Dependencies: matplotlib and scipy Fedora: yum install python-matplotlib-wx scipy Debian: apt-get install python-matplotlib python-scipy ------------------ GRASS 7.0.svn (nc_spm_08_grass7):~/grass70 > group=lsat7_2000 subgroup=lsat7_2000 input=`g.mlist rast pat="lsat7_2000_" sep=,` Segmentation fault -> should not crash if input is empty (above: * is missing from lsat pattern name_ pat="lsat7_2000_*") ----------------- NEEDS TO BE DONE: - change layers order #DONE - ellipses managment #DONE - flip of digitized area on scatter plot - synch whith digitizer #DONE - statusbar showing information about computations and coordinates #DONE - scatter plot settings #DONE - export raster map #DONE - check for range of data, if big show warning - better temp files clean up - comment code ------------------ TODO suggestions: Scatterplot: - don't allow to go on when no subgroup is present: - error message about missing subgroup in group <%s> #DONE - fall back to group selection dialog + error message about missing #DONE - Dialog "Add scatter plot" Band 1 (x axis) <<- add #DONE Band 2 (y axis) <<- add #DONE - Scatter plot toolbar: - put "Add SP" icon to the left #DONE - when in "Select area" mode, un-highlight zoom + pan icons #DONE - zoom to extend in toolbar #DONE - Scatter plot window - zoom icon: also allow for zoom box #DONE - mouse wheel: 0.1 zoom step (not 0.5)#DONE - add values to axis # it is possible but IDEA show values in statusbar #DONE implemented statusbar - plot legend: strip @mapset off #DONE - second plot is falling out of the main window to the left - Add class - rerendering zooms out, it should not #DONE - confidence ellipse - connect to "xx std dev" selection in toolbar #DONE - show center of ellipse as little cross #DONE Wish: - optionally link map displays for zoom/pan etc. (icon?) See (see also and georectifier)