Read the description in the Mapbender Wiki Every Mapbender User is invited to let the Mapbender Wiki grow. If you want an account to edit any of these Wiki pages please write an email to and request for an ID and password. You need a valid email address to be able to edit this Wiki. ---- -- 1. Database: ---- -- -- MySQL -- -- -- Create a Database: -- select the encoding to run your databse: UTF8 or Latin is possible (choose in the mapbender.conf) -- To Show the possible character sets: SHOW CHARACTER SET; SHOW COLLATION; SHOW databases; -- database with utf8 encoding create database mapbender CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci ; -- database with ISO-8859-1 encoding create database mapbender CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_german1_ci ; -- select the database mapbender use mapbender -- special: update the mb_user_password to md5 for an existing Mapbender installation that used password()-encryption in the file mapbender/frames/login.php there is a variable $setEncPw. Set $setEncPw = true to transform the password to md5 when the user logged in with the right password. This helps you to transform the passwords step by step from password() to md5(). --If you want to run Mapbender with MySQL load the following files: 1. mysql_schema.sql (creates tables, keys, constraints) 2. mysql_data.sql (loads data) -- run the scripts as follow: source mysql_schema.sql source mysql_data.sql (make sure, that you use the right sql for the right encoding) -- -- PostgreSQL -- -- -- Create a Database with Latin1 or UTF8 encoding If you want to run Mapbender with PostgreSQL load the following files: 1. pgsql_schema.sql (creates tables, keys, constraints) 2. pgsql_data.sql (loads data) 3. pgsql_serial_set_sequences_7x.sql or pgsql_serial_set_sequences.sql (depending on wich postgresql version you use, sets the values for the sequences) - Zählerstand der Sequenz für Serial-Felder (Autowerte) -- How to load the sqls in PostgreSQL: psql -f pgsql_schema.sql psql -f pgsql_data.sql psql -f pgsql_serial_set_sequences.sql ---- -- 2. mapbender configuration ---- configure the file mapbender.conf -- check the database connection http://localhost/tools/mapbender_setup.php ---- -- 3. print configuration ---- to use the pdfprint configure the files: mapbender\http\print\printPDF.conf (if you use the print in an iframe) mapbender\http\print\printPDF_b.conf (if you use the print with a button - b for button)