wmsId = $wmsId; $wmslogcsv->userId = $userId; $wmslogcsv->timeFrom = $timeFrom; $wmslogcsv->timeTo = $timeTo; $wmslogcsv->mb_user_id = $mb_user_id; $wmslogcsv->listType = $listType; $wmslogcsv->function = $function; if($withContactData != null && strlen($withContactData) > 0){ $wmslogcsv->withContactData = $withContactData; } $wmslogcsv->resultHeader = array(); $wmslogcsv->resultHeaderDisplay = array(); $wmslogcsv->resultData = array(); $wmslogcsv->resultDataDisplay = array(); $wmslogcsv->resultMessage = ""; return $wmslogcsv; } public function handle(){ if($this->function == "getServiceLogs"){ $this->getServiceLogs(); } else if($this->function == "listServiceLogs"){ $this->listServiceLogs(); } else if($this->function == "deleteServiceLogs"){ $this->deleteServiceLogs(); } else if($this->function == "getSum"){ $this->getSum(); } } private function getSum() { $this->getServiceLogs(); if(!empty($this->resultData)) { $rowCount = count($this->resultData[0]); $maxRows = (count($this->resultData) -1); $offset = array(); $data = array(); for($i=0;$i<$rowCount;$i++) { if($this->resultHeader[$i] == 'price') $data[] = array('price', $this->resultData[$maxRows][$i]); else if($this->resultHeader[$i] == 'pixel') $data[] = array('pixel', $this->resultData[$maxRows][$i]); } } $this->resultHeader = array(); $this->resultData = $data; } private function getServiceLogs(){ #function=getServiceLogs&listType=service&serviceType=wms& wmsId=xyz&timeFrom=2012-05-31T12:01&timeTo=2012-05-31T12:12&withContactData=1 #function=getServiceLogs&listType=user& serviceType=wms&userId=xyz&timeFrom=2012-05-31T12:01&timeTo=2012-05-31T12:12 if($this->listType == "service"){ $selectColumns = " m.*,u.mb_user_id,u.mb_user_name"; $selectColumnsDisplay = " m.fkey_wms_id as wms_id,u.mb_user_id,u.mb_user_name, sum(m.pixel) as pixel,sum(m.price) as price"; $groupByForDisplay = " GROUP BY m.fkey_wms_id, u.mb_user_id,u.mb_user_name ORDER BY m.fkey_wms_id DESC"; $join = " INNER JOIN mb_user AS u ON (u.mb_user_id = m.fkey_mb_user_id)"; // $innerjoinContactData = ""; if($this->withContactData !== null && $this->withContactData == "1") { $selectColumns .= ",u.mb_user_firstname,mb_user_lastname" .",u.mb_user_department,u.mb_user_description" .",u.mb_user_email,u.mb_user_phone,u.mb_user_street" .",u.mb_user_housenumber,u.mb_user_postal_code" .",u.mb_user_city"; $groupByForDisplay = " GROUP BY m.fkey_wms_id, u.mb_user_id,u.mb_user_name, u.mb_user_firstname,mb_user_lastname,u.mb_user_department,u.mb_user_description,u.mb_user_email,u.mb_user_phone,u.mb_user_street,u.mb_user_housenumber,u.mb_user_postal_code,u.mb_user_city ORDER BY m.fkey_wms_id DESC"; } $v = array($this->mb_user_id, $this->timeFrom, $this->timeTo); // $v = array($this->wmsId, $this->timeFrom, $this->timeTo, 9415); $t = array('i', "t", "t"); $wmsIdWhere = ""; if($this->wmsId !== null && intval($this->wmsId)> -1){ $v[] = $this->wmsId; $t[] = "i"; $wmsIdWhere = " AND m.fkey_wms_id = $".count($v); } $sql = "SELECT".$selectColumns ." FROM mb_proxy_log AS m INNER JOIN wms AS w ON" ." (m.fkey_wms_id = w.wms_id AND w.wms_owner=$1" .$wmsIdWhere." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp >= $2" ." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp <= $3)".$join; $sqlDisplay = "SELECT".$selectColumnsDisplay ." FROM mb_proxy_log AS m INNER JOIN wms AS w ON" ." (m.fkey_wms_id = w.wms_id AND w.wms_owner=$1" .$wmsIdWhere." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp >= $2" ." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp <= $3)".$join ." ". $groupByForDisplay; $result = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $resultDisplay = db_prep_query($sqlDisplay,$v,$t); $this->readResult($result); $this->readResultDisplay($resultDisplay); } else if($this->listType == "user"){ $selectColumns = " m.*,w.wms_title,w.wms_version,w.wms_abstract"; $selectColumnsDisplay = " m.fkey_wms_id as wms_id,w.wms_title,w.wms_version,w.wms_abstract, sum(m.pixel) as pixel,sum(m.price) as price"; $groupByForDisplay = " GROUP BY m.fkey_wms_id,w.wms_title,w.wms_version,w.wms_abstract ORDER BY m.fkey_wms_id DESC"; $join = ""; // $innerjoinContactData = ""; if($this->withContactData !== null && $this->withContactData == "1") { $selectColumns .= ",u.mb_user_firstname,mb_user_lastname" .",u.mb_user_department,u.mb_user_description" .",u.mb_user_email,u.mb_user_phone,u.mb_user_street" .",u.mb_user_housenumber,u.mb_user_postal_code" .",u.mb_user_city"; $join .= " INNER JOIN mb_user AS u ON (u.mb_user_id = m.fkey_mb_user_id)"; $groupByForDisplay = " GROUP BY m.fkey_wms_id, w.wms_title,w.wms_version,w.wms_abstract,u.mb_user_firstname,mb_user_lastname,u.mb_user_department,u.mb_user_description,u.mb_user_email,u.mb_user_phone,u.mb_user_street,u.mb_user_housenumber,u.mb_user_postal_code,u.mb_user_city ORDER BY m.fkey_wms_id DESC"; } $v = array($this->timeFrom, $this->timeTo, $this->mb_user_id); $t = array("t", "t", "i"); /* GUI start*/ if(intval($this->userId) == -1){ // all users $userWhere = ""; } else { $v[] = $this->userId; $t[] = "i"; $userWhere = " AND m.fkey_mb_user_id = $".count($v); } $wmsIdWhere = ""; if($this->wmsId !== null && strlen($this->wmsId)> 0 && intval($this->wmsId)> -1){ $v[] = $this->wmsId; $t[] = "i"; $wmsIdWhere = " AND m.fkey_wms_id=$".count($v); } /* GUI end*/ $sql = "SELECT ".$selectColumns ." FROM mb_proxy_log AS m INNER JOIN wms AS w ON" ." (m.fkey_wms_id = w.wms_id AND w.wms_owner=$3" .$userWhere." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp >= $1" ." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp <= $2".$wmsIdWhere.")".$join; $sqlDisplay = "SELECT".$selectColumnsDisplay ." FROM mb_proxy_log AS m INNER JOIN wms AS w ON" ." (m.fkey_wms_id = w.wms_id AND w.wms_owner=$3" .$userWhere." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp >= $1" ." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp <= $2".$wmsIdWhere.")".$join ." ". $groupByForDisplay; $result = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $resultDisplay = db_prep_query($sqlDisplay,$v,$t); $this->readResult($result); $this->readResultDisplay($resultDisplay); } } private function listServiceLogs(){ #function=listServiceLogs&listType=service&serviceType=wms& wmsId=xyz&timeFrom=2012-05-31T12:01&timeTo=2012-05-31T12:12&withContactData=1 #function=listServiceLogs&listType=user& serviceType=wms&userId=xyz&timeFrom=2012-05-31T12:01&timeTo=2012-05-31T12:12 #function=listServiceLogs&listType=user& serviceType=wms&userId=xyz&timeFrom=2012-05-31T12:01&timeTo=2012-05-31T12:12&wmsId=xyz if($this->listType == "service"){ $selectColumns = " m.log_id,u.mb_user_id,u.mb_user_name,u.mb_user_department"; $join = " INNER JOIN mb_user AS u ON (u.mb_user_id = m.fkey_mb_user_id)"; if($this->withContactData !== null && $this->withContactData == "1") { $selectColumns .= ",u.mb_user_firstname,mb_user_lastname" .",u.mb_user_street,u.mb_user_housenumber" .",u.mb_user_postal_code,u.mb_user_city"; } $v = array($this->wmsId, $this->timeFrom, $this->timeTo, $this->mb_user_id); // $v = array($this->wmsId, $this->timeFrom, $this->timeTo, 9415); $t = array('i', "t", "t", "i"); $sql = "SELECT".$selectColumns ." FROM mb_proxy_log AS m INNER JOIN wms AS w ON" ." (m.fkey_wms_id = w.wms_id AND w.wms_owner=$4" ." AND m.fkey_wms_id = $1 AND m.proxy_log_timestamp >= $2" ." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp <= $3)".$join ." GROUP BY m.log_id, ".$selectColumns . WmsOwsLogCsv::$LIMIT_SQL . WmsOwsLogCsv::$LIMIT_INT; $result = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $this->readResult($result); } else if($this->listType == "user"){ $selectColumns = " m.log_id,w.wms_id,w.wms_title"; $join = ""; // $innerjoinContactData = ""; if($this->withContactData !== null && $this->withContactData == "1") { $selectColumns .= ",u.mb_user_firstname,mb_user_lastname" .",u.mb_user_department,u.mb_user_description" .",u.mb_user_email,u.mb_user_phone,u.mb_user_street" .",u.mb_user_housenumber,u.mb_user_postal_code" .",u.mb_user_city"; $join .= " INNER JOIN mb_user AS u ON (u.mb_user_id = m.fkey_mb_user_id)"; } $v = array($this->userId, $this->timeFrom, $this->timeTo, $this->mb_user_id); // $v = array($this->userId, $this->timeFrom, $this->timeTo, 9415); $t = array('i', "t", "t", "i"); $whereWms = ""; $sql = "SELECT ".$selectColumns ." FROM mb_proxy_log AS m INNER JOIN wms AS w ON" ." (m.fkey_wms_id = w.wms_id AND w.wms_owner=$4" ." AND m.fkey_mb_user_id = $1 AND m.proxy_log_timestamp >= $2" ." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp <= $3".$whereWms.")".$join ." GROUP BY m.log_id, ".$selectColumns . WmsOwsLogCsv::$LIMIT_SQL . WmsOwsLogCsv::$LIMIT_INT; $result = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $this->readResult($result); } } private function deleteServiceLogs(){ #function=deleteServiceLogs&listType=service&serviceType=wms& wmsId=xyz&timeFrom=2012-05-31T12:01&timeTo=2012-05-31T12:12 #function=deleteServiceLogs&listType=user& serviceType=wms&userId=xyz&timeFrom=2012-05-31T12:01&timeTo=2012-05-31T12:12 #function=deleteServiceLogs&listType=user& serviceType=wms&userId=xyz&timeFrom=2012-05-31T12:01&timeTo=2012-05-31T12:12&wmsId=xyz if($this->listType == "service"){ // $v = array($wmsId, $timeFrom, $timeTo); // $t = array('i', "t", "t"); // $sql = "DELETE FROM mb_proxy_log WHERE fkey_wms_id = $1" // ." AND proxy_log_timestamp >= $2 AND proxy_log_timestamp <= $3"; $v = array($this->timeFrom, $this->timeTo, $this->mb_user_id); $t = array("t", "t", "i"); $sql = "DELETE FROM mb_proxy_log" ." WHERE log_id in(" ." SELECT m.log_id" ." FROM mb_proxy_log AS m INNER JOIN wms AS w ON" ." (m.fkey_wms_id = w.wms_id AND w.wms_owner=$3"; $inOffset = 4; foreach(explode(",",$this->wmsId) as $wms) { $v[] = trim($wms); $t[] = "i"; $inParams[] = "$".$inOffset; $inOffset++; } $sql .= " AND m.fkey_wms_id IN (" .implode(",",$inParams) .")"; $sql .= " AND m.proxy_log_timestamp >= $1" ." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp <= $2)" .")"; $result = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $resnum = pg_affected_rows($result); if($resnum > 0){ $this->resultMessage = $resnum." Log-Datensaetze (DienstId :".$this->wmsId.") wurden erfolgreich geloescht."; } else { $this->resultMessage = "Kein Log-Datensatz (DienstId: ".$this->wmsId.") wurde geloescht."; } } else if($this->listType == "user"){ // $v = array($userId, $timeFrom, $timeTo); // $t = array('i', "t", "t"); // $sql = "DELETE FROM mb_proxy_log WHERE fkey_mb_user_id = $1" // ." AND proxy_log_timestamp >= $2 AND proxy_log_timestamp <= $3"; // if($wmsId !== null && $wmsId != "") { // $sql .= " AND fkey_wms_id = $4"; // $v[] = $wmsId; // $t[] = 'i'; // } $v = array($this->userId, $this->timeFrom, $this->timeTo, $this->mb_user_id); $t = array('i', "t", "t", "i"); $whereWms = ""; if($this->wmsId !== null && $this->wmsId != "") { $whereWms = " AND m.fkey_wms_id IN ("; $inOffset = 5; foreach(explode(",",$this->wmsId) as $wms) { $v[] = trim($wms); $t[] = "i"; $inParams[] = "$".$inOffset; $inOffset++; } $whereWms .= implode(",",$inParams); $whereWms .= ")"; } $sql = "DELETE FROM mb_proxy_log" ." WHERE log_id in(" ." SELECT m.log_id" ." FROM mb_proxy_log AS m INNER JOIN wms AS w ON" ." (m.fkey_wms_id = w.wms_id AND w.wms_owner=$4" ." AND m.fkey_mb_user_id = $1 AND m.proxy_log_timestamp >= $2" ." AND m.proxy_log_timestamp <= $3".$whereWms.")" .")"; $result = db_prep_query($sql,$v,$t); $resnum = pg_affected_rows($result); if($resnum > 0){ if($this->wmsId !== null && $this->wmsId != ""){ $this->resultMessage = $resnum." Log-Datensaetze (DienstId :".$this->wmsId.", UserId: ".$this->userId.") wurden erfolgreich geloescht."; } else { $this->resultMessage = $resnum." Log-Datensaetze (UserId: ".$this->userId.") wurden erfolgreich geloescht."; } } else { if($this->wmsId !== null && $this->wmsId != ""){ $this->resultMessage = "Kein Log-Datensatz (DienstId: ".$this->wmsId.", UserId: ".$this->userId.") wurde geloescht."; } else { $this->resultMessage = "Kein Log-Datensatz (UserId: ".$this->userId.") wurde geloescht."; } } } } private function readResult($result){ $offsetPixel = null; $offsetPrice = null; $sumPixel = 0; $sumPrice = 0; if ($result != false) { $num_fields = pg_num_fields($result); for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++ ){ $field_name = pg_field_name($result , $i); $this->resultHeader[] = $field_name; // keep offsets of prixel and price row if($field_name === "pixel") $offsetPixel = $i; else if($field_name === "price") $offsetPrice = $i; } } $i = 0; while($row = db_fetch_row($result)){ foreach( $row as $key=>$value){ $this->resultData[$i][] = $value; if($key == $offsetPixel) $sumPixel += $value; else if($key == $offsetPrice) $sumPrice += $value; } $i++; } if(!is_null($offsetPixel) || !is_null($offsetPrice)) { for($j=0;$j<$num_fields;$j++) { if($j == $offsetPixel && !is_null($offsetPixel)) { $this->resultData[$i][] = (string)$sumPixel; } else if($j == $offsetPrice && !is_null($offsetPrice)) { $this->resultData[$i][] = (string)$sumPrice; } else { $this->resultData[$i][] = '---'; } } } } private function readResultDisplay($result){ $offsetPixel = null; $offsetPrice = null; $sumPixel = 0; $sumPrice = 0; if ($result != false) { $num_fields = pg_num_fields($result); for ( $i = 0; $i < $num_fields; $i++ ){ $field_name = pg_field_name($result , $i); $this->resultHeaderDisplay[] = $field_name; // keep offsets of prixel and price row if($field_name === "pixel") $offsetPixel = $i; else if($field_name === "price") $offsetPrice = $i; } } $i = 0; while($row = db_fetch_row($result)){ foreach( $row as $key=>$value){ $this->resultDataDisplay[$i][] = $value; if($key == $offsetPixel) $sumPixel += $value; else if($key == $offsetPrice) $sumPrice += $value; } $i++; } if(!is_null($offsetPixel) || !is_null($offsetPrice)) { for($j=0;$j<$num_fields;$j++) { if($j == $offsetPixel && !is_null($offsetPixel)) { $this->resultDataDisplay[$i][] = (string)$sumPixel; } else if($j == $offsetPrice && !is_null($offsetPrice)) { $this->resultDataDisplay[$i][] = (string)$sumPrice; } else { $this->resultDataDisplay[$i][] = '---'; } } } } public function getAsCsv(){ $header = ""; $data = ""; foreach($this->resultHeader as $colname){ $header .= '"'.$colname.'"'.WmsOwsLogCsv::$SEPARATOR_VALUE; } foreach($this->resultData as $row){ $line = ''; foreach( $row as $value){ if ($value == null || $value == ""){ $value = "".WmsOwsLogCsv::$SEPARATOR_VALUE; } else { // if(CHARSET == 'UTF-8'){ // $value = utf8_encode($value); // } $value = str_replace('"', '""', $value); $value = '"'.$value.'"'.WmsOwsLogCsv::$SEPARATOR_VALUE; } $line .= $value; } $data .= trim($line).WmsOwsLogCsv::$SEPARATOR_ROW; } return $header.WmsOwsLogCsv::$SEPARATOR_ROW.$data; } public function getAsArray($function=null) { if($function == "getServiceLogs") { return array( "function"=> $this->function, "header"=> $this->resultHeader, "headerDisplay"=> $this->resultHeaderDisplay, //"data" => $this->resultData, "dataDisplay" => $this->resultDataDisplay, "message" => $this->resultMessage, "error" => "", "limit" => WmsOwsLogCsv::$LIMIT_INT); } else { return array( "function"=> $this->function, "header"=> $this->resultHeader, "headerDisplay"=> $this->resultHeaderDisplay, "data" => $this->resultData, "dataDisplay" => $this->resultDataDisplay, "message" => $this->resultMessage, "error" => "", "limit" => WmsOwsLogCsv::$LIMIT_INT); } } } ?>