id = intval(func_get_arg(0)); } else { $this->id = Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"); } try{ $this->load(); } catch(Exception $E) { new mb_exception($E->getMessage()); } } /** * @return String the ID of this user */ public function __toString () { return (string) $this->id; } /* * @return Assoc Array containing the fields to send to the user */ public function getFields() { $result = array( "name" => $this->name, "password" => "*************", "owner" => $this->owner, "description" => $this->description, "loginCount" => $this->loginCount, "email" => $this->email, "phone" => $this->phone, "department" => $this->department, "resolution" => $this->resolution, "organization" => $this->organization, "position" => $this->position, "phone1" => $this->phone1, "fax" => $this->fax, "deliveryPoint" => $this->deliveryPoint, "city" => $this->city, "postalCode" => $this->postalCode, "country" => $this->country, "url" => $this->url, "realName" => $this->realName, "street" => $this->street, "houseNumber" => $this->houseNumber, "reference" => $this->reference, "forAttentionOf" => $this->forAttentionOf, "validFrom" => $this->validFrom, "validTo" => $this->validTo, "passwordTicket" => $this->passwordTicket, "firstName" => $this->firstName, "lastName" => $this->lastName, "academicTitle" => $this->academicTitle ); return $result; } public function isPublic () { if (defined("PUBLIC_USER") && intval($this->id) === intval(PUBLIC_USER)) { return true; } return false; } public function getGroupsByUser () { $sql = "SELECT fkey_mb_group_id FROM mb_user_mb_group WHERE fkey_mb_user_id = $1"; $v = array($this->id); $t = array("i"); $result = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $groupArray = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_array($result)) { $groupArray[]= intval($row["fkey_mb_group_id"]); } return $groupArray; } public function create() { if ($this->name === "") { $e = new Exception("Can' t create user without name"); } $sql_user_create = "INSERT INTO mb_user (mb_user_name) VALUES ('" . $this->name ."');"; $v = array($this->name); $t = array("s"); db_begin(); $insert_result = db_query($sql_user_create); if($insert_result == false) { db_rollback(); throw new Exception("Could not insert new user"); } $id = db_insertid($insert_result,'mb_user','mb_user_id'); if ($id != 0) { $this->id = $id; } $commit_result = $this->commit(); if($commit_result == false) { try { db_rollback(); } catch(Exception $E) { throw new Exception("Could not set inital values of new user"); } } db_commit(); return true; } /* * @param $changes JSON keys and their values of what to change in the object */ public function change($changes) { //FIXME: validate input if($changes->owner) { $owner = User::byName($changes->owner); } $this->name = isset($changes->name) ? $changes->name : $this->name; $this->owner = isset($changes->owner) ? $owner->id : $this->owner; $this->description = isset($changes->description) ? $changes->description : $this->description; $this->email = isset($changes->email) ? $changes->email : $this->email; $this->phone = isset($changes->phone) ? $changes->phone : $this->phone; $this->department = isset($changes->department) ? $changes->department : $this->department; $this->resolution = isset($changes->resolution) ? $changes->resolution : $this->resolution; $this->organization = isset($changes->organization) ? $changes->organization : $this->organization; $this->position = isset($changes->position) ? $changes->position : $this->position; $this->phone1 = isset($changes->phone1) ? $changes->phone1 : $this->phone1; $this->facsimile = isset($changes->facsimile) ? $changes->facsimile : $this->facsimile; $this->deliveryPoint = isset($changes->deliveryPoint) ? $changes->deliveryPoint : $this->deliveryPoint; $this->city = isset($changes->city) ? $changes->city : $this->city; $this->postalCode = isset($changes->postalCode) ? $changes->postalCode : $this->postalCode; $this->country = isset($changes->country) ? $changes->country : $this->country; $this->url = isset($changes->url) ? $changes->url : $this->url; $this->id = isset($changes->id) ? $changes->id : $this->id; $this->realName = isset($changes->realName) ? $changes->realName : $this->realName; $this->street = isset($changes->street) ? $changes->street : $this->street; $this->houseNumber = isset($changes->houseNumber) ? $changes->houseNumber : $this->houseNumber; $this->reference = isset($changes->reference) ? $changes->reference : $this->reference; $this->forAttentionOf = isset($changes->forAttentionOf) ? $changes->forAttentionOf : $this->forAttentionOf; $this->validFrom = isset($changes->validFrom) ? $changes->validFrom : $this->validFrom; $this->validTo = isset($changes->validTo) ? $changes->validTo : $this->validTo; $this->passwordTicket = isset($changes->passwordTicket) ? $changes->passwordTicket : $this->passwordTicket; $this->firstName = isset($changes->firstName) ? $changes->firstName : $this->firstName; $this->lastName = isset($changes->lastName) ? $changes->lastName : $this->lastName; $this->academicTitle = isset($changes->academicTitle) ? $changes->academicTitle : $this->academicTitle; return true; } public function commit() { $sql_update = "UPDATE mb_user SET ". "mb_user_name = $1, ". "mb_user_owner = $2, ". "mb_user_description = $3, ". "mb_user_email = $4, ". "mb_user_phone = $5, ". "mb_user_department = $6, ". "mb_user_resolution = $7, ". "mb_user_organisation_name = $8, ". "mb_user_position_name = $9, ". "mb_user_phone1 = $10, ". "mb_user_facsimile = $11, ". "mb_user_delivery_point = $12, ". "mb_user_city = $13, ". "mb_user_postal_code = $14, ". "mb_user_country = $15, ". "mb_user_online_resource = $16, ". "mb_user_realname = $17, ". "mb_user_street = $18, ". "mb_user_housenumber = $19, ". "mb_user_reference =$20, ". "mb_user_for_attention_of = $21, ". "mb_user_valid_from = $22, ". "mb_user_valid_to = $23, ". "mb_user_password_ticket = $24, ". "mb_user_firstname = $25, " . "mb_user_lastname = $26, " . "mb_user_academictitle = $27 " . "WHERE mb_user_id = $28;"; $v = array( $this->name, is_numeric($this->owner) ? intval($this->owner) : null, $this->description !== "" ? $this->description : null, $this->email !== "" ? $this->email : null, $this->phone !== "" ? $this->phone : null, $this->department !== "" ? $this->department : null, is_numeric($this->resolution) ? intval($this->resolution) : null, $this->organization !== "" ? $this->organization : null, $this->position !== "" ? $this->position : null, $this->phone1 !== "" ? $this->phone1 : null, $this->fax !== "" ? $this->fax : null, $this->deliveryPoint !== "" ? $this->deliveryPoint : null, $this->city !== "" ? $this->city : null, is_numeric($this->postalCode) ? intval($this->postalCode) : null, $this->country !== "" ? $this->country : null, $this->url !== "" ? $this->url : null, $this->realName !== "" ? $this->realName : null, $this->street !== "" ? $this->street : null, $this->houseNumber !== "" ? $this->houseNumber : null, $this->reference !== "" ? $this->reference : null, $this->forAttentionOf !== "" ? $this->forAttentionOf : null, $this->validFrom, $this->validTo, $this->passwordTicket !== "" ? $this->passwordTicket : null, $this->firstName, $this->lastName, $this->academicTitle, is_numeric($this->id) ? intval($this->id) : null, ); $t = array( "s", "i", "s", "s", "s", "s", "i", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "i", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "s", "i" ); $update_result = db_prep_query($sql_update,$v,$t); if(!$update_result) { throw new Exception("Database error updating User"); return false; } return true; } public function remove() { $sql_user_remove = "DELETE FROM mb_user WHERE mb_user_id = $1"; $v = array($this->id); $t = array("i"); $result = db_prep_query($sql_user_remove,$v,$t); if($result == false) { $e = new mb_exception("Database error deleting user"); } return true; } public function load() { $sql_user = "SELECT * from mb_user WHERE mb_user_id = $1; "; $v = array($this->id); $t = array("i"); $res_user = db_prep_query($sql_user,$v,$t); if ($row = db_fetch_array($res_user)) { $this->name = $row['mb_user_name']; $this->owner = $row['mb_user_owner']; $this->description = $row['mb_user_description']; $this->loginCount = $row['mb_user_login_count']; $this->email = $row['mb_user_email']; $this->phone = $row['mb_user_phone']; $this->department = $row['mb_user_department']; $this->resolution = $row['mb_user_resolution']; $this->organization = $row['mb_user_organisation_name']; $this->position = $row['mb_user_position_name']; $this->phone1 = $row['mb_user_phone1']; $this->fax = $row['mb_user_facsimile']; $this->deliveryPoint = $row['mb_user_delivery_point']; $this->city = $row['mb_user_city']; $this->postalCode = $row['mb_user_postal_code']; $this->country = $row['mb_user_country']; $this->url = $row['mb_user_online_resource']; $this->realName = $row['mb_user_realname']; $this->street = $row['mb_user_street']; $this->houseNumber = $row['mb_user_housenumber']; $this->reference = $row['mb_user_reference']; $this->forAttentionOf = $row['mb_user_for_attention_of']; $this->validFrom = $row['mb_user_valid_from']; $this->validTo = $row['mb_user_valid_to']; $this->passwordTicket = $row['mb_user_password_ticket']; $this->firstName = $row["mb_user_firstname"]; $this->lastName = $row["mb_user_lastname"]; $this->academicTitle = $row["mb_user_academictitle"]; } else { throw new Exception("no such User"); return false; } return true; } /* * @param $userId the Mapbender user id * @param $userTicket a user password ticket */ public function validUserPasswordTicket($userTicket) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM mb_user "; $sql .= "WHERE mb_user_id = $1 AND mb_user_password_ticket = $2"; $v = array($this->id,$userTicket); $t = array("i","s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ if($row['mb_user_password_ticket'] == '' || $row['mb_user_password_ticket'] != $userTicket) { return false; } } else { throw new Exception("Database error validating user ticket."); return false; } return true; } /* * @param $newPassword values of the new password * @param $newPassword Mapbender user id * @param $newPassword Mapbender user ticket */ public function setPassword($newPassword,$userTicket) { //set new password in db $sql = "UPDATE mb_user SET mb_user_password = $1, mb_user_password_ticket = '' WHERE mb_user_id = $2 AND mb_user_password_ticket = $3"; $v = array(md5($newPassword),$this->id,$userTicket); $t = array('s','i','s'); $update_result = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if (!$update_result) { throw new Exception("Database error updating user password"); return false; } return true; } public function setNewUserPasswordTicket () { $sql = "UPDATE mb_user SET mb_user_password_ticket = $1"; $sql.=" WHERE mb_user_id = $2"; $passwordTicket = substr(md5(uniqid(rand())),0,30); $v = array($passwordTicket,$this->id); $t = array('s','i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){ $e= new mb_exception(1); throw new Exception("Error setting new user password ticket"); return false; } $this->passwordTicket = $passwordTicket; return true; } public function sendUserLoginMail () { $admin = new administration(); $userMessage = "Your Mapbender login data:\n"; $userMessage .= "Your login name is: ".$this->name."\n"; $userMessage .= "Please set your password using the following link: \n"; $mbUrl = substr(LOGIN, 0, -9); $userMessage .= $mbUrl."../javascripts/mod_confirmLogin.php?user_id=".$this->id."&user_name=".$this->name."&user_ticket=".$this->passwordTicket."\n"; $userMessage .= "Follow this link to login to Mapbender: \n"; $userMessage .= LOGIN."\n"; $userMail = $admin->getEmailByUserId($this->id); if(!$admin->sendEmail("", "", $userMail, $this->name, utf8_decode("Your Mapbender account"), utf8_decode($userMessage), $error_msg)) { return "Registry data could not be send. Please check mail address."; } return "Registry data has been sent successfully."; } /* * @return Array of Users * @param $filter UNUSED! string that must be contained in the username */ public static function getList($filter) { //FIXME: optimize $name = $filter->name ? $filter->name : null; $owner = $filter->owner && is_numeric($filter->owner) ? intval($filter->owner) : null; $users = Array(); $sql_userlist = "SELECT mb_user_id FROM mb_user"; $andConditions = array(); $v = array(); $t = array(); if (!is_null($name)) { $v[]= $name; $t[]= "s"; $andConditions[]= "mb_user_name LIKE $" . count($v); } if (!is_null($owner)) { $v[]= $owner; $t[]= "i"; $andConditions[]= "mb_user_owner = $" . count($v); } if (count($andConditions) > 0) { $sql_userlist .= " WHERE " . implode("AND", $andConditions); } $sql_userlist .= " ORDER BY mb_user_name"; $res_users = db_prep_query($sql_userlist, $v, $t); while($row = db_fetch_array($res_users)) { try{ $users[] = new User($row['mb_user_id']); } catch(Exception $E) { continue; //FIXME: should catch some errors here } } return $users; } /* * tries to initialize a userobject by Name * @return A user Object * @param $name the name of the user to find */ public static function byName($name) { if($name == null) { return new User(null); } $sql_user = "SELECT mb_user_id FROM mb_user WHERE mb_user_name = '$name'"; $res_user = db_query($sql_user); if($row = db_fetch_array($res_user)) { return new User($row['mb_user_id']); } return null; } /** * Returns an array of application IDs that the user is allowed to access. * * @return Array an array of application IDs * @param $ignorepublic boolean whether or not to ignore * public applications (?) */ public function getApplicationsByPermission ($ignorepublic = false) { $mb_user_id = $this->id; $arrayGuis = array(); $mb_user_groups = array(); //exchange for the new role system - there are roles which don't include permissions explicitly $sql_groups = "SELECT fkey_mb_group_id FROM "; $sql_groups .= "(SELECT * from mb_user_mb_group left join mb_role on "; $sql_groups .= " mb_user_mb_group.mb_user_mb_group_type = mb_role.role_id "; $sql_groups .= " WHERE mb_role.role_exclude_auth != 1) AS mb_user_mb_group WHERE fkey_mb_user_id = $1 "; //$sql_groups = "SELECT fkey_mb_group_id FROM mb_user_mb_group WHERE fkey_mb_user_id = $1 "; $v = array($mb_user_id); $t = array("i"); $res_groups = db_prep_query($sql_groups,$v,$t); $cnt_groups = 0; while($row = db_fetch_array($res_groups)){ $mb_user_groups[$cnt_groups] = $row["fkey_mb_group_id"]; $cnt_groups++; } if($cnt_groups > 0){ $v = array(); $t = array(); $sql_g = "SELECT gui.gui_id FROM gui JOIN gui_mb_group "; $sql_g .= " ON gui.gui_id = gui_mb_group.fkey_gui_id WHERE gui_mb_group.fkey_mb_group_id IN ("; for($i=0; $i 0){$sql_g .= ",";} $sql_g .= "$".strval($i+1); array_push($v,$mb_user_groups[$i]); array_push($t,"i"); } $sql_g .= ") GROUP BY gui.gui_id"; $res_g = db_prep_query($sql_g,$v,$t); while($row = db_fetch_array($res_g)){ array_push($arrayGuis,$row["gui_id"]); } } $sql_guis = "SELECT gui.gui_id FROM gui JOIN gui_mb_user ON gui.gui_id = gui_mb_user.fkey_gui_id"; $sql_guis .= " WHERE (gui_mb_user.fkey_mb_user_id = $1) "; if (!isset($ignore_public) OR $ignore_public== false){ $sql_guis .= " AND gui.gui_public = 1 "; } $sql_guis .= " GROUP BY gui.gui_id"; $v = array($mb_user_id); $t = array("i"); $res_guis = db_prep_query($sql_guis,$v,$t); $guis = array(); while($row = db_fetch_array($res_guis)){ if(!in_array($row['gui_id'],$arrayGuis)){ array_push($arrayGuis,$row["gui_id"]); } } return $arrayGuis; } public function getOwnedWfs () { $sql = "SELECT wfs_id FROM wfs WHERE wfs_owner = $1"; $res = db_prep_query($sql, array($this->id), array("i")); $wfsIdArray = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $wfsIdArray[]= $row["wfs_id"]; } return $wfsIdArray; } public function getWfsByPermission () { $wfsArray = array(); $appArray = $this->getApplicationsByPermission(); if (is_array($appArray) && count($appArray) > 0) { $v = array(); $t = array(); $sql = "SELECT DISTINCT fkey_wfs_id FROM gui_wfs WHERE fkey_gui_id IN ("; for ($i = 0; $i < count($appArray); $i++) { if($i > 0) { $sql .= ","; } $sql .= "$".strval($i+1); array_push($v, $appArray[$i]); array_push($t, "s"); } $sql .= ") ORDER BY fkey_wfs_id"; $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $wfsArray[]= intval($row['fkey_wfs_id']); } } return $wfsArray; } public function getWfsConfByWfsOwner () { $wfsConfIdArray = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs_conf, wfs WHERE wfs.wfs_owner = $1 AND " . "wfs_conf.fkey_wfs_id = wfs.wfs_id ORDER BY wfs_conf.wfs_conf_id"; $v = array($this->id); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $wfsConfIdArray[]= $row["wfs_conf_id"]; } return $wfsConfIdArray; } /** identifies the IDs of WFS confs where the user is owner * * @param Array appIdArray [optional] restrict to certain applications * @return integer[] the IDs of the wfs_conf-table */ public function getWfsConfByPermission () { $userid = $this->id; $guisByPer = array(); // 1. $adm = new administration(); $guisByPer = $adm->getGuisByPermission($userid, true); if (func_num_args() === 1) { $arg1 = func_get_arg(0); if (!is_array($arg1)) { $arg1 = array($arg1); } $appIdArray = $arg1; $guisByPer = array_intersect($guisByPer, $appIdArray); $guisByPer = array_keys(array_flip($guisByPer)); } // $e = new mb_exception(serialize($guisByPer)); // 2. $ownWFSconfs = array(); if(count($guisByPer)>0){ $v = array(); $t = array(); $sql = "SELECT wfs_conf.wfs_conf_id FROM gui_wfs_conf, wfs_conf " . "where wfs_conf.wfs_conf_id = gui_wfs_conf.fkey_wfs_conf_id " . "and gui_wfs_conf.fkey_gui_id IN("; for($i=0; $i0){ $sql .= ",";} $sql .= "$".strval($i+1); array_push($v, $guisByPer[$i]); array_push($t, "s"); } $sql .= ") GROUP BY wfs_conf.wfs_conf_id ORDER BY wfs_conf.wfs_conf_id"; $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $i=0; while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $ownWFSconfs[$i] = intval($row['wfs_conf_id']); $i++; } } return $ownWFSconfs; } /** * Returns all WMCs that this user owns * * @return integer[] an array of WMC ids; ids from table mb_user_wmc */ public function getWmcByOwner () { $sql = "SELECT wmc_serial_id FROM mb_user_wmc "; $sql .= "WHERE fkey_user_id = $1 GROUP BY wmc_serial_id"; $v = array($this->id); $t = array("i"); $res_wmc = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $wmcArray = array(); while($row = db_fetch_array($res_wmc)){ array_push($wmcArray, $row["wmc_serial_id"]); } return $wmcArray; } public function isLayerAccessible ($layerId) { $array_guis = $this->getApplicationsByPermission(); $v = array(); $t = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM gui_layer WHERE fkey_gui_id IN ("; $c = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array_guis); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $sql .= ","; } $sql .= "$".$c; $c++; array_push($v, $array_guis[$i]); array_push($t, 's'); } $sql .= ") AND fkey_layer_id = $".$c." AND gui_layer_status = 1"; array_push($v,$layerId); array_push($t,'i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); return ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) ? true : false; } public function isWmsAccessible ($wms_id) { $array_guis = $this->getApplicationsByPermission(); $v = array(); $t = array(); $sql = "SELECT * FROM gui_wms WHERE fkey_gui_id IN ("; $c = 1; for ($i = 0; $i < count($array_guis); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $sql .= ","; } $sql .= "$".$c; $c++; array_push($v, $array_guis[$i]); array_push($t, 's'); } $sql .= ") AND fkey_wms_id = $" . $c; array_push($v, $wms_id); array_push($t, 'i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); return ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) ? true : false; } public function getOwnedWms () { $sql = "SELECT wms_id FROM wms WHERE wms_owner = $1"; $res = db_prep_query($sql, array($this->id), array("i")); $wmsIdArray = array(); while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)) { $wmsIdArray[]= $row["wms_id"]; } return $wmsIdArray; } public function isWmsOwner ($wms_id) { // first get guis which deploy this wms. $sql = "SELECT fkey_gui_id FROM gui_wms WHERE fkey_wms_id = $1 GROUP BY fkey_gui_id"; $v = array($wms_id); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $gui = array(); while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $gui[] = $row["fkey_gui_id"]; } if (count($gui) === 0) { return false; } $v = array(); $t = array(); $c = 1; $sql = "(SELECT mb_user.mb_user_id FROM mb_user JOIN gui_mb_user "; $sql .= "ON mb_user.mb_user_id = gui_mb_user.fkey_mb_user_id "; $sql .= " WHERE gui_mb_user.mb_user_type = 'owner'"; $sql .= " AND gui_mb_user.fkey_gui_id IN ("; for ($i = 0; $i < count($gui); $i++) { if ($i > 0) { $sql .= ","; } $sql .= "$".$c; $c++; array_push($v, $gui[$i]); array_push($t, 's'); } $sql .= ") GROUP BY mb_user.mb_user_id"; $sql .= ") UNION ("; $sql .= "SELECT mb_user.mb_user_id FROM gui_mb_group JOIN mb_user_mb_group ON mb_user_mb_group.fkey_mb_group_id = gui_mb_group.fkey_mb_group_id JOIN mb_user "; $sql .= "ON mb_user.mb_user_id = mb_user_mb_group.fkey_mb_user_id "; $sql .= " WHERE gui_mb_group.mb_group_type = 'owner'"; $sql .= " AND gui_mb_group.fkey_gui_id IN ("; for ($j = 0; $j < count($gui); $j++) { if ($j > 0) { $sql .= ","; } $sql .= "$".$c; $c++; array_push($v, $gui[$i]); array_push($t, 's'); } $sql .= ") GROUP BY mb_user.mb_user_id)"; $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $user = array(); while($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $user[] = intval($row["mb_user_id"]); } if (in_array($this->id, $user)) { return true; } return false; } private function addSingleSubscription ($wmsId) { if (!is_numeric($wmsId)) { $e = new mb_exception("class_user.php: addSingleSubscription: WMS Id not a number."); return false; } $id = intval($wmsId); if ($this->cancelSingleSubscription($id)) { $sql = "INSERT INTO mb_user_abo_ows (fkey_mb_user_id, fkey_wms_id) VALUES ($1, $2)"; $v = array($this->id, $id); $t = array('i', 'i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); return ($res) ? true : false; } return false; } private function cancelSingleSubscription ($wmsId) { if (!is_numeric($wmsId)) { $e = new mb_exception("class_user.php: cancelSingleSubscription: WMS Id not a number."); return false; } $id = intval($wmsId); $sql = "DELETE FROM mb_user_abo_ows WHERE fkey_wms_id = $1 " . "AND fkey_mb_user_id = $2"; $v = array($id, $this->id); $t = array('i', 'i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); return ($res) ? true : false; } public function addSubscription ($wms) { if (is_array($wms)) { foreach ($wms as $wmsId) { $this->addSingleSubscription($wmsId); } } else { $this->addSingleSubscription($wms); } } public function cancelSubscription ($wms) { if (is_array($wms)) { foreach ($wms as $wmsId) { $this->cancelSingleSubscription($wmsId); } } else { $this->cancelSingleSubscription($wms); } } public function hasSubscription ($wmsId) { if (!is_numeric($wmsId)) { $e = new mb_exception("class_user.php: cancelSingleSubscription: WMS Id not a number."); return false; } $id = intval($wmsId); $sql = "SELECT * FROM mb_user_abo_ows WHERE fkey_wms_id = $1 AND " . "fkey_mb_user_id = $2 LIMIT 1"; $v = array($id, $this->id); $t = array('i', 'i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $row = db_fetch_array($res); if (!isset($row['fkey_wms_id'])) { return false; } return true; } public function isValid () { if (!is_null($this->name) && $this->name !== "") { return true; } return false; } } ?>