get("mb_lang"), $id, $applicationId); $t = array ("s", "s", "s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $row = db_fetch_array($res); if ($row) { $this->guiId = $applicationId; $this->id = $row["e_id"]; $this->pos = $row["e_pos"]; $this->isPublic = $row["e_public"]; $this->comment = $row["e_comment"]; $this->title = $row["e_title"]; $this->element = $row["e_element"]; $this->src = $row["e_src"]; $this->attributes = $row["e_attributes"]; $this->left = $row["e_left"]; $this->top = $row["e_top"]; $this->width = $row["e_width"]; $this->height = $row["e_height"]; $this->zIndex = $row["e_z_index"]; $this->moreStyles = $row["e_more_styles"]; $this->content = $row["e_content"]; $this->closeTag = $row["e_closetag"]; $this->jsFile = $row["e_js_file"]; $this->mbMod = $row["e_mb_mod"]; $this->target = $row["e_target"]; $this->requires = $row["e_requires"]; $this->helpUrl = $row["e_url"]; $sql = "SELECT var_name FROM gui_element_vars WHERE fkey_gui_id = $1 AND fkey_e_id = $2;"; $v = array($applicationId, $id); $t = array("s", "s"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); while ($row = db_fetch_assoc($res)) { $name = $row["var_name"]; $this->elementVars[]= new ElementVar($applicationId, $id, $name); } return true; } return false; } public function __toString () { return $this->toHtml(); } public function toSql () { $insert = "INSERT INTO gui_element (fkey_gui_id, e_id, e_pos, e_public, e_comment, e_title, e_element,"; $insert .= "e_src, e_attributes, e_left, e_top, e_width, e_height, e_z_index, e_more_styles,"; $insert .= " e_content, e_closetag, e_js_file, e_mb_mod, e_target, e_requires,e_url) VALUES ("; $insert.="'".$this->guiId."',"; $insert.="'".$this->id."',"; $insert.="".$this->pos.","; $insert.="".$this->isPublic.","; $insert.="'".db_escape_string($this->comment)."',"; $insert.="'".db_escape_string($this->title)."',"; $insert.="'".$this->element."',"; $insert.="'".$this->src."',"; $insert.="'".db_escape_string($this->attributes)."',"; $insert.="".$this->left.","; $insert.="".$this->top.","; $insert.="".$this->width.","; $insert.="".$this->height.","; $insert.="".$this->zIndex.","; $insert.="'".$this->moreStyles."',"; $insert.="'".db_escape_string($this->content)."',"; $insert.="'".$this->closeTag."',"; $insert.="'".$this->jsFile."',"; $insert.="'".$this->mbMod."',"; $insert.="'".$this->target."',"; $insert.="'".$this->requires."',"; $insert.="'".$this->helpUrl."'"; $insert.= ");\n"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->elementVars); $i++) { $insert .= $this->elementVars[$i]->toSql(); } return preg_replace("/,,/", ",NULL ,", $insert); } public function getJavaScriptModules () { $jsArray = array(); if ($this->mbMod != "") { $moduleArray = explode(",", $this->mbMod); for ($i = 0; $i < count($moduleArray); $i++) { $currentFile = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../javascripts/" . trim($moduleArray[$i]); if (file_exists($currentFile)) { array_push($jsArray, $currentFile); } else { $e = new mb_exception("Javascript module not found: " . $currentFile); } } } return $jsArray; } public function toHtmlArray () { if ($this->isPublic) { return array($this->getHtmlOpenTag(), $this->getHtmlContent(), $this->getHtmlCloseTag()); } return array("", "", ""); } public function toHtml () { if ($this->isPublic) { return implode("", $this->toHtmlArray()); } return ""; } private function getHtmlOpenTag () { $openTag = ""; if (!$this->element) { return ""; } if ($this->id) { // tag name $openTag .= "<" . $this->element . " "; // id and name $openTag .= "id='" . $this->id . "' "; $validTags = array( "form", "iframe", "img", "applet", "button", "frame", "input", "map", "object", "param", "select", "textarea" ); if (in_array($this->element, $validTags)) { $openTag .= "name='" . htmlentities($this->id, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET) . "' "; } // attributes if ($this->attributes) { $openTag .= stripslashes($this->replaceSessionStringByUrlParameters($this->attributes)) . " "; } if ($this->element === "img" && !preg_match("/alt( )*=/", $this->attributes)) { $openTag .= "alt='" . htmlentities($this->title, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET) . "' "; } // title if ($this->title) { $openTag .= "title='" . htmlentities($this->title, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET) . "' "; } else { // add a title for iframes if ($this->element === "iframe") { $openTag .= "title='" . $this->id . "' "; } } // src if ($this->src) { $openTag .= "src = '" . $this->replaceSessionStringByUrlParameters( htmlentities($this->src, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET) ); // for iframes which are not "loadData", // add additional parameters if ($this->closeTag == "iframe" && $this->id != "loadData") { if(mb_strpos($this->src, "?")) { $openTag .= "&"; } else { $openTag .= "?"; } $openTag .= "e_id_css=" . $this->id . "&" . "e_id=" . $this->id . "&" . "e_target=" . $this->target . "&" . $this->getUrlParameters(); } $openTag .= "' "; } // style $openTag .= " style = '"; if ($this->top != "" && $this->left != "") { $openTag .= "position:absolute;" . "left:" . $this->left . "px;" . "top:" . $this->top . "px;"; } if ($this->width !== "") { $openTag .= "width:" . $this->width . "px;"; } if ($this->height !== "") { $openTag .= "height:" . $this->height . "px;"; } if ($this->zIndex) { $openTag .= "z-index:" . $this->zIndex . ";"; } if ($this->moreStyles) { $openTag .= $this->moreStyles; } $openTag .= "'"; if ($this->element !== "body") { $openTag .= " class='hide-during-splash'"; } $openTag .= ">"; if ($this->element == "body") { $e_id = "body"; $gui_id = $this->guiId; include(dirname(__FILE__)."/../include/dyn_php.php"); $splashScreen = ""; if (isset($use_load_message) AND $use_load_message != 'false') { $this->isBodyAndUsesSplashScreen = true; if (isset($htmlWhileLoading) && $htmlWhileLoading != '') { $splashScreen .= $htmlWhileLoading; } elseif (isset($includeWhileLoading) && $includeWhileLoading != '' && file_exists(dirname(__FILE__)."/".$includeWhileLoading)) { ob_start(); include(dirname(__FILE__)."/".$includeWhileLoading); $splashScreen .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } else { $splashScreen .= "indicator wheel " . "Mapbender " . MB_VERSION_NUMBER . " " . strtolower(MB_VERSION_APPENDIX) . "..." . "loading application '" . $this->guiId . "'"; } } $openTag .= "
" . $splashScreen . "
"; unset ($e_id, $gui_id); } } return $openTag; } private function getHtmlContent () { $htmlContent = ""; if ($this->content != "" && $this->element) { $htmlContent .= stripslashes($this->content); } return $htmlContent; } private function getHtmlCloseTag () { if ($this->element == "body") { return ""; } if ($this->closeTag != "") { return "closeTag . ">"; } return ""; } private function getUrlParameters () { $urlParameters = SID; if (isset($this->guiId)) { $urlParameters .= "&guiID=" . $this->guiId; } if (isset($this->id)) { $urlParameters .= "&elementID=" . $this->id; } return htmlentities($urlParameters, ENT_QUOTES, CHARSET); } private function replaceSessionStringByUrlParameters ($string) { $urlParameters = $this->getUrlParameters(); return preg_replace(ELEMENT_PATTERN, $urlParameters, $string); } } ?>