//element var openLinkFromSearch for opening attribute link directly onclick of searchResult entry var openLinkFromSearch = typeof openLinkFromSearch === "undefined" ? 0 : openLinkFromSearch; var wfsAreaType_point = "point"; var wfsAreaType_polygon = "polygon"; var wfsAreaType_rectangle = "rectangle"; var wfsAreaType_extent = "extent"; var wfsAreaType_current = ""; var mod_wfs_spatialRequest_frameName = ""; var mod_wfs_spatialRequest_epsg; var mod_wfs_spatialRequest_width; var mod_wfs_spatialRequest_height; var mod_wfs_spatialRequest_bg = ""; var mod_wfs_spatialRequest_pgsql = true; var mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win = null; var mod_wfs_spatialRequest_thema = false; var button_point = "wfs_point"; var button_polygon = "wfs_polygon"; var button_rectangle = "wfs_rectangle"; var button_extent = "wfs_extent"; var button_dialogue = "wfs_dialogue"; var activeButton = null; var mod_wfs_spatialRequestSubFunctions = []; var buttonWfs_id = []; var buttonWfs_on = []; var buttonWfs_src = []; var buttonWfs_title_off = []; var buttonWfs_title_on = []; var buttonWfs_x = []; var buttonWfs_y = []; var numberOfAjaxCalls = 0; var numberOfFinishedAjaxCalls = 0; var resultGeometryPopup; /** * This Geometry contains the geometry of the optinal spatial constraint */ var requestGeom = null; /** * Something like box, polygon, point, extent */ var spatialRequestType = null; /** * This Geometry contains the result from the WFS request */ var geomArray; var mod_digitize_elName = typeof mod_digitize_elName === "undefined" ? "digitize" : mod_digitize_elName; var wfsResultToPopupDiv = typeof wfsResultToPopupDiv === "undefined" ? 0 : wfsResultToPopupDiv; var buttonWfs_toDigitize_on = typeof buttonWfs_toDigitize_on === "undefined" ? 0 : buttonWfs_toDigitize_on; var displaySrsWarning = typeof displaySrsWarning === "undefined" ? false : displaySrsWarning; if (wfsResultToPopupDiv == 1) { mb_registerWfsReadSubFunctions(function (geom) { displayPopup(geom); }); } else { if (buttonWfs_toDigitize_on == 1) { mb_registerWfsReadSubFunctions(function(geom, wfsConfId){ if (buttonWfs_toDigitize_target && window.frames[buttonWfs_toDigitize_target]) { try { tab_open(buttonWfs_toDigitize_target); } catch (exc) { new Mb_warning("Tab open failed, pssibly because you do not have tabs in your application."); } appendGeometryArrayToDigitize(geom); } else { var msg = "No digitizing module available. " + "Check you WFS spatial request configuration."; var e = new Mb_warning(msg); } }); } } var msgObj; mb_registerInitFunctions("init_wfsSpatialRequest()"); //mb_registerL10nFunctions("init_wfsSpatialRequest()"); function addButtonWfs(id, isOn, src, title, x, y) { buttonWfs_id.push(id); buttonWfs_on.push(isOn); buttonWfs_src.push(src); buttonWfs_title_off.push(title); buttonWfs_title_on.push(title); buttonWfs_x.push(x); buttonWfs_y.push(y); } function init_wfsSpatialRequest() { mb_ajax_json("../php/mod_wfsSpatialRequest_messages.php", function(obj, status) { msgObj = obj; buttonWfs_id = []; buttonWfs_on = []; buttonWfs_src = []; buttonWfs_title_off = []; buttonWfs_title_on = []; buttonWfs_x = []; buttonWfs_y = []; addButtonWfs("wfs_rectangle", buttonRectangle.status, buttonRectangle.img, msgObj.buttonLabelRectangle, buttonRectangle.x, buttonRectangle.y); addButtonWfs("wfs_polygon", buttonPolygon.status, buttonPolygon.img, msgObj.buttonLabelPolygon, buttonPolygon.x, buttonPolygon.y); addButtonWfs("wfs_point", buttonPoint.status, buttonPoint.img, msgObj.buttonLabelPoint, buttonPoint.x, buttonPoint.y); addButtonWfs("wfs_extent", buttonExtent.status, buttonExtent.img, msgObj.buttonLabelExtent, buttonExtent.x, buttonExtent.y); addButtonWfs("wfs_dialogue", buttonDialogue.status, buttonDialogue.img, msgObj.buttonLabelDialogue, buttonDialogue.x, buttonDialogue.y); displayButtons(); }); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // ------------ button handling ------------------------------------------------------------- function wfsInitFunction (j) { var functionCall = "mb_regButton_frame('initWfsButton', null, "+j+")"; var x = new Function ("", functionCall); x(); } function displayButtons() { for (var i = 0 ; i < buttonWfs_id.length ; i ++) { if (parseInt(buttonWfs_on[i])==1) { var currentDiv = document.createElement("div"); currentDiv.id = buttonWfs_id[i]+"Div"; currentDiv.style.position = "absolute"; currentDiv.style.left = buttonWfs_x[i] + "px"; currentDiv.style.top = buttonWfs_y[i] + "px"; currentDiv.style.zIndex = buttonWfs_zIndex; var currentImg = document.createElement("img"); currentImg.id = buttonWfs_id[i]; currentImg.name = buttonWfs_id[i]; currentImg.title = buttonWfs_title_off[i]; currentImg.src = buttonWfs_imgdir+buttonWfs_src[i]; currentImg.onmouseover = new Function("wfsInitFunction("+i+")"); currentDiv.appendChild(currentImg); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(currentDiv); } } } function initWfsButton(ind, pos) { mb_button[ind] = document.getElementById(buttonWfs_id[pos]); mb_button[ind].img_over = buttonWfs_imgdir + buttonWfs_src[pos].replace(/_off/,"_over"); mb_button[ind].img_on = buttonWfs_imgdir + buttonWfs_src[pos].replace(/_off/,"_on"); mb_button[ind].img_off = buttonWfs_imgdir + buttonWfs_src[pos]; mb_button[ind].status = 0; mb_button[ind].elName = buttonWfs_id[pos]; mb_button[ind].fName = ""; mb_button[ind].go = new Function ("wfsEnable(mb_button["+ind+"], " + pos + ")"); mb_button[ind].stop = new Function ("wfsDisable(mb_button["+ind+"], " + pos + ")"); var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(mod_wfs_spatialRequest_target); mod_wfs_spatialRequest_width = mb_mapObj[ind].width; mod_wfs_spatialRequest_height = mb_mapObj[ind].height; mod_wfs_spatialRequest_epsg = mb_mapObj[ind].epsg; mb_registerPanSubElement("measuring"); geomArray = new GeometryArray(); } function wfsEnable(obj) { var el = getMapDoc(); $(el).unbind("mousedown") .unbind("mouseover") .unbind("mouseup") .unbind("mousemove"); if (obj.id == button_point) { if (activeButton == null) { activeButton = obj; } } if (obj.id == button_polygon) { if (activeButton == null) { activeButton = obj; } } else if (obj.id == button_rectangle){ if (activeButton == null) { activeButton = obj; } } else if (obj.id == button_extent){ if (activeButton == null) { activeButton = obj; } } else if (obj.id == button_dialogue) { activeButton = obj; mod_wfs_SpatialRequest_dialog(); } callRequestGeometryConstructor(obj.id,"mapframe1"); } function callRequestGeometryConstructor(selectedType,target){ spatialRequestType = selectedType; var geometryConstructor = new RequestGeometryConstructor(target); geometryConstructor.getGeometry(selectedType.replace(/wfs_/, ""),function(target,queryGeom){ if(queryGeom !=''){ requestGeom = queryGeom; } mb_disableThisButton(selectedType); // requestGeom is a Geometry, but for the highlight // a MultiGeometry is needed. var multiGeom; // a line represents a bbox...but highlight must be a polyon // (extent or box selection) if (requestGeom.geomType == geomType.line) { multiGeom = new MultiGeometry(geomType.polygon); newGeom = new Geometry(geomType.polygon); var p1 = requestGeom.get(0); var p2 = requestGeom.get(1); newGeom.addPoint(p1); newGeom.addPointByCoordinates(p1.x, p2.y); newGeom.addPoint(p2); newGeom.addPointByCoordinates(p2.x, p1.y); newGeom.close(); multiGeom.add(newGeom); } // standard case // (polygon and point selection) else { multiGeom = new MultiGeometry(requestGeom.geomType); multiGeom.add(requestGeom); } // add highlight of geometry //requestGeometryHighlight.add(multiGeom); //requestGeometryHighlight.paint(); }); } function getMapDoc () { var mapIndex = getMapObjIndexByName(mod_wfs_spatialRequest_target); var mapDomElement = mb_mapObj[mapIndex].getDomElement(); var mapType = mapDomElement.tagName.toUpperCase(); if (mapType == "IFRAME") { return mapDomElement.window.document; } return window.document; } function wfsDisable(obj) { var ind = getMapObjIndexByName("mapframe1"); var el = mb_mapObj[ind].getDomElement(); $(el).unbind("mousedown") .unbind("click") .unbind("mousemove"); activeButton = null; writeTag("","measure_display",""); writeTag("","measure_sub",""); mb_setwfsrequest(mod_wfs_spatialRequest_target); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function register_setExtRequestSubFunctions(stringFunction){ mod_wfs_spatialRequestSubFunctions[mod_wfs_spatialRequestSubFunctions.length] = stringFunction; } function mod_wfs_SpatialRequest_dialog(){ if(!mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win || mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win == null || mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.closed == true){ mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win = window.open("","mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win","width=200,height=150,resizable=yes"); mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.document.open("text/html"); mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.document.writeln(''); mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.document.writeln("
"); mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.document.writeln(" Punkt
"); mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.document.writeln(" Rechteck
"); mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.document.writeln(" Polygon
"); mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.document.writeln(" Extent
"); var checked = ""; mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.document.writeln("
"); mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.document.close(); } else{ mod_wfs_spatialRequest_win.focus(); } } function mb_setwfsrequest(target){ if(geomArray.count()>0){ geomArray.empty(); } //mb_wfs_reset(); var ind = getMapObjIndexByName(target); var db_wfs_conf_id = []; js_wfs_conf_id = []; //remove old result dialogs $('.spatialResultPopup').dialog('close'); $('.spatialResultDetailPopup').dialog('close'); wfs_config = window.frames["wfs_conf"].get_wfs_conf(); for (var i=0; i"; filter += ""; for(var k=0; k0) filter += " "; filter += requestGeom.get(k).x+","+requestGeom.get(k).y; } filter += ""; filter += ""; } else if(buttonPolygon.filteroption=='intersects'){ filter += ""; for(var j=0; j"; filter += ""; for(var k=0; k0) filter += " "; filter += requestGeom.get(k).x+","+requestGeom.get(k).y; } filter += ""; filter += ""; } filter += ''; mb_get_geom(filter, i, wfs_config[js_wfs_conf_id[i]]['featuretype_name'], js_wfs_conf_id[i], db_wfs_conf_id[i]); } } else if(requestGeom.geomType==geomType.line){ var rectangle = requestGeom.getBBox(); for(var i=0; i"; filter += ""; filter += rectangle[0].x+","+rectangle[0].y; filter += " "; filter += rectangle[0].x+","+rectangle[1].y; filter += " "; filter += rectangle[1].x+","+rectangle[1].y; filter += " "; filter += rectangle[1].x+","+rectangle[0].y; filter += " "; filter += rectangle[0].x+","+rectangle[0].y; filter += ""; filter += ""; } else if(buttonRectangle.filteroption=='intersects'){ filter += ""; for(var j=0; j"; filter += ""; filter += rectangle[0].x+","+rectangle[0].y; filter += " "; filter += rectangle[0].x+","+rectangle[1].y; filter += " "; filter += rectangle[1].x+","+rectangle[1].y; filter += " "; filter += rectangle[1].x+","+rectangle[0].y; filter += " "; filter += rectangle[0].x+","+rectangle[0].y; filter += ""; filter += ""; } filter += ""; mb_get_geom(filter, i, wfs_config[js_wfs_conf_id[i]]['featuretype_name'], js_wfs_conf_id[i], db_wfs_conf_id[i]); } } else if(requestGeom.geomType == geomType.point){ var tmp = requestGeom.get(0); var mapPos = makeRealWorld2mapPos("mapframe1",tmp.x, tmp.y); var buffer = mb_wfs_tolerance/2; var mapPosXAddPix = mapPos[0] + buffer; var mapPosYAddPix = mapPos[1] +buffer; var mapPosXRemovePix = mapPos[0] - buffer; var mapPosYRemovePix = mapPos[1] - buffer; var realWorld1 = makeClickPos2RealWorldPos("mapframe1",mapPosXRemovePix,mapPosYRemovePix); var realWorld2 = makeClickPos2RealWorldPos("mapframe1",mapPosXAddPix,mapPosYRemovePix); var realWorld3 = makeClickPos2RealWorldPos("mapframe1",mapPosXAddPix,mapPosYAddPix); var realWorld4 = makeClickPos2RealWorldPos("mapframe1",mapPosXRemovePix,mapPosYAddPix); for(var i=0; i"; filter += realWorld1[0] + "," + realWorld1[1] + " " + realWorld2[0] + "," + realWorld2[1] + " "; filter += realWorld3[0] + "," + realWorld3[1] + " " + realWorld4[0] + "," + realWorld4[1] + " " + realWorld1[0] + "," + realWorld1[1]; filter += ""; mb_get_geom(filter, i, wfs_config[js_wfs_conf_id[i]]['featuretype_name'], js_wfs_conf_id[i], db_wfs_conf_id[i]); } } // highlight = new Highlight(mb_wfs_targets, highlight_tag_id, {"position":"absolute", "top":"0px", "left":"0px", "z-index":generalHighlightZIndex}, generalHighlightLineWidth); return true; } function mb_get_geom(filter, index, typename, js_wfs_conf_id, db_wfs_conf_id) { mb_ajax_post( "../" + wfsResultModulePath + wfsResultModuleFilename, { 'filter' : filter, 'typename' : typename, 'js_wfs_conf_id' : js_wfs_conf_id, 'db_wfs_conf_id' : db_wfs_conf_id, 'destSrs' : mod_wfs_spatialRequest_epsg }, function(json,status){ var geom = new GeometryArray(); if (geom.importGeoJSON(json)) { for (var i = 0; i < geom.count(); i++) { geom.get(i).wfs_conf = parseInt(js_wfs_conf_id); } } checkIfAllAjaxCallsFinished(geom, db_wfs_conf_id); } ); } function checkIfAllAjaxCallsFinished (geom, wfsConfId) { numberOfFinishedAjaxCalls++; if (typeof(geom) == 'object'){ var mapIndex = getMapObjIndexByName(mod_wfs_spatialRequest_target); if (geom.count() === 0) { var e = new Mb_exception("Result set is empty."); } else { if (geom.get(0).getEpsg() !== mb_mapObj[mapIndex].epsg) { var e = new Mb_warning("SRS mismatch. Geometry is in " + geom.get(0).getEpsg() + ", map is in " + mb_mapObj[mapIndex].epsg + "."); } geomArray.union(geom); } } if (numberOfFinishedAjaxCalls == numberOfAjaxCalls) { numberOfFinishedAjaxCalls = 0; mb_execWfsReadSubFunctions(geomArray, wfsConfId); } } function useExtentIsSet () { return mod_wfs_spatialRequest_useExtent; } function isValidWfsConfIndex (wfsConf, wfsConfIndex) { return (typeof(wfsConfIndex) == "number" && wfsConfIndex >=0 && wfsConfIndex < wfsConf.length); } function Numsort (a, b) { return a < b; } function getListTitle (geom) { wfsConfId = geom.wfs_conf; wfsConf = get_complete_wfs_conf(); if (isValidWfsConfIndex(wfsConf, wfsConfId)) { var resultArray = []; var resultName = ""; for (var i = 0 ; i < wfsConf[wfsConfId]['element'].length ; i++) { if (wfsConf[wfsConfId]['element'][i]['f_show'] == 1 && geom.e.getElementValueByName(wfsConf[wfsConfId]['element'][i]['element_name']) !=false) { var pos = wfsConf[wfsConfId]['element'][i]['f_respos']; if (typeof(resultArray[pos]) != "undefined") { resultArray[pos] += " " + geom.e.getElementValueByName(wfsConf[wfsConfId]['element'][i]['element_name']); } else { resultArray[pos] = geom.e.getElementValueByName(wfsConf[wfsConfId]['element'][i]['element_name']); } resultName += geom.e.getElementValueByName(wfsConf[wfsConfId]['element'][i]['element_name']) + " "; } } resultArray.sort(Numsort); var resultName = resultArray.join(" "); if (resultName == "") { resultName = wfsConf[wfsConfId]['g_label']; } return resultName; } else { return msgObj.digitizeDefaultGeometryName; } } function appendGeometryArrayToDigitize(geom){ var mapIndex = getMapObjIndexByName(mod_wfs_spatialRequest_target); if (!geom || geom.count() === 0) { return; } var proceed = true; if (geom.get(0).getEpsg() !== mb_mapObj[mapIndex].epsg) { var msg = "SRS mismatch. Geometry is in " + geom.get(0).getEpsg() + ", map is in " + mb_mapObj[mapIndex].epsg + "."; var e = new Mb_warning(msg); if (displaySrsWarning) { proceed = confirm(msg + " Proceed?"); } } if (!proceed) { return; } try { window.frames[mod_digitize_elName].appendGeometryArray(geom); try { tab_open(mod_digitize_elName); } catch (exc) { new Mb_warning("Tab open failed, pssibly because you do not have tabs in your application."); } } catch (e) { var e = new Mb_exception("The application element 'digitize' is missing."); } } function appendGeometryToDigitize(i){ var mapIndex = getMapObjIndexByName(mod_wfs_spatialRequest_target); var proceed = true; if (geomArray.get(i).getEpsg() !== mb_mapObj[mapIndex].epsg) { var msg = "SRS mismatch. Geometry is in " + geomArray.get(0).getEpsg() + ", map is in " + mb_mapObj[mapIndex].epsg + "."; var e = new Mb_warning(msg); if (displaySrsWarning) { proceed = confirm(msg + " Proceed?"); } } if (!proceed) { return; } var digitizeArray = new GeometryArray(); digitizeArray.importGeoJSON(geomArray.get(i).toString()); digitizeArray.get(0).wfs_conf = geomArray.get(i).wfs_conf; try { window.frames[mod_digitize_elName].appendGeometryArray(digitizeArray); try { tab_open(mod_digitize_elName); } catch (exc) { new Mb_warning("Tab open failed, pssibly because you do not have tabs in your application."); } } catch (e) { var e = new Mb_exception("The application element 'digitize' is missing."); } } function createListOfGeometries(){ var listOfGeom = "\n"; if (geomArray.count() > 0) { if(buttonWfs_toDigitize_on==1){ listOfGeom += "\n"; listOfGeom += "\n\n"; listOfGeom += "\n\n\n"; } for (var i = 0 ; i < geomArray.count(); i ++) { if (geomArray.get(i).get(-1).isComplete()) { listOfGeom += "\t\n\t\t"; } listOfGeom += "\t\t\n"; } } } listOfGeom += "
edit all"; listOfGeom += "
"; if(buttonWfs_toDigitize_on==1){ listOfGeom += "
\n"; return listOfGeom; } function displayPopup(geom){ geomArray = geom; var resultGeometryPopup = $('
'); resultGeometryPopup.append(createListOfGeometries()); resultGeometryPopup.dialog({ title : searchPopupTitle, autoOpen : true, draggable : true, width : searchPopupWidth, position : [searchPopupX,searchPopupY] }); } function showWfs(geometryIndex) { $('.spatialResultDetailPopup').dialog('close'); var wfsConfIndex = geomArray.get(geometryIndex).wfs_conf; var currentWfsConf = wfsConf[wfsConfIndex]; var resultHtml = ""; resultHtml += "\n"; for (var i = 0 ; i <\/a>/)){ var newLink = setUrl.replace(/><\/a>/, ">"+elementVal+""); } else{ var newLink = setUrl; } if(openLinkFromSearch=='1'){ window.open(elementVal, elementVal,"width=500, height=400,left=100,top=100,scrollbars=yes"); } resultHtml += newLink; } else{ resultHtml += elementVal; } resultHtml += "\n"; } } } resultHtml += "
\n"; var getCenter = geomArray.get(geometryIndex).getCenter(); // getMapPos for positioning of new PopupDiv near object in mapframe1 //var getMapPos = makeRealWorld2mapPos("mapframe1",getCenter.x, getCenter.y); var wfsPopup = $('
'); wfsPopup.append(resultHtml); wfsPopup.dialog({ title : detailPopupTitle, autoOpen : true, draggable : true, width : detailPopupWidth, position : [detailPopupX,detailPopupY] }); }