getMethod(); switch ($command) { case "getWfsConfs" : $currentUser = new User(Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id")); $wfsConfIds = $currentUser->getWfsConfByWfsOwner(); if ($wfsConfIds === null) { $wfsConfIds = array(); } $result = array(); foreach ($wfsConfIds as $id) { $currentWfsConf = WfsConfiguration::createFromDb($id); if ($currentWfsConf !== null) { $result[]= $currentWfsConf; } } $ajaxResponse->setResult($result); $ajaxResponse->send(); break; case "getWfs" : $aWFS = new wfs_conf(); $aWFS->getallwfs(Mapbender::session()->get("mb_user_id")); $result = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($aWFS->wfs_id); $i++) { // featuretypes $featuretypeArray = array(); $aWFS->getfeatures($aWFS->wfs_id[$i]); for ($j = 0; $j < count($aWFS->features->featuretype_id); $j++) { // featuretype elements $ftElementArray = array(); $aWFS->getelements($aWFS->features->featuretype_id[$j]); for ($k = 0; $k < count($aWFS->elements->element_id); $k++) { $ftElementArray[]= array( "id" => $aWFS->elements->element_id[$k], "name" => $aWFS->elements->element_name[$k], "type" => $aWFS->elements->element_type[$k] ); } $featuretypeArray[]= array( "id" => $aWFS->features->featuretype_id[$j], "name" => $aWFS->features->featuretype_name[$j], "srs" => $aWFS->features->featuretype_srs[$j], "elementArray" => $ftElementArray ); } $result[]= array( "id" => $aWFS->wfs_id[$i], "name" => $aWFS->wfs_name[$i], "title" => $aWFS->wfs_title[$i], "abstr" => $aWFS->wfs_abstract[$i], "getCapabilities" => $aWFS->wfs_getcapabilities[$i], "describeFeaturetype" => $aWFS->wfs_describefeaturetype[$i], "getFeature" => $aWFS->wfs_getfeature[$i], "featuretypeArray" => $featuretypeArray ); } $ajaxResponse->setResult($result); $ajaxResponse->send(); break; case "updateWfsConf": $wfsConfObj = $ajaxResponse->getParameter("wfsConf"); $wfsConf = WfsConfiguration::createFromObject($wfsConfObj); $success = WfsConfiguration::updateInDb($wfsConf); $ajaxResponse->setSuccess($success); $message = "The WFS configuration has been updated in the database."; if (!$success) { $message = "An error occured when updating the WFS configuration in the database."; } $ajaxResponse->setMessage($message); $ajaxResponse->send(); break; case "insertWfsConf": $wfsConfObj = $ajaxResponse->getParameter("wfsConf"); $wfsConf = WfsConfiguration::createFromObject($wfsConfObj); $success = false; $id = WfsConfiguration::insertIntoDb($wfsConf); if ($id === null) { $success = false; $message = "An error occured when inserting the WFS configuration into the database."; } else { $success = true; $message = "The WFS configuration has been inserted into the database. Go to 'Assign WFS conf to application' and assign the new conf to an application."; $ajaxResponse->setResult("id", $id); } $ajaxResponse->setSuccess($success); $ajaxResponse->setMessage($message); $ajaxResponse->send(); break; } // If no response is sent previously, send an error message $ajaxResponse->setMessage("Invalid command."); $ajaxResponse->setSuccess(false); $ajaxResponse->send(); ?>