LIB variable$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'PROJ_LIB="$INSTALL_DIR\proj"$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'export PROJ_LIB $\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '# Set the GEOTIFF_CSV variable$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'GEOTIFF_CSV="$INSTALL_DIR\share\epsg_csv"$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'export GEOTIFF_CSV$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'cd "$$USERPROFILE"' FileWrite $0 '$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'exec "$$GISBASE/etc/Init.sh" "$$@"' FileClose $0 done_create_grass_command: ;Get the short form of the install path (to allow for paths with spaces) VAR /GLOBAL INST_DIR_SHORT GetFullPathName /SHORT $INST_DIR_SHORT $INSTALL_DIR ;create the $INSTALL_DIR\msys\etc\fstab with the main grass dir mount info ClearErrors FileOpen $0 $INSTALL_DIR\msys\etc\fstab w IfErrors done_create_fstab FileWrite $0 '$INST_DIR_SHORT /grass$\r$\n' FileClose $0 done_create_fstab: ;Set the Unix-Like GIS_DATABASE Path ;Var /GLOBAL UNIX_LIKE_GIS_DATABASE_PATH ;replace \ with / in $GIS_DATABASE ;${StrReplace} "$UNIX_LIKE_GIS_DATABASE_PATH" "\" "/" "$GIS_DATABASE" SetShellVarContext current ${If} ${FileExists} "$APPDATA\GRASS@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@\grassrc6" DetailPrint "File $APPDATA\GRASS@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@\grassrc6 already exists. Skipping." ${Else} ;create $APPDATA\GRASS@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@\grassrc6 ClearErrors CreateDirectory $APPDATA\GRASS@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@ FileOpen $0 $APPDATA\GRASS@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@\grassrc6 w IfErrors done_create_grass_rc FileWrite $0 'GISDBASE: $GIS_DATABASE$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'LOCATION_NAME: demolocation$\r$\n' FileWrite $0 'MAPSET: PERMANENT$\r$\n' FileClose $0 done_create_grass_rc: ${EndIf} ;replace gisbase = "/c/OSGeo4W/apps/grass/grass-@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@.@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@.@GRASS_VERSION_RELEASE@" in grass@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@.py with $INSTDIR Push "$INSTDIR\etc\grass@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@.py" ; file to modify Push 'gisbase = "/c/OSGeo4W/apps/grass/grass-@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@.@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@.@GRASS_VERSION_RELEASE@"' ; string that a line must begin with *WS Sensitive* Push 'gisbase = "$INSTDIR"' ; string to replace whole line with Call ReplaceLineStr ;replace config_projshare = "/c/OSGeo4W/share/proj" i n grass@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@.py with $INSTDIR\proj Push "$INSTDIR\etc\grass@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@@GRASS_VERSION_MINOR@.py" ; file to modify Push 'config_projshare = "/c/OSGeo4W/share/proj"' ; string that a line must begin with *WS Sensitive* Push 'config_projshare = "$INSTDIR\proj"' ; string to replace whole line with Call ReplaceLineStr SectionEnd ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function DownloadInstallMSRuntime IntOp $ARCHIVE_SIZE_MB $ARCHIVE_SIZE_KB / 1024 StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "The installer will download the $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME.$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_These system libraries from Microsoft are needed for programs" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ built with Microsoft's Visual C++ compiler, such as Python and" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ GDAL which ship with GRASS, since MS does not include them by" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ default. You might already have them installed by other software," StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ if so you don't need to install them again, but if not GRASS will" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ fail to start and you will see errors like 'Missing MSVCR71.dll" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ or MSVCP100.dll'.$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_The archive is about $ARCHIVE_SIZE_MB MB and may take" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ several minutes to download.$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_The $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME will be copied to:$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_$TEMP\$CUSTOM_UNTAR_FOLDER.$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_Press OK to continue and install the runtimes, or Cancel" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ to skip the download and complete the GRASS" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ installation without the $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME.$\r$\n" MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_" IDOK download IDCANCEL cancel_download download: SetShellVarContext current InitPluginsDir NSISdl::download "$HTTP_PATH/$ARCHIVE_NAME" "$TEMP\$ARCHIVE_NAME" Pop $0 StrCmp $0 "success" download_ok download_failed download_ok: InitPluginsDir untgz::extract "-d" "$TEMP\$ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER" "-zbz2" "$TEMP\$ARCHIVE_NAME" Pop $0 StrCmp $0 "success" untar_ok untar_failed untar_ok: ExecWait "$TEMP\$ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER\bin\vcredist_2005_x86.exe /q" ExecWait "$TEMP\$ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER\bin\vcredist_2008_x86.exe /q" ExecWait "$TEMP\$ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER\bin\vcredist_2010_x86.exe /q" CopyFiles "$TEMP\$ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER\bin\*.dll" "$INSTDIR\extralib" Delete "$TEMP\$ARCHIVE_NAME" RMDir /r "$TEMP\$ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER" ;the following doesn't work. Maybe because the installer is still running? RMDir "$TEMP\$ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER" Goto end download_failed: DetailPrint "$0" ;print error message to log MessageBox MB_OK "Download Failed.$\r$\nGRASS will be installed without the $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME." Goto end cancel_download: MessageBox MB_OK "Download Cancelled.$\r$\nGRASS will be installed without the $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME." Goto end untar_failed: DetailPrint "$0" ;print error message to log end: FunctionEnd Section /O "Important Microsoft Runtime DLLs" SecMSRuntime ;Set the size (in KB) of the archive file StrCpy $ARCHIVE_SIZE_KB 12521 ;Set the size (in KB) of the unpacked archive file AddSize 13500 StrCpy $HTTP_PATH "http://download.osgeo.org/osgeo4w/release/msvcrt/" StrCpy $ARCHIVE_NAME "msvcrt-1.0.1-8.tar.bz2" StrCpy $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME "Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Packages" StrCpy $ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER "install_msruntime" Call DownloadInstallMSRuntime SectionEnd Function DownloadDataSet IntOp $ARCHIVE_SIZE_MB $ARCHIVE_SIZE_KB / 1024 StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "The installer will download the $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME sample data set.$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_The archive is about $ARCHIVE_SIZE_MB MB and may take" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ several minutes to download.$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_The $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME dataset will be copied to:$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_$GIS_DATABASE\$CUSTOM_UNTAR_FOLDER.$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_$\r$\n" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_Press OK to continue or Cancel to skip the download and complete the GRASS" StrCpy $DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_ installation without the $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME data set.$\r$\n" MessageBox MB_OKCANCEL "$DOWNLOAD_MESSAGE_" IDOK download IDCANCEL cancel_download download: SetShellVarContext current InitPluginsDir NSISdl::download "$HTTP_PATH/$ARCHIVE_NAME" "$TEMP\$ARCHIVE_NAME" Pop $0 StrCmp $0 "success" download_ok download_failed download_ok: InitPluginsDir untgz::extract "-d" "$GIS_DATABASE" "$TEMP\$ARCHIVE_NAME" Pop $0 StrCmp $0 "success" untar_ok untar_failed untar_ok: Rename "$GIS_DATABASE\$ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER" "$GIS_DATABASE\$CUSTOM_UNTAR_FOLDER" Delete "$TEMP\$ARCHIVE_NAME" Goto end download_failed: DetailPrint "$0" ;print error message to log MessageBox MB_OK "Download Failed.$\r$\nGRASS will be installed without the $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME sample data set." Goto end cancel_download: MessageBox MB_OK "Download Cancelled.$\r$\nGRASS will be installed without the $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME sample data set." Goto end untar_failed: DetailPrint "$0" ;print error message to log end: FunctionEnd Section /O "North Carolina (Wake County) Data Set" SecNorthCarolinaSDB ;Set the size (in KB) of the archive file StrCpy $ARCHIVE_SIZE_KB 138629 ;Set the size (in KB) of the unpacked archive file AddSize 293314 StrCpy $HTTP_PATH "http://grass.osgeo.org/sampledata" StrCpy $ARCHIVE_NAME "nc_spm_latest.tar.gz" StrCpy $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME "North Carolina (Wake County)" StrCpy $ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER "nc_spm_08" StrCpy $CUSTOM_UNTAR_FOLDER "North_Carolina" Call DownloadDataSet SectionEnd Section /O "South Dakota (Spearfish County) Data Set" SecSpearfishSDB ;Set the size (in KB) of the archive file StrCpy $ARCHIVE_SIZE_KB 20803 ;Set the size (in KB) of the unpacked archive file AddSize 42171 StrCpy $HTTP_PATH "http://grass.osgeo.org/sampledata" StrCpy $ARCHIVE_NAME "spearfish_grass60data-0.3.tar.gz" StrCpy $EXTENDED_ARCHIVE_NAME "South Dakota (Spearfish County)" StrCpy $ORIGINAL_UNTAR_FOLDER "spearfish60" StrCpy $CUSTOM_UNTAR_FOLDER "Spearfish60" Call DownloadDataSet SectionEnd ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Uninstaller Section Section "Uninstall" ;remove files & folders RMDir /r "$INSTDIR" ;remove the Desktop ShortCut SetShellVarContext current Delete "$DESKTOP\${GRASS_BASE}.lnk" ;remove the Programs Start ShortCuts SetShellVarContext all RMDir /r "$SMPROGRAMS\${GRASS_BASE}" ;remove the $APPDATA\GRASS@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@ folder ;disabled, don't remove user settings ; SetShellVarContext current ;RMDir /r "$APPDATA\GRASS@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@" ;${If} ${FileExists} "$APPDATA\GRASS@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@\addons\*.*" ; RMDir /r "$APPDATA\GRASS@GRASS_VERSION_MAJOR@\addons" ;${EndIf} ;remove the Registry Entries DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\${GRASS_BASE}" DeleteRegKey HKLM "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\${GRASS_BASE}" SectionEnd ;-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ;Installer Section Descriptions !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_BEGIN !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecGRASS} "Install GRASS ${VERSION_NUMBER}" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecMSRuntime} "Some software included in this installer (e.g. GDAL, Python) may need Microsoft's Visual C++ redistributable system libraries.$\r$\nDownload and install the Redistributable Package. (12 MB)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecNorthCarolinaSDB} "Download and install the North Carolina (Wake County) sample data set. (135 MB)" !insertmacro MUI_DESCRIPTION_TEXT ${SecSpearfishSDB} "Download and install the South Dakota (Spearfish County) sample data set. (20 MB)" !insertmacro MUI_FUNCTION_DESCRIPTION_END ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------