Drop your source and thirdparty lib tarballs here. They must be named fdo_rdbms_thirdparty.tar.gz fdo-checkout.tar.gz mapguide-checkout.tar.gz For branch-based builds, append the respective MapGuide and FDO versions to the tarball name. For example if building for MapGuide Open Source 2.6 (with FDO 3.9), your tarballs should be named: * fdo-checkout-3.9.tar.gz * mapguide-checkout-2.6.tar.gz fdo_rdbms_thirdparty.tar.gz is a tarball containing the following directory structure: fdo_rdbms_thirdparty mysql x86 [Put 32-bit MySQL ConnectorC SDK here] x64 [Put 64-bit MySQL ConnectorC SDK here] oracle x86 [Put 32-bit Oracle Instant Client SDK here] x64 [Put 64-bit Oracle Instant Client SDK here] pgsql [Put libpq SDK here] fdo-checkout.tar.gz is a tarball containing the following directory structure: trunk [svn checkout of http://svn.osgeo.org/fdo/trunk] If this is a branch tarball, the folder should be the FDO version number, for example FDO 3.9 tarball should be: 3.9 [svn checkout of http://svn.osgeo.org/fdo/branches/3.9] mapguide-checkout.tar.gz is tarball containing the following directory structure: MgDev [svn checkout of http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/trunk/MgDev] If this is a branch tarball, the folder should be the same, but it should be the svn checkout of the respective branch url, for example MGOS 2.6 tarball should be: MgDev [svn checkout of http://svn.osgeo.org/mapguide/branches/2.6/MgDev]