.. _resource-validation: Resource Validation =================== .. index:: single: Resources; Validating Resource integrity is a very important issue when authoring and publishing data in MapGuide. Doing something as innocuous as deleting a resource may inadvertently break any number of resources that may be depending on it. There are other common scenarios that can cause resource breakage: * You have edited or removed a column in a database table from a Feature Source that is referenced by one or more layers. Rendering of this layer may either break or be incorrect. * You have renamed a Layer Definition that one or more Map Definitions reference. * You have deleted a custom command in a Web Layout that is referenced in a toolbar or menu Most of these scenarios result in usually the same outcome: **You don't see things on the map that you would normally expect to be there.** Fortunately, MapGuide Maestro provides a powerful Resource Validation facility that you can use to validate a given resource against such common scenarios. To validate a resource, right click it in the **Site Explorer** and select the **Validate** context menu item. Upon completion of validation, any warnings or errors are displayed in a dialog for you to review .. figure:: images/validation_results.png *Validation Results Dialog* Any information or warnings encountered during validation do not affect display of the map. These are generally about performance, source data and non-sensical (but not error-causing) configuration values. .. note:: Resource Validation is automatically done by resource editors before saving a resource. If you are confident in your authoring capabilities, this may be unnecessary. An option is available for you to turn this off.