/*! \page vlibOgr GRASS-OGR data provider by GRASS Development Team (http://grass.osgeo.org) \tableofcontents \section vLibPseudoTopo Pseudo-topology Reduced topology: each boundary is attached to one area only, i.e. smoothing, simplification, removing small areas etc. will not work properly for adjacent areas or areas within areas. Full topology is only available for native GRASS vectors or can only be built after all polygons are converted to areas and cleaned as done by v.in.ogr. \section vlibFrmtFileFormat Frmt file format specification Frmt is a plain text file which contains basic information about external format of linked vector map. Each line contains key, value pairs separated by comma. OGR specific format is described by: - FORMAT - ogr - DSN - OGR datasource name - LAYER - OGR layer name Example: \verbatim FORMAT: ogr DSN: /path/to/shapefiles LAYER: cities \endverbatim OGR layer can be linked via v.external command. When linking OGR layer pseudo-topology ('topo') is built including spatial index file ('sidx') and category index file ('cidx'). Additionally also feature index file (see \ref vlibFidxFileFormat) is created. \section vlibFidxFileFormat Fidx file format specification Note: finfo is an instance of \ref Format_info structure.
Version_Major C1file version (major)
Version_Minor C1file version (minor)
Back_MajorC1supported from GRASS version (major)
Back_MinorC1supported from GRASS version (minor)
byte_orderC1little or big endian flag; files are written in machine native order but files in both little and big endian order may be readl; zero for little endian
lengthL1header size
fInfo.ogr.offset_numI1number of records