typo3 would find it and will show it in template, there should be an identifier from the gaz.php script which controls the different search moduls #if it came as http request it should generate its own html window #Maybe problematic: if requested from command-line, how would mapbender get the content? Should be tested. #check if requested as cli if (isset($argv[0])&isset($argv[1])){ echo "\nthe script was invoked from commandline\n"; $from_cli=true; #do something with the searchstring if needed #from cli no pagenumber will be given. Therefor everytime page number 1 will be requested $request_p = 1; $_REQUEST["q"] = $argv[2];//.$argv[3];//$searchPortaluFilter = $argv[3]; $cli_id = $argv[1]; echo "\nID: ".$argv[1]."\n"; echo "\nSearchstring: ".$argv[2]."\n"; } else { echo "\n
no commandline args set!\n
"; $from_cli=false; } #When script was not invoked from cli it should have been invoked per http - check the params if (!$from_cli){ #***Validation of GET Parameters #handle errors if(!isset($_REQUEST["q"]) ) { echo "No search string found! Please send a query!
"; die(); } if(!isset($_REQUEST["p"]) ) { $request_p=1; } else { $request_p=$_REQUEST["p"]; } if(!isset($_REQUEST["request_id"]) or $_REQUEST["request_id"]=='') { echo "
request_id is not set
"; $requeststring="&request_id=from_http"; $cli_id="from_http"; } else { echo "
request_id is set
"; $cli_id=$_REQUEST["request_id"]; } echo "
Search string: ".$_REQUEST["q"]." will be send
"; } #***get the information out of the mapbender-db #get urls to search interfaces (opensearch): $sql_os = "SELECT * from gp_opensearch ORDER BY os_id"; #do db select $res_os = db_query($sql_os); #initialize count of search interfaces $cnt_os = 0; #initialize result array $os_list=array(array()); #fill result array while($row_os = db_fetch_array($res_os)){ $os_list[$cnt_os] ['id']= $row_os["os_id"]; $os_list[$cnt_os] ['name']= $row_os["os_name"]; $os_list[$cnt_os] ['url']= $row_os["os_url"]; $os_list[$cnt_os] ['h']= $row_os["os_h"]; $os_list[$cnt_os] ['standardfilter']= $row_os["os_standard_filter"]; $os_list[$cnt_os] ['version']= $row_os["os_version"]; #os_standard_filter $cnt_os++; } if (!$from_cli) { #give out count of interfaces to use echo "\nCount of registrated OpenSearch Interfaces: ".count($os_list)."\n"; #*** } #get command_line args #$cli_id="1234567-1234567-1234567-test"; #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #if the request came from http and the first request came from a commandline - add a get parameter to the following requests and change set the $cli_id #if(!isset($_REQUEST["request_id"]) ) { # $cli_id=$_REQUEST["request_id"]; # $requeststring="&request_id=".$cli_id; # } #else # { # $requeststring=""; # } #+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #string to add to further requests: $requeststring="&request_id=".$cli_id; #***write xml with list of opensearch catalogs #$from_cli=true;# for testing only #if ($from_cli) { #write out xml 'is really no xml!' with opensearch-catalogs if ($from_cli) { echo "\nFolder to write to: ".$resdir."\n"; echo "\nFile to open: ".$resdir."/".$cli_id."_os.xml\n"; } if($os_catalogs_file_handle = fopen($resdir."/".$cli_id."_os.xml","w")){ fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); for ($i_c = 0; $i_c < count($os_list); $i_c++) { $content = $os_list[$i_c] ['name']; fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,$content); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); } fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); fclose($os_catalogs_file_handle); } else { if ($from_cli) { echo "\nCouldn't open file!\n"; } } #} #$from_cli=false;# for testing only #*** #***loop for things to do for each registrated search interface - only if the search should be done in all interfaces! #use only one catalogue if a further page is requested $start_cat=0; $end_cat=count($os_list); $cat=$_REQUEST["cat"]; if (isset($cat)){ $start_cat=(int)$cat; $end_cat=(int)$cat+1; } for ($i_si = $start_cat; $i_si < $end_cat ; $i_si++) { $openSearchUrl[$i_si]=$os_list[$i_si] ['url']; $openSearchWrapperDetail="mod_readOpenSearchResultsDetail.php"; #define opensearch search url and opensearch detail url $openSearchUrlSearch[$i_si]=$openSearchUrl[$i_si]."query?"; $openSearchUrlDetail[$i_si]=$openSearchUrl[$i_si]."detail?"; #get resultlists $url=$openSearchUrlSearch[$i_si]."q=".$_REQUEST["q"].$os_list[$i_si] ['standardfilter']."&h=".$os_list[$i_si] ['h']."&p=".$request_p; if (!$from_cli) { echo "
url: ".$url."
"; } else { #echo "url: ".$url."\n"; } #$e = new mb_exception("metadataurl= ".$url); logit("metadataurl : ".$url); //$e = new mb_exception("metadataurl= ".$url); #create connector object $openSearchObject = new connector($url); #get results $openSearchResult = $openSearchObject->file; #save resultset in temporary folder identified by sessionid, katalog_id and page_id! Now there would be more tmp files than before! #this has to be done in order to give the information to typo3 #**************to be done!************************************ #$e = new mb_exception('external xml : '.$openSearchResult); #parse result to simplexml $openSearchXml=simplexml_load_string($openSearchResult); #read out array with docids and plugids #read out number of results - there are two ways: with namespaces and without!: $n_results=$openSearchXml->channel->totalResults; if ($os_list[$i_si] ['version']=='2') { $opensearchElements=$openSearchXml->channel->children('http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/'); $n_results=$opensearchElements->totalResults; } if (!isset($n_results)) { $n_results = 0; } //$e = new mb_exception("n_results(".$i_si.")= ".$n_results); if ($from_cli) { logit( "Number of Results in Catalogue ".$i_si.": ".$n_results."\n"); } #calculate number of needed pages to show all results: $number_of_pages=ceil((real)$n_results/(real)$os_list[$i_si] ['h']); #do some debugging output #var_dump($openSearchXml); #show total results #do a html output for showing results of the different opensearch catalogues if (!$from_cli) { echo "".$n_results." Ergebnisse in Katalog ".$os_list[$i_si] ['name']."

"; #show Pagenumbers if ((int)$request_p>1) { echo " Vorige Seite "; } echo "Seite: ".$request_p." von ".$number_of_pages.""; if ((int)$request_p < (int)$number_of_pages) { echo " Nächste Seite "; } echo "

"; } else { #echo "Keine Blättermöglichkeit in CLI\n"; } $from_cli=true; //- do this everytime if ($from_cli) { #do these things if the request was done from the commandline - it is done by the central search function #generate the output for each page! Like: xyz_os1_1_10.xml = this means: searchid_os#catalogid_#page_#totalpages.xml #open the specific file for writing #number of the actual catalog: $catalog_number=(int)$i_si+1; logit($resdir."/".$cli_id."_os".$catalog_number."_".$request_p.".xml"); if($os_catalogs_file_handle = fopen($resdir."/".$cli_id."_os".$catalog_number."_".$request_p.".xml","w")){ fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); #logit("\n"); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"".urlencode($_REQUEST["q"])."\n"); #logit("".urlencode($_REQUEST["q"])."\n"); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"".$n_results."\n"); #logit("".$n_results."\n"); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"".$number_of_pages."\n"); #logit("".$number_of_pages."\n"); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"".(int)$os_list[$i_si] ['h']."\n"); //write rssurl only, if opensearch version not equal to 1 if ($os_list[$i_si] ['version']=='1') { fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); } else { fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"".urlencode($openSearchXml->channel->link)."\n"); } #logit("".(int)$os_list[$i_si] ['h']."\n"); #loop for single results in first list #problematic: if less than 10 results are in the list, let the loop run only nresults times if ($n_results < (int)$os_list[$i_si] ['h']) { $upperLimit = $n_results; } else { $upperLimit = (int)$os_list[$i_si] ['h']; } for ($i=0; $i < $upperLimit; $i++) { #filter nur dann, wenn docid und plugid gesetzt! Nur notwendig, wenn alle abgefragt werden! #TODO: Get $plugid, $docid, $docuuid, $wms_url, $bbox out of result!!! #if ($os_list[$i_si] ['version']=='2') { # $opensearchElements=$openSearchXml->channel->children('http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/'); #} unset($wms_url); $link = $openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->link; if ($os_list[$i_si] ['version']=='1') { $plugid = $openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->plugid; $docid = $openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->docid; #$link = urlencode($link); if (isset($openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->{'wms-url'})) { $wms_url = $openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->{'wms-url'}; #adopt wms url to 1.3.0 - REQUEST has no VERSION set - set this to 1.1.1 $wms_url = correctWmsUrl($wms_url); $wms_url = urlencode($wms_url); } $source = $openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->source; } else { $ingridElements=$openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->children('http://www.portalu.de/opensearch/extension/1.0'); $link = urlencode($link); $plugid = $ingridElements->plugid; $source = $ingridElements->source; $docid = $ingridElements->docid; if (isset($ingridElements->{'wms-url'})) { $wms_url = $ingridElements->{'wms-url'}; #adopt wms url to 1.3.0 - REQUEST has no VERSION set - set this to 1.1.1 $wms_url = correctWmsUrl($wms_url); $wms_url = urlencode($wms_url); } $georssElements=$openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->children('http://www.georss.org/georss'); if (isset($georssElements->{'box'})) { $bbox = $ingridElements->{'box'}; } else { $bbox = null; } $docuuid = $ingridElements->docuuid; } if (isset($plugid)&isset($docid)){ #Do result XML output to file fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); #Tags for catalogtitle and link to detailed information fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,$source." (ID=".$docid.")"); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,urlencode($openSearchWrapperDetail."?osid=".$os_list[$i_si] ['id']."&plugid=".$plugid."&docid=".$docid."&mdtype=html")); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); #Tags for objecttitle and abstract fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,$openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->title); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,substr($openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->description,0,250)."..."); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); #Tag for link to original metadata view fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); if ($os_list[$i_si] ['version']=='1') { fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,urlencode($link)); } else { fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,$link); } #fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,$link); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); #if a wms resource is found, the url will be in the list if (isset($wms_url)){ fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,$wms_url); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"testurl"); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); } else #add empty tags { fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n\n"); } if (isset($bbox)){ fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); $urlToId = $openSearchUrlSearch[$i_si]."q=t01_object.obj_id:".$docuuid.$os_list[$i_si] ['standardfilter']."&h=".$os_list[$i_si] ['h']."&p=".$request_p; fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,urlencode($urlToId)); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); } else { fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); } #fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,urlencode($openSearchWrapperDetail."?osid=".$os_list[$i_si] ['id']."&plugid=".$plugid."&docid=".$docid."&mdtype=iso19139")); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,""); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,urlencode($openSearchWrapperDetail."?osid=".$os_list[$i_si] ['id']."&plugid=".$plugid."&docid=".$docid."&mdtype=inspire")); fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); #end of resultlist fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); } } fwrite($os_catalogs_file_handle,"\n"); #logit("\n"); fclose($os_catalogs_file_handle); } } #$from_cli=false; #do html version if (!$from_cli) { for ($i=0; $i < (int)$os_list[$i_si] ['h']; $i++) { #filter nur dann, wenn docid und plugid gesetzt! Nur notwendig, wenn alle abgefragt werden! if (isset($plugid)&isset($docid)){ echo(" ".$openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->title.""); if (isset($wms_url)){ echo("\"In
"); } else { echo "
"; } echo("".$source." (ID=".$docid.")
"); echo("".substr($openSearchXml->channel->item[$i]->description,0,250)." ...
"); echo("Originäre Metadaten
"); #if a wms resource is found, the url will be in the list if (isset($wms_url)){ echo("
WMS GetCapabilities
"); } echo(""); echo("Alternative Formate:

"); } #wenn AUSGABE IN DATEI ERWUENSCHT #logit($openSearchResult); #logit("test"); } } } function correctWmsUrl($wms_url) { $findme1 = "VERSION="; $findme2 = "version="; $pos1 = strpos($wms_url, $findme1); $pos2 = strpos($wms_url, $findme2); if ($pos1 === false && $pos2 === false) { $wms_url .= "&VERSION=1.1.1"; } //exchange &? with & and & $wms_url = str_replace('&?', '&', $wms_url); $wms_url = str_replace('&?', '&', $wms_url); $wms_url = str_replace('&', '&', $wms_url); return $wms_url; } ?>