"; ?>



"; if (phpversion()>='5.1.0'){ if (phpversion()<'5.2.0') $check .=""; else $check .=""; } else $check .=""; #php-schnittstelle if(php_sapi_name() == 'cgi') $check.=""; else $check.=""; # path to php.ini if (!get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path')) $check .=""; else $check .=""; # extension dir if (!get_cfg_var('extension_dir')||get_cfg_var('extension_dir')=='') $check .=""; else $check .=""; # session.save_path if (!get_cfg_var('session.save_path')) $check .=""; else $check .=""; # memory_limit if (get_cfg_var('memory_limit')) $check .=""; else $check .=""; # error_reporting #Error Reporting: 6135 =>error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE (6135-8(E_NOTICE)) #Error Reporting: 1 => error_reporting = E_ERROR #Error Reporting: 6143 => error_reporting = E_ALL $check .=""; if (get_cfg_var('error_reporting')==6143||get_cfg_var('error_reporting')==8) $check .=""; elseif (get_cfg_var('error_reporting')==6135)$check .=""; elseif (get_cfg_var('error_reporting')==1)$check .=""; else $check .=""; # session.save_handler if (!get_cfg_var('session.save_handler')||get_cfg_var('session.save_handler')!='files') $check .=""; else $check .=""; # file_uploads $check .=""; if (get_cfg_var('file_uploads')=='1') $check .= ""; else $check .= ""; # allow_url_fopen $check .=""; if (get_cfg_var('allow_url_fopen')=='1') $check .= ""; else $check .= ""; # short_open_tag $check .=""; if (get_cfg_var('short_open_tag')!='1') $check .= ""; else $check .= ""; echo $check; ################################################# #PHP Extensioncheck ################################################# ?> "; else $check=""; #PGSQL if(!extension_loaded('pgsql')) $check.=""; else $check.=""; #GD if(extension_loaded('gd')) $check.=""; else $check.=""; #mbstring if(extension_loaded('mbstring')) $check.=""; else $check.=""; #gettext if(extension_loaded('gettext')) $check.=""; else $check.=""; echo $check; #################################### # Database check #################################### ?>
PHP Configurationcheck php VersionVersion: " . phpversion() . "! You should think about upgrade to the current php version (get it here)
XVersion: " . phpversion() . "
Version: " . phpversion() . "! Your PHP Version is very old, please upgrade to version >=5.1.0 to use full mapbender functionality and reduce problems!
path to php.iniNo Path to php.ini found
path to php.iniX" . get_cfg_var('cfg_file_path') . "
extension_dirno extension_dir set!
extension_dirX" . get_cfg_var('extension_dir') . "(check the path, is it correct?)
session.save_pathplease configure a session.save_path!
session.save_pathX" . get_cfg_var('session.save_path') . " (check out the authorisation of the dir)
memory LimitX" . get_cfg_var('memory_limit') . " (running in memory-trouble with printing? Perhaps raise your memory limit)
memory Limitmemory_limit must be set (30M will be enough for the moment)
error-reportingplease set error_reporting to 'E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE' or 'E_ERROR' except for debugging
Xok, error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
Xok, error_reporting = E_ERROR
(Your error_reporting configuration is not implementet into this test yet. You shoul know what you are doing or set it to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE)
session.save_handlersession.save_handler must be set to 'session.save_handler = files'!
session.save_handlerXsession.save_handler = " . get_cfg_var('session.save_handler') . "
Off =>allow_url_fopen must be on read this
On => Displaying XML files will not work properly
PHP Extensioncheck MySQL checkMySQL not installed! (You have to include mysql-extension if you want to use MySQL as MB-Database!)
MySQL checkXMySQL installed
PostgreSQL checkPostgreSQL not installed (You have to include pgsql-extension if you want to use Postgres as MB-Database!)
PostgreSQL checkXPostgreSQL installed
GD2 checkXGD installed
GD2 checkGD not installed (no printing possible)
mbstring checkXmbstring installed
mbstring checkPHP extension mbstring is not installed
gettext checkXgettext installed
gettext checkPHP extension gettext is not installed

"; $check .= ""; if($con) $check .=""; else $check .=""; $check .=""; $con_string = "host= " . GEOS_DBSERVER . " port=" . GEOS_PORT . " dbname=" . GEOS_DB . " user=" . GEOS_OWNER . " password=" .GEOS_PW; if (pg_connect($con_string)){ pg_connect($con_string); $con_postgis = pg_connect($con_string); $sql = "Select postgis_full_version();"; $res = pg_query($con_postgis,$sql); if(!$res) $check .=""; else{ $cnt=0; while(pg_fetch_row($res)){ $check .=""; $check .=""; $cnt++; } if ($cnt==0) $check .=""; } } else $check .=""; echo $check; } else{ $check = ""; $check .= ""; if($con) $check .=""; else $check .=""; # md5 support $sql = "Select md5('root');"; $res = pg_query($sql); if(!$res) $check .=""; else{ $row = db_fetch_array($res); if ($row) $check .=""; else $check .=""; } echo $check; ###################################### # PostGIS check ###################################### ?> "; else{ $cnt=0; while(pg_fetch_row($res)){ $check .=""; $check .=""; $cnt++; } if ($cnt==0) $check .=""; } } else $check .=""; echo $check; } ################################# # Mapbender configuration check ################################# ?>
Database check Administration DatabaseXMySQL
Connect to DatabaseXconnected
not connected
PostGIS function check
PostGIS supportno PostGIS function available
PostGIS supportXPostGIS function available
VersionX" . pg_fetch_result($res,$cnt,0). "
PostGIS supportno PostGIS function available
Postgis supportno PostGIS function available
Administration DatabaseXPostgreSQL
Connect to DatabaseXconnected
not connected
MD5 supportno md5 support
MD5 supportXmd5 supported
MD5 supportno md5 support
PostGIS check pg_query($con,$sql)"; if(!$res) $check .="
PostGIS supportno PostGIS function available
PostGIS supportXPostGIS function available
VersionX" . pg_fetch_result($res,$cnt,0). "
PostGIS supportno PostGIS function available
Postgis supportno PostGIS function available

"; else $check =""; # DBSERVER if (DBSERVER !="" && DBSERVER != "" && defined('DBSERVER')) $check .=""; else $check .=""; # Mapbender-DB if (DB !="" && DB != "" && defined('DB')) $check .=""; else $check .=""; # DB Owner if (OWNER !="" && OWNER != "" && defined('OWNER')) $check .=""; else $check .=""; # PREPAREDSTATEMENTS if (defined('PREPAREDSTATEMENTS')){ if (PREPAREDSTATEMENTS == true){ if (phpversion()<'5.1.0') $check.=""; else $check .=""; } else{ if (phpversion()<'5.1.0') $check .=""; else $check .=""; } } else $check .=""; # CHARSET if (CHARSET != "" && defined('CHARSET')) $check .=""; else $check .=""; # TMPDIR if (TMPDIR != "" && defined('TMPDIR')) $check .=""; else $check .=""; # OWSPROXY if (OWSPROXY != "" && defined('OWSPROXY')) $check .=""; else $check .=""; #AUTO_UPDATE if (AUTO_UPDATE != "" && defined('AUTO_UPDATE')){ if (AUTO_UPDATE == '1'){ $check .=""; if (!TIME_LIMIT || TIME_LIMIT == "")$check .=""; } elseif (AUTO_UPDATE == '0') $check .=""; else $check .=""; } else $check .=""; # ERROR LOGGING $testLog = new mb_notice("This is a test run by the Mapbender setup script."); if ($testLog->result) { $check .=""; } else { $check .=""; } #LOG_LEVEL (off,error,warning,all) if (LOG_LEVEL !="" && defined('LOG_LEVEL')){ if (LOG_LEVEL =='off') $check .=""; elseif (LOG_LEVEL =='error') $check .=""; elseif (LOG_LEVEL =='warning') $check .=""; elseif (LOG_LEVEL =='all') $check .=""; else $check .=""; } # PORTAL if (defined('PORTAL')){ if (PORTAL == true) $check .=""; else $check .=""; } else $check .=""; # MAXLOGIN if (MAXLOGIN != "" && defined('MAXLOGIN')) $check .=""; else $check .=""; # LOGIN if (defined('LOGIN')) $check .= ""; else $check .= ""; echo $check; echo ""; echo "
Mapbender Configuration Check Administration DatabaseX" . SYS_DBTYPE . "
Administration DatabaseSYS_DBTYPE is not defined for mysql or pgsql
DB-ServerX" . DBSERVER . " (is this your DB-Server)
DB-ServerDBSERVER is not defined
Mapbender-DBX" . DB . " (is this your Mapbender-DB)
Mapbender-DBDB is not defined
DB-OwnerX" . OWNER . " (is this your DB-Owner)
DB-OwnerOWNER is not defined
PREPAREDSTATEMENTSPREPAREDSTATEMENTS =set to 'true' and php version " . phpversion() . " is incompatible
set PREPAREDSTATEMENTS to false or update php to >=5.1
PREPAREDSTATEMENTSXset to 'true' and php " . phpversion() . " should work
Xset to 'false' and php " . phpversion() . " should work (but think about upgrading to php 5.1)
Xset to 'false' and php " . phpversion() . " should work (but you can set PREPAREDSTATEMENTS to 'true')
CHARSETCHARSET is not defined
TMPDIRTMPDIR is not defined
OWSPROXYX" . OWSPROXY . " (Is this the right URL to your OWSPROXY?)
OWSPROXYOWSPROXY not defined(if you want to camouflage your WMS, you should think about OWSPROXY!)
AUTO_UPDATEXset to 1: will update all out-of-date WMS automatically
TIME_LIMITyou should define a TIME_LIMIT for the AUTO_UPDATE funtionallity
AUTO_UPDATEXset to 0: (see the result of the test and update WMS manually)
AUTO_UPDATEset to " . AUTO_UPDATE . ": this configuration value is not supported(as yet!)
AUTO_UPDATEAUTO_UPDATE not defined (for the wms monitoring functionality you have to define this constant)
ERROR LOGGINGX" . $testLog->message . "
ERROR LOGGING" . $testLog->message . "
LOG_LEVELXswitched off: -no Mapbender-errors logging
LOG_LEVELXset to 'error': -Mapbender-errors will be logged
LOG_LEVELXset to 'warning: - Mapbender-errors and -warnings will be logged
LOG_LEVELXset to 'all': -really every little notice will be logged!!
LOG_LEVELset to " . LOG_LEVEL . ": this configuration value is not supported (as yet!)
PORTALXtrue (Users can create theirs own accounts)
PORTALXfalse (Users can't create their own accounts at the moment)
PORTALPORTAL is not defined(Maybe an old configuration file?)
Login-Path" . LOGIN . "
(If this link doesn't work, check your url to 'Login' in your mapbender.conf
Perhaps an alias in your httpd.conf will solve the problem, too)
Login-PathLOGIN is not defined
red = maybe your Mapbender will run into trouble
blue = just a tip
green = seems to be alright
"; echo "
for further informations visit  Mapbender installation instructions