file; #$data = implode("",file($url)); if(!$data){ echo "Unable to open document: ".$url; die; } $values = null; $tags = null; $admin = new administration(); $this->wfs_getcapabilities_doc = $admin->char_encode($data); $this->wfs_upload_url = $url; # for temporary wfs a id has to be created... $this->wfs_id = "id_" . substr(md5(rand()),0,6); $parser = xml_parser_create(CHARSET); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE,1); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING,CHARSET); xml_parse_into_struct($parser,$this->wfs_getcapabilities_doc,$values,$tags); //xml_parse_into_struct($parser,$data,$values,$tags); xml_parser_free($parser); $section = false; $request = false; $featuretype_name = false; $featuretype_title = false; $featuretype_abstract = false; $featuretype_srs = false; foreach ($values as $element) { if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "WFS_CAPABILITIES" && $element[type] == "open"){ $this->wfs_version = $element[attributes][version]; } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "NAME" && $element[level] == '3'){ $this->wfs_name = $element[value]; } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "TITLE" && $element[level] == '3'){ $this->wfs_title = $this->stripEndlineAndCarriageReturn($element[value]); } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "ABSTRACT" && $element[level] == '3'){ $this->wfs_abstract = $this->stripEndlineAndCarriageReturn($element[value]); } //new WFS 1.0.0 -- SB 2007-08-06 if(strtolower($element[tag]) == "fees"){ $this->fees = $element[value]; } if(strtolower($element[tag]) == "accessconstraints"){ $this->accessconstraints = $element[value]; } if($this->wfs_version == "1.0.0"){ # getCapabilities if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "GETCAPABILITIES" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "getcapabilities"; } if($section == "getcapabilities" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "POST"){ $this->wfs_getcapabilities = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } # descriptFeatureType if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "describefeaturetype"; $this->wfs_describefeaturetype = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } if($section == "describefeaturetype" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "POST"){ $this->wfs_describefeaturetype = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } # getFeature if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "GETFEATURE" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "getfeature"; } if($section == "getfeature" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "POST"){ $this->wfs_getfeature = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "GETFEATURE" && $element[type] == "close"){ $section = ""; } # transaction if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "TRANSACTION" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "transaction"; } if($section == "transaction" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "POST"){ $this->wfs_transaction = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "TRANSACTION" && $element[type] == "close"){ $section = ""; } } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "FEATURETYPE" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "featuretype"; } if($section == "featuretype" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "NAME"){ $featuretype_name = $element[value]; } if($section == "featuretype" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "TITLE"){ $featuretype_title = $this->stripEndlineAndCarriageReturn($element[value]); } if($section == "featuretype" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "ABSTRACT"){ $featuretype_abstract = $this->$element[value]; } if($section == "featuretype" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "SRS"){ $featuretype_srs = $element[value]; $this->addFeaturetype($featuretype_name,$featuretype_title,$featuretype_abstract,$featuretype_srs,$this->wfs_describefeaturetype,$this->wfs_version); } } } */ /* function displayWFS(){ echo "id: " . $this->wfs_id . "
"; echo "version: " . $this->wfs_version . "
"; echo "name: " . $this->wfs_name . "
"; echo "title: " . $this->wfs_title . "
"; echo "abstract: " . $this->wfs_abstract . "
"; echo "capabilitiesrequest: " . $this->wfs_getcapabilities . "
"; echo "describefeaturetype: " . $this->wfs_describefeaturetype . "
"; echo "getfeature: " . $this->wfs_getfeature . "
"; echo "transaction: " . $this->wfs_transaction . "
"; for($i=0; $iwfs_featuretype); $i++){ echo "
"; echo "name: ". $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_name . "
"; echo "title: ". $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_title . "
"; echo "abstract: ". $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_abstract . "
"; echo "srs: ". $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_srs . "
"; for($j=0; $jwfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element);$j++){ echo " element: " . $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["name"] ." - ".$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["type"]."
"; } for($j=0; $jwfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_namespace);$j++){ echo " namespace: " . $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_namespace[$j]["name"] ." - ".$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_namespace[$j]["value"]."
"; } } } */ /* function addFeaturetype($name,$title,$abstract,$srs,$url,$version){ $this->wfs_featuretype[count($this->wfs_featuretype)] = new featuretype($name,$title,$abstract,$srs,$url,$version); } */ /* function stripEndlineAndCarriageReturn($string) { return preg_replace("/\n/", "", preg_replace("/\r/", " ", $string)); } */ /* function createJsObjFromWFS($parent){ if(!$this->wfs_title || $this->wfs_title == ""){ echo "alert('Error: no valid capabilities-document !!');"; die; exit; } if($parent){ echo "parent."; } print("add_wfs('". $this->wfs_id ."','". $this->wfs_version ."','". $this->wfs_title ."','". $this->wfs_abstract ."','". $this->wfs_getcapabilities ."','" . $this->wfs_describefeaturetype ."');"); for($i=0; $iwfs_featuretype); $i++){ if($parent){ echo "parent."; } print ("wfs_add_featuretype('". $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_name ."','". $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_title . "','". $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_abstract . "','". $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_srs ."','". $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_geomtype ."');"); for($j=0; $jwfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element);$j++){ if($parent){ echo "parent."; } print("wfs_add_featuretype_element('".$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["name"]."', '".$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["type"]."', ".$j.", ".$i.");"); } for($j=0; $jwfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_namespace);$j++){ if($parent){ echo "parent."; } print("wfs_add_featuretype_namespace('".$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_namespace[$j]["name"]."', '".$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_namespace[$j]["value"]."', ".$j.", ".$i.");"); } } } */ /** * Inserts this WFS in the database */ /* function insertWfs() { global $DBSERVER,$DB,$OWNER,$PW; $con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW); db_select_db($DB,$con); $sql = "INSERT INTO wfs (wfs_version, wfs_name, wfs_title, wfs_abstract, "; $sql .= "wfs_getcapabilities, wfs_getcapabilities_doc, wfs_upload_url, "; $sql .= "wfs_describefeaturetype, wfs_getfeature, wfs_transaction, fees, "; $sql .= "accessconstraints, wfs_owner, wfs_timestamp) "; $sql .= "VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11,$12,$13,$14)"; $v = array($this->wfs_version, $this->wfs_name, $this->wfs_title, $this->wfs_abstract, $this->wfs_getcapabilities, $this->wfs_getcapabilities_doc, $this->wfs_upload_url, $this->wfs_describefeaturetype, $this->wfs_getfeature, $this->wfs_transaction, $this->fees, $this->accessconstraints, Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"), strtotime("now")); $t = array('s', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 'i', 'i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){ db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed."); return false; } $this->wfs_id = db_insert_id($con,'wfs','wfs_id'); return true; } */ /* function updateWfs() { global $DBSERVER,$DB,$OWNER,$PW; $con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW); db_select_db($DB,$con); $sql = "UPDATE wfs SET wfs_version = $1, wfs_name = $2, wfs_title = $3, "; $sql .= "wfs_abstract = $4, wfs_getcapabilities = $5, wfs_getcapabilities_doc = $6, "; $sql .= "wfs_upload_url = $7, wfs_describefeaturetype = $8, wfs_getfeature = $9, "; $sql .= "wfs_transaction = $10, fees = $11, accessconstraints = $12, wfs_owner = $13, "; $sql .= "wfs_timestamp = $14 "; $sql .= "WHERE wfs_id = $15"; //echo $sql."
"; $v = array($this->wfs_version, $this->wfs_name, $this->wfs_title, $this->wfs_abstract, $this->wfs_getcapabilities, $this->wfs_getcapabilities_doc, $this->wfs_upload_url, $this->wfs_describefeaturetype, $this->wfs_getfeature, $this->wfs_transaction, $this->fees, $this->accessconstraints, Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id"),strtotime("now"), $this->wfs_id); $t = array('s', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's', 's' ,'s' ,'s' ,'s' ,'s' ,'i' ,'i' ,'i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){ db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed."); return false; } return true; } */ /** * wfs2db * * this function saves the class information to the mapbender database * @return boolean true if sucessful false otherwise */ /* function wfs2db($gui_id){ global $DBSERVER,$DB,$OWNER,$PW; $con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW); db_select_db($DB,$con); db_begin(); // check if WFS already might exists (it might exist when wfs_id is numeric) $wfs_exists = is_numeric($this->wfs_id); // if it might exist, update it if ($wfs_exists) { // but check first if it really exists in the database $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs WHERE wfs_id = $1;"; $v = array($this->wfs_id); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if($res){ $this->updateWfs(); } // if not, insert as new WFS else { $this->insertWfs(); } } // if it does not exist, insert as new WFS else { $this->insertWfs(); } # delete featuretypes from DB that does not exist and find the ids $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs_featuretype WHERE fkey_wfs_id = $1;"; $v = array($this->wfs_id); $t = array("i"); $res_ft = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $cnt = 0; while(db_fetch_row($res_ft)){ $found = false; for($i=0; $iwfs_featuretype); $i++){ if($this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_name == db_result($res_ft, $cnt, "featuretype_name")){ $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_id = db_result($res_ft, $cnt, "featuretype_id"); $found = true; break; } } if(!$found){ $sql = "DELETE FROM wfs_featuretype WHERE featuretype_id = $1 AND fkey_wfs_id = $2"; $v = array(db_result($res_ft, $cnt, "featuretype_id"), $this->wfs_id); $t = array('i','i'); //echo $sql."
"; $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){db_rollback();$e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed.");return;} } $cnt++; } # TABLE wfs_featuretype for($i=0; $iwfs_featuretype); $i++){ if(!$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_id){ $sql = "INSERT INTO wfs_featuretype(fkey_wfs_id, featuretype_name, featuretype_title, featuretype_abstract, featuretype_srs) "; $sql .= "VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4,$5)"; $v = array($this->wfs_id,$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_name,$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_title,$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_abstract,$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_srs); $t = array('i','s','s','s','s'); //echo $sql."
"; $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){db_rollback();$e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed.");return;} # save the id of each featuretype: $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_id = db_insert_id($con,'wfs_featuretype','featuretype_id'); } else{ $sql = "UPDATE wfs_featuretype SET "; $sql .= "featuretype_title = $1,"; $sql .= "featuretype_abstract = $2,"; $sql .= "featuretype_srs = $3 "; $sql .= "WHERE featuretype_id = $4"; $v = array($this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_title,$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_abstract,$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_srs,$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_id); $t = array('s','s','s','i'); //echo $sql."
"; $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){db_rollback();$e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed.");return;} } //delete featuretype elements from db and find the ids $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs_element WHERE fkey_featuretype_id = $1;"; $v = array($this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_id); $t = array("i"); $res_el = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $cnt = 0; while(db_fetch_row($res_el)){ $found = false; for($j=0; $jwfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element); $j++){ if($this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["name"] == db_result($res_el, $cnt, "element_name")){ $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["id"] = db_result($res_el, $cnt, "element_id"); $found = true; break; } } if(!$found){ $sql = "DELETE FROM wfs_element WHERE element_id = $1 AND fkey_featuretype_id = $2"; $v = array(db_result($res_el, $cnt, "element_id"), $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_id); $t = array('i','i'); //echo $sql."
"; $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); if(!$res){db_rollback();$e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed.");return;} } $cnt++; } for($j=0; $jwfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element);$j++){ if(!$this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["id"]){ $sql = "INSERT INTO wfs_element(fkey_featuretype_id, element_name,element_type) "; $sql .= "VALUES($1, $2, $3);"; $v = array($this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_id, $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["name"], $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["type"]); $t = array("s", "s", "s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if(!$res){db_rollback();$e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed.");return;} } else{ $sql = "UPDATE wfs_element SET element_type = $1 "; $sql .= "WHERE element_id = $2 AND "; $sql .= "fkey_featuretype_id = $3;"; $v = array($this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["type"], $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_element[$j]["id"], $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_id); $t = array("s", "i", "i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!$res) { db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed."); return; } } } $sql = "DELETE FROM wfs_featuretype_namespace WHERE "; $sql .= "fkey_wfs_id = $1 AND fkey_featuretype_id = $2"; $v = array($this->wfs_id, $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_id); $t = array("i", "i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!$res) { db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed."); return; } for($j=0; $jwfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_namespace);$j++){ $sql = "INSERT INTO wfs_featuretype_namespace "; $sql .= "(fkey_wfs_id, fkey_featuretype_id, namespace, namespace_location) "; $sql .= "VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4);"; $v = array($this->wfs_id, $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_id, $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_namespace[$j]["name"], $this->wfs_featuretype[$i]->featuretype_namespace[$j]["value"]); $t = array("s", "s", "s", "s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!$res) { db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed."); return; } } } # TABLE gui_wfs /* if($gui_id){ $sql ="INSERT INTO gui_wfs (fkey_gui_id, fkey_wfs_id)"; $sql .= "VALUES($1, $2);"; $v = array($gui_id, $this->wfs_id); $t = array("s", "i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); if (!$res) { db_rollback(); $e = new mb_exception("Error while saving WFS to DB. Rollback performed."); return; } } //echo "Successfully saved!
"; db_commit(); return true; } */ /** * updateObjFromXML * * this function regets the information from the xml (update) * @return boolean true if successful, false otherwise */ function updateObjFromXML($url){ $x = new connector($url); $data = $x->file; #$data = implode("",file($url)); if(!$data){ $e = new mb_exception("Unable to open document: ".$url); return false; } $values = null; $tags = null; $admin = new administration(); $this->wfs_getcapabilities_doc = $admin->char_encode($data); $this->wfs_featuretype = array(); $this->wfs_upload_url = $url; # for temporary wfs a id has to be created... //$this->wfs_id = "id_" . substr(md5(rand()),0,6); $parser = xml_parser_create(CHARSET); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE,1); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING,CHARSET); xml_parse_into_struct($parser,$this->wfs_getcapabilities_doc,$values,$tags); //xml_parse_into_struct($parser,$data,$values,$tags); xml_parser_free($parser); $section = false; $request = false; $featuretype_name = false; $featuretype_title = false; $featuretype_abstract = false; $featuretype_srs = false; foreach ($values as $element) { if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "WFS_CAPABILITIES" && $element[type] == "open"){ $this->wfs_version = $element[attributes][version]; } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "NAME" && $element[level] == '3'){ $this->wfs_name = $element[value]; } /* if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "TITLE" && $element[level] == '3'){ $this->wfs_title = $this->stripEndlineAndCarriageReturn($element[value]); } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "ABSTRACT" && $element[level] == '3'){ $this->wfs_abstract = $this->stripEndlineAndCarriageReturn($element[value]); } //new WFS 1.0.0 -- SB 2007-08-06 if(strtolower($element[tag]) == "fees"){ $this->fees = $element[value]; } if(strtolower($element[tag]) == "accessconstraints"){ $this->accessconstraints = $element[value]; } */ /*capability section*/ if($this->wfs_version == "1.0.0"){ # getCapabilities if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "GETCAPABILITIES" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "getcapabilities"; } if($section == "getcapabilities" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "POST"){ $this->wfs_getcapabilities = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } # descriptFeatureType if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "describefeaturetype"; $this->wfs_describefeaturetype = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } if($section == "describefeaturetype" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "POST"){ $this->wfs_describefeaturetype = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } # getFeature if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "GETFEATURE" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "getfeature"; } if($section == "getfeature" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "POST"){ $this->wfs_getfeature = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "GETFEATURE" && $element[type] == "close"){ $section = ""; } # transaction if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "TRANSACTION" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "transaction"; } if($section == "transaction" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "POST"){ $this->wfs_transaction = $element[attributes][onlineResource]; } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "TRANSACTION" && $element[type] == "close"){ $section = ""; } } if(strtoupper($element[tag]) == "FEATURETYPE" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "featuretype"; } if($section == "featuretype" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "NAME"){ $featuretype_name = $element[value]; } if($section == "featuretype" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "TITLE"){ $featuretype_title = $this->stripEndlineAndCarriageReturn($element[value]); } if($section == "featuretype" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "ABSTRACT"){ $featuretype_abstract = $this->$element[value]; } if($section == "featuretype" && strtoupper($element[tag]) == "SRS"){ $featuretype_srs = $element[value]; $this->addFeaturetype($featuretype_name,$featuretype_title,$featuretype_abstract,$featuretype_srs,$this->wfs_describefeaturetype,$this->wfs_version); } } return true; } /** * creatObjfromDB * * this function fills the object with wfs information from db * * @param int the id of wfs to get the information from */ /* function createObjFromDB($wfs_id){ global $DBSERVER,$DB,$OWNER,$PW; $con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW); db_select_db($DB,$con); $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs WHERE wfs_id = $1;"; $v = array($wfs_id); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $cnt = 0; while(db_fetch_row($res)){ $this->wfs_id = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_id"); $this->wfs_version = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_version"); $this->wfs_name = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_name"); $this->wfs_title = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_title"); $this->wfs_abstract = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_abstract"); $this->wfs_getcapabilities = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_getcapabilities"); $this->wfs_getcapabilities_doc = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_getcapabilities_doc"); $this->wfs_upload_url = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_upload_url"); $this->wfs_describefeaturetype = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_describefeaturetype"); $this->wfs_getfeature = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_getfeature"); $this->wfs_transaction = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_transaction"); $this->fees = db_result($res, $cnt, "fees"); $this->accessconstraints = db_result($res, $cnt, "accessconstraints"); $this->wfs_owner = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_owner"); $this->wfs_timestamp = db_result($res, $cnt, "wfs_timestamp"); $sql_fe = "SELECT * FROM wfs_featuretype WHERE fkey_wfs_id = $1 ORDER BY featuretype_id"; $v = array($this->wfs_id); $t = array("i"); $res_fe = db_prep_query($sql_fe, $v, $t); $cnt_fe = 0; while(db_fetch_row($res_fe)){ $c = count($this->wfs_featuretype); // $this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_id = db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_id"); $this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_name = db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_name"); $this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_title = db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_title"); $this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_abstract = db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_abstract"); $this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_srs = db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_srs"); $sql_el = "SELECT * FROM wfs_element WHERE fkey_featuretype_id = $1 ORDER BY element_id"; $v = array(db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_id")); $t = array("i"); $res_el = db_prep_query($sql_el, $v, $t); $cnt_el = 0; while(db_fetch_row($res_el)){ $z = count($this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_element); $this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_element[$z]["name"] = db_result($res_el, $cnt_el, "element_name"); $this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_element[$z]["type"] = db_result($res_el, $cnt_el, "element_type"); $cnt_el++; } $sql_ns = "SELECT * FROM wfs_featuretype_namespace WHERE fkey_featuretype_id = $1 ORDER BY namespace"; $v = array(db_result($res_fe, $cnt_fe, "featuretype_id")); $t = array("i"); $res_ns = db_prep_query($sql_ns, $v, $t); $cnt_ns = 0; while(db_fetch_row($res_ns)){ $z = count($this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_namespace); $this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_namespace[$z]["name"] = db_result($res_ns, $cnt_ns, "namespace"); $this->wfs_featuretype[$c]->featuretype_namespace[$z]["value"] = db_result($res_ns, $cnt_ns, "namespace_location"); $cnt_ns++; } $cnt_fe++; } $cnt++; } } */ /** end createObjfromDB **/ public function getallwfs($userid){ $this->wfs_id = array(); $this->wfs_name = array(); $this->wfs_title = array(); $this->wfs_abstract = array(); global $DBSERVER,$DB,$OWNER,$PW; $con = db_connect($DBSERVER,$OWNER,$PW); db_select_db($DB,$con); if($userid){ $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs WHERE wfs_owner = $1"; $v = array($userid); $t = array('i'); $res = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); } else{ $sql = "SELECT * FROM wfs"; $res = db_query($sql); } $cnt = 0; while ($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $this->wfs_version[$cnt] = $row["wfs_version"]; $this->wfs_id[$cnt] = $row["wfs_id"]; $this->wfs_name[$cnt] = $row["wfs_name"]; $this->wfs_title[$cnt] = $row["wfs_title"]; $this->wfs_abstract[$cnt] = $row["wfs_abstract"]; $this->wfs_getcapabilities[$cnt] = $row["wfs_getcapabilities"]; $this->wfs_describefeaturetype[$cnt] = $row["wfs_describefeaturetype"]; $this->wfs_getfeature[$cnt] = $row["wfs_getfeature"]; $cnt++; } } } /* class featuretype extends wfs{ var $featuretype_element = array(); var $featuretype_namespace = array(); function featuretype($name,$title,$abstract,$srs,$url,$version){ $url .= "&SERVICE=WFS&VERSION=".$version."&REQUEST=DescribeFeatureType&TYPENAME=".$name; $this->featuretype_name = $name; $this->featuretype_title = $title; $this->featuretype_abstract = $abstract; $this->featuretype_srs = $srs; $y = new connector($url); $data = $y->file; #$data = implode("",file($url)); $parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING,0); xml_parser_set_option($parser,XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE,1); xml_parse_into_struct($parser,$data,$values,$tags); xml_parser_free($parser); foreach ($values as $element) { if($this->sepNameSpace($element[tag]) == "schema" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "namespace"; // echo "namespace
"; } if($section == "namespace"){ while (list($k, $val) = each ($element[attributes])) { if (substr($k, 0, 5) == "xmlns") { $cnt = count($this->featuretype_namespace); $match = false; for ($i = 0 ; $i < $cnt && $match == false ; $i++) { if ($this->sepNameSpace($k) == $this->featuretype_namespace[$i]["name"] && $val == $this->featuretype_namespace[$i]["value"]) { $match = true; } } if ($match == false) { $this->featuretype_namespace[$cnt]["name"] = $this->sepNameSpace($k); $this->featuretype_namespace[$cnt]["value"] = $val; // echo "namespace: " . $this->sepNameSpace($k) . " -> " . $val . "
"; } } } } if($this->sepNameSpace($element[tag]) == "complexType" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = ""; } if($this->sepNameSpace($element[tag]) == "complexContent" && $element[type] == "open"){ $section = "complexcontent"; // echo "complexcontent
"; } if($section == "complexcontent" && $this->sepNameSpace($element[tag]) == "element" && $element[attributes][name]){ $cnt = count($this->featuretype_element); $this->featuretype_element[$cnt]["name"] = $element[attributes]["name"]; $this->featuretype_element[$cnt]["type"] = $this->sepNameSpace($element[attributes]["type"]); // echo "element: ".$this->featuretype_element[$cnt]["name"]."
"; } if($this->sepNameSpace($element[tag]) == "complexContent" && $element[type] == "close"){ $section = ""; } } } function sepNameSpace($s){ $c = strpos($s,":"); if($c>0){ return substr($s,$c+1); } else{ return $s; } } } */ ?>