getRequestParams(); //echo $query->getRequest(); //check request for id if (isset($_REQUEST["wmsid"]) & $_REQUEST["wmsid"] != "") { $testMatch = $_REQUEST["wmsid"]; $pattern = '/^[0-9]*$/'; if (!preg_match($pattern,$testMatch)){ throwExceptionXml('','Parameter for wmsid is not valid (integer)'); } $wmsId = $testMatch; $testMatch = NULL; } //check if session has user_id $e = new mb_exception("Initial session_id: ".session_id()); $e = new mb_exception("userFromSession: ".getUserFromSession()); if (getUserFromSession()) { $userId = getUserFromSession(); } else { $e = new mb_exception("cors_proxy/http/index.php: No userId found in session - delete session after proxied request!"); $userId = PUBLIC_USER; $tmpSession = session_id(); } //check header - see invoking server $headers = apache_request_headers();//from php 5.4 also for php fcgi /*foreach ($headers as $header => $value) { $e = new mb_exception("cors_proxy: http header: $header: $value"); }*/ $originFromHeader = false; foreach ($headers as $header => $value) { if ($header === "Origin") { $originFromHeader = $value; } } if ($originFromHeader == false) { throwExceptionXml('','CORS Proxy don\'t find Origin header from client!'); } //check server against whitelist for cors header if (defined("CORS_WHITELIST") && CORS_WHITELIST != "") { //check if server is in cors whitelist $CORS_WHITELIST_array = explode(" ",CORS_WHITELIST); if (!in_array($originFromHeader,$CORS_WHITELIST_array)) { throwExceptionXml('','Server not found in whitelist of cors_proxy, please check your configuration!'); } else { $corsAllowedFor = $originFromHeader; } } else { throwExceptionXml('','Mapbenders cors_proxy has no whitelist defined, check your configuration!'); } //check if wms has open data licence! //TODO $n = new administration(); //get authentication infos if they are available in wms table! if not $auth = false $auth = $n->getAuthInfoOfWMS($wmsId); if ($auth['auth_type']==''){ unset($auth); } $e = new mb_exception("userId: ".$userId); //check header - see invoking server switch (strtolower($reqParams['request'])) { case 'getmap': $arrayOnlineresources = checkWmsPermission($wmsId, $userId); $query->setOnlineResource($arrayOnlineresources['wms_getmap']); $layers = checkLayerPermission($arrayOnlineresources['wms_id'],$reqParams['layers'],$userId); if($layers===""){ throwE("Permission denied"); die(); } $query->setParam("layers",urldecode($layers));//the decoding of layernames dont make problems - but not really good names will be requested also ;-) $request = $query->getRequest(); $startRequestTime = microtime(true); if(isset($auth)){ getImage($request,$auth); } else { getImage($request); } $endRequestTime = microtime(true); break; case 'map': $arrayOnlineresources = checkWmsPermission($wmsId, $userId); $query->setOnlineResource($arrayOnlineresources['wms_getmap']); $layers = checkLayerPermission($arrayOnlineresources['wms_id'],$reqParams['layers'], $userId); if($layers===""){ throwE("Permission denied"); die(); } $query->setParam("layers",urldecode($layers)); $request = $query->getRequest(); if(isset($auth)){ getImage($url,$auth); } else { getImage($url); } break; default: } //delete tmpSession if ($tmpSession) { $e = new mb_notice("cors_proxy/http/index.php: temporal generated session will be deleted!"); Mapbender::session()->storageDestroy($tmpSession); } $endTime = microtime(true); $e = new mb_exception("cors_proxy/http/index.php: Time of execution: ".(string)($endTime - $startTime). "s - time for getting image: ".($endRequestTime - $startRequestTime)."s - time for script and control: ".(string)(($endTime - $endRequestTime) + ($startRequestTime - $startTime))); //following functions came from owsproxy - maybe they will be better defined in a proxy class itself //checkWmsPermission //checkLayerPermission //throwE //getImage function checkLayerPermission($wms_id,$l,$userId){ global $n; $myl = explode(",",$l); $r = array(); foreach($myl as $mysl){ if($n->getLayerPermission($wms_id, $mysl, $userId) === true){ array_push($r, $mysl); } } $ret = implode(",",$r); return $ret; } /** * validated access permission on requested wms * * @param integer wms_id * @return array array with detailed information about requested wms */ function checkWmsPermission($wmsid,$userId){ global $n; $myguis = $n->getGuisByPermission($userId,true); $mywms = $n->getWmsByOwnGuis($myguis); $sql = "SELECT * FROM wms WHERE wms_id = $1"; $v = array($wmsid); $t = array("i"); $res = db_prep_query($sql, $v, $t); $service = array(); if($row = db_fetch_array($res)){ $service["wms_id"] = $row["wms_id"]; $service["wms_getcapabilities"] = $row["wms_getcapabilities"]; $service["wms_getmap"] = $row["wms_getmap"]; $service["wms_getfeatureinfo"] = $row["wms_getfeatureinfo"]; $service["wms_getcapabilities_doc"] = $row["wms_getcapabilities_doc"]; } if(!$row || count($mywms) == 0){ throwE(array("No wms data for this user available.")); die(); } if(!in_array($service["wms_id"], $mywms)){ throwE(array("Permission denied."," -> ".$service["wms_id"], implode(",", $mywms))); die(); } return $service; } /** * fetch and returns an image to client * * @param string the original url of the image to send */ function getImage($or){ global $reqParams, $corsAllowedFor; header("Content-Type: ".$reqParams['format']); //set cors header if ($corsAllowedFor != false) { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '.$corsAllowedFor); } else { header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '.""); } //log the image_requests to database //log the following to table mb_proxy_log //timestamp,user_id,getmaprequest,amount pixel,price - but do this only for wms to log - therefor first get log tag out of wms! // // if (func_num_args() == 2) { //new for HTTP Authentication $auth = func_get_arg(1); echo getDocumentContent($or,$auth); } else { echo getDocumentContent($or); } } /*********************************************************/ function throwE($e){ global $reqParams, $imageformats; if(in_array($reqParams['format'],$imageformats)){ throwImage($e); } else{ throwText($e); } } function throwImage($e){ global $width,$height; $image = imagecreate($width,$height); $transparent = ImageColorAllocate($image,155,155,155); ImageFilledRectangle($image,0,0,$width,$height,$transparent); imagecolortransparent($image, $transparent); $text_color = ImageColorAllocate ($image, 233, 14, 91); if (count($e) > 1){ for($i=0; $ifile; } /** * Creates an XML Exception according to WMS 1.1.1 * * @return an XML String * @param $errorCode String * @param $errorMessage String */ function throwExceptionXml ($errorCode, $errorMessage) { // see $imp = new DOMImplementation; $dtd = $imp->createDocumentType("ServiceExceptionReport", "", ""); $doc = $imp->createDocument("", "", $dtd); $doc->encoding = 'UTF-8'; $doc->standalone = false; $el = $doc->createElement("ServiceExceptionReport"); $exc = $doc->createElement("ServiceException", $errorMessage); if ($errorCode) { $exc->setAttribute("code", $errorCode); } $el->appendChild($exc); $doc->appendChild($el); header("Content-type: application/xhtml+xml; charset=UTF-8"); header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: '.CORS_WHITELIST); echo $doc->saveXML(); die; } function getUserFromSession() { if (Mapbender::session()->get('mb_user_id')) { if ((integer)Mapbender::session()->get('mb_user_id') >= 0) { $foundUserId = (integer)Mapbender::session()->get('mb_user_id'); } else { $foundUserId = false; } } else { $foundUserId = false; } return $foundUserId; } ?>