v.test is dedicated for testing feature access for vector maps in native or non-native external formats like PostGIS or other data formats linked using OGR library.


export MAP=vector_map
Testing sequential access:
# sequential access on non-topological level
v.test -s1 map=$MAP

# sequential access on non-topological level with type constraint
v.test -s1 map=$MAP type=line

# sequential access on non-topological level with layer constraint
v.test -s1 map=$MAP layer=2

# sequential access on non-topological level with region constraint
v.test -s1r map=$MAP

# sequential access on topological level
v.test -s map=$MAP

# sequential access on topological level with type constraint
v.test -s map=$MAP type=line

# sequential access on topological level with layer constraint
v.test -s map=$MAP layer=2

# sequential access on topological level with region constraint
v.test -sr map=$MAP
Testing random access (note constraints by region, layer or type are ignored):
# random access on topological level (in loop)
v.test map=$MAP

# random access on topological level (selected feature only)
v.test map=$MAP id=1


Martin Landa, CTU in Prague, Czech Republic

Last changed: $Date$